Accounting FAQ
- Time Accounting Transactions
- Treat Costs as Fees (TCAF)
- Correcting transactions sent to an accounting system
- Reconciling WIP Accounts
- VAT for Multiple Receivable Accounts
- FX Rates, Expenses, Invoicing, and Reports
Budgets FAQ
Email Notifications
- Sources of Projector-generated Email
- I did not receive an email
- Skill Emails
- Expense Emails
- Engagement and Project Emails
- System Emails
- Time Emails
- Invoice Emails
- Projector e3 Notifications
- ProjectorBI Emails
- Report Emails
Engagement FAQ
- How do I set up ongoing non-billable projects
- How to make a billable project non-billable and vice versa
- How do I change the Engagement Type
- How do I set engagement currency
- Change an Engagement's Cost Center
Error Messages
- Error - The booked resource for this role cannot be changed
- Error - This project rate type is referenced as the default...
- Error - No permitted cost center selected
- Error - Task cannot be indented
- Error - This adjustment cannot be applied to multiple cards for different resources at once
- Error - This task type cannot be deleted because it is in use by at least one task
- Error - Unable to save resource because there are multiple time off records
- Error - The project rate type cannot be deleted because there is at least one project task type that references it
- Error - Could not render invoice with receipts
- Error - You do not have permission to update this item
- Error - A time card cannot be approved
- Error - Name is required
- Error - Non-billable engagements must use the engagement's currency
- Error - No accounting periods are currently open for time or expense entry
- Error - An Error Occurred While Sending the Invoice E-mail
- Error - This action would result in the approval of one or more payment vouchers with negative total disbursed amount
- Error - Your latest transaction batch has not been fully calculated
- Error - This resource cannot be deleted because it is in use elsewhere in the system
- Error 10004 - The specified session ticket is invalid
- Error - Payment voucher cannot be approved because there is no accounting period open for A/P transactions
- Error - DTM cannot be disabled for this project because of invoicing activity involving the project
- Error - Task cannot be indented because linked to engagement milestone
- Error - Please specify a standard rate type for all project rate types
- Error - Please select a cost center to restrict time entry to
- Error - sorry this time off reason is no longer active
- Error - Unable to connect to server. Try again
- Error - You do not have permission to clone projects in the specified stage
- Error - Change to engagement cost center are limited to those for which the engagement's cost center's company would be unchanged
- Error - Revenue recognition cannot be completed when there are approved hours in excess of contracted hours during this period
- Error - There is no accounting period open for AR entries
- Error - Sorry this project is not open for expense entry
- Error - Contract line item cannot be deleted
- Error - Cannot clone a project that uses an inactive rate card
- Error - cannot change contract attributes because contract type is currently in use
- Error - Projector could not create the Excel file due to an Excel bug
Expense Entry FAQ
- Expense report approval does not prompt to create payment voucher
- Printing or Downloading Receipts
- Expense report costs may not have non-zero client amount overrides
- Recurring Expenses
- Error - Failed to upload document Password protected PDF files are not supported
- Printable Expense Reports
- Per Diems
- How to enter company credit card expenses
- Optimizing Expense Report Queries
Integration FAQ
- QuickBooks FAQ
- There is no response from QuickBooks Online
- QuickBooks Online - 6140 Duplicate Document Number Error
- Projector was unable to open a connection to your QuickBooks company file
- Error 3140 - Invalid reference to NameList
- InvoiceAddRs 3140 - There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks Item in the invoice line
- Character Limitations in QuickBooks
- QuickBooks Online and Multiple AR or AP accounts
- Error 3140 - Invalid reference to KlassList in ClassRef
- Could not interpret response from QuickBooks Online
- Disconnecting from QuickBooks Online
- Status Code 3171 - An attempt was made to modify on or before the closing date of the company
- Business Validation Error: One or more transaction lines do not have a tax code
- Upload QuickBooks Accounting Log
- Intacct FAQ
- Failed Accounting Transactions
- Delete Accounting Transaction
- Reapply Mappings to Accounting Transactions
- Microsoft Dynamics GP FAQ
- CRM Integrations
Invoicing FAQ
- How do I create and issue invoices in batches?
- How do I credit a customer money back or change the amount of a cost or time card?
- How come my invoice adjustments don't show up in my reports
- How do I print multiple invoices at once?
- How come I cannot edit this invoice?
- How should I apply a late fee to my customers?
- I need one consolidated invoice for my client, why did two invoices get created?
- How can I view the invoicing data for an entire engagement?
- Why are my rates off by a penny?
- Receipt Scaling
- How come I can't issue this invoice?
- How do I print or save many invoices at once?
- How do I email my invoices?
- PDF cannot be included on invoice
- How come when I click 'Create Invoices' and run a query for projects nothing shows up?
- How do I add a time card or a cost card to my billable project?
- Invoicing ongoing software, licensing, or support fees
- How to discount issued invoice and apply the credit to a later invoice
- Invoice cannot be issued. Time or cost WIP A/R items differ among engagements on invoice.
