Time Card Report

Time Card Report


Additional Resources

  1. Watch this webinar, Time Compliance Best Practices[start from 15:05], to learn how to configure missing, draft or rejected time reports.

Operations and resource managers are the principal consumers of time card reports.

Questions this report can answer



Who needs to review unapproved time?

By adding the default Time Card Approver Display Name to this report you can identify and notify those approvers who need to review unapproved time.

How much unsubmitted, unapproved time is out there?

A Draft, Rejected and Unapproved Time Card report will quickly provide you with this information.

Permissions and Settings

This report requires the cost center permission Run Time Card Report.

Engagement managers, project managers, and Can Act as PM users can all run the time card report and see time on their own projects. You must search using engagements in cost center to return any results in this case.

Prebuilt Reports

Your installation may include the following prebuilt reports:



Time Card Listing

Provides a basic list detailing resource, role, project, task, date, time and location

Draft, Rejected, and Unapproved Time Cards

Much like the Time Card Listing report, also provides time card status on draft, rejected and unapproved time