Engagement Portfolio Report

Engagement Portfolio Report

The Engagement Portfolio Report is a high level report used to view all engagements that are active at a particular moment in time. Use this report to discover how all engagements are performing by viewing profitability, percent complete, and comparisons to budget. Like the Ginsu report, the engagement portfolio report will show actuals to date using historical time and costs, as well as estimate to complete using projected data.

The other way the engagement portfolio report differs from the Ginsu report is in the level of detail that is available. The engagement portfolio report was intended to be a high-level view, and as such, wasn't designed to give you detailed information such as time-phased data (e.g., week-by-week breakdowns) or detail below the engagement level. Rather, the engagement portfolio report was intended to allow you to identify engagements that are in trouble. You can then use an Engagement report or Ginsu report to drill down into the details.

Who this report is for

This report was designed to provide executives and delivery managers with a high-level overview of the performance of current engagements, regardless of when they started or when they are projected to finish.

Questions this report can answer


How can I get a big picture view of profitability across my organization?

What kind of overall return am I getting based on the cost of my employees?

Looking at the history for a specific client, how profitable have all my engagements been with them?

Permissions and Settings

The Engagement Portfolio report requires the cost center permission Run Engagement Portfolio Report.

Prebuilt Reports

The following prebuilt reporters may be available in your installation.



Portfolio Expense Analysis

This report can be used to examine the effect of project expenses not charged back to clients. It shows the effective rate change caused by this activity, as well as the percentage relative to revenue.

Portfolio Profitability by Engagement

Based on all hours worked on a engagement show the organizational cost, the revenue generated by those hours, your costs, revenue from costs charged to a client, overall project profit and overall project margin.

Portfolio Rate Realization

View System, Contract and Standard revenue across your organization. You can use this to identify revenue leakage through the sales process and project process.

Quickview Chart

A column chart showing Project Margin, Contract Revenue and System Revenue.