- Three oranges for a dollar
- Invoice Browser Triangle Warning Symbol
- Zero dollar time and cost cards
- Approved time and cost cards are not available for invoicing
- How to transfer prepayment
- How to model discounts
- Client does not pay invoice or underpays invoice
- How to clear deferred revenue on fixed price cost contracts
- What determines invoice currency
- Hourly vs. Daily Billing
- Prepayment Invoices
- When to Use a Credit Memo
- My invoice has the wrong settings
- FX Rates and Invoices
- Fixed Price Invoicing
- Purchase Orders
Manage Expenses FAQ
Management Portal FAQ
- Login Screen Not Shown - Password Saved
- Clear IsolatedStorage Folder
- Can't choose different tabs on my Mac
- macOS - Management Portal updates
- Text Gets Cut Off in Management Portal
- Your administrator has blocked this application because it potentially poses a security risk to your computer
- Uninstall Management Portal on macOS
- Uninstall Management Portal on Windows
- No File Association for .application files
- Can I use Projector on my Mac
- Limited Access Flag
- Bottoms of Windows Are Cut Off
- Can't log out on my Mac
- Upload Message Log
Manage Time FAQ
- Transfer Overages - non adjustable contract line items
- Limit to time cards awaiting my approval maximum card count exceeded
Microsoft Excel
- Excel Column and Row Lookup via Index and Match
- Oldest or Newest Date in Pivot Table
- Adding Your Own Calculations to a Pivot Table
- Additional Pivot Table Resources
- Bulk Data Loading
- Can I prevent resources from being overbooked?
- Clear Cookies
- Company Name Change
- How am I billed for users and resources
- How We Handle Bug Reports and Product Feedback
- Number Customization
- Numbering Schemes
- Paper copy of documentation
- Sandboxes (Test Installations)
- Session Length
- SPI Research PS Benchmark Survey Reporting Package
- Webinars and Video Tutorials
- Year End Checklist
Project FAQ
- Clone Project - rate types and task types will not be copied
- Maximum number of projects
- The numbers on my task status or budget tab are wrong
- How to add non-billable time to billable projects
- I cannot change the project start date
- How do I delete this project
- How do I delete this role
- Create Engagement Contract and Project Wizard
- What is a lock
- How to find a closed project
Rates FAQ
- How are rates applied to time cards?
- How are resource direct cost (RDC) rates applied?
- How do I find where a rate card is being used?
- How do I make my old projects use my new rate card?
- How do I migrate to a new rate card?
- How do I update my mileage rates?
- Multiple RDC Rates
- If I update a rate card used on a project, what happens to the time cards?
- I need to create a new set of rates for the new year. Where can I do this?
- My rates are basically the same as last year, do I have to retype all of them in?
- What happens if I change a rate on an active, in-use rate card from the Administration, Rate Management, Rate Cards area?
- Will new projects use the new rate card?
- Will old projects use a new rate card?
- Who can view RDC
- As a result of this change time cards will have outdated contract or billing adjusted rates
- As a result of this change time cards will have outdated contract rates
Reports FAQ
- Excel and Projector
- Utilization Report FAQ
- How do I search in projector reports?
- My report shows Blank for a row field
- We need to create reports on profitability, but don't want people to see salary information. How do we set this up?
- When we run reports on expenses, our reports often come up blank. Why is this?
- How do reports handle things like a resource that moves from one location to another or who gets promoted?
- Report ID
- Explain the different types of revenue in Projector
- Why are rates calculating to large number of decimal places?
- Billable, Chargeable, Non-Billable, and Time Off
- Exception Reporting
- Missing Time Calculation
- My operational reports do not match my accounting system
- Reporting on PTO Balances
- How come budget numbers in my reports are huge
- Excel and Access Refresh Files
- Excel Pivot Tables
- Excel Charts
- Excel Spreadsheets
Revenue Recognition FAQ
- Recognized Revenue Reports show <blank> for the project name
- Percent complete is over 100% after revenue recognition
- Percent Complete Examples
- Revenue earned by date is before cutoff date
- Zero Hour Revenue Recognition Period
- Why are incremental and period revenue recognized missing for some of my revenue recognition runs?
Scheduling FAQ
- Calendar Subscriptions
- Resource Scheduling Tab Has Grayed Out Cells
- Alien Resources
- Reverting a role to unnamed
Search FAQ
Smartsheet Task Plans in Projector Web FAQ
- Are there default Projector task planning templates you can share with us in Smartsheet?
- Where can I get Smartsheet training or tutorials?
- How to I update hours remaining for a task? How about percent complete?
- Why is the data in the embedded Smartsheet different than what I see elsewhere in Projector
- Will deleting task in Smartsheet delete entered time from a resource's timesheet in Projector?
- How do I move the data from the deleted tasks section into the main portion of the task plan?
- Why am I seeing "Template with id of 1234567890123456 does not exist, or is not accessible by the Smartsheet Integration as provisioned." ?
- Does Projector connect to Smartsheet.gov or Smartsheet.eu?
Time Entry FAQ
- Settings Affecting Time
- Zero Hour Time Cards
- All days are marked Closed
- For Reporting Only Time Cards - FRO
- How to model overtime
- Nobody Can Approve My Time
- You are not permitted to add time to this project
- Printable Timesheets
- You are reporting more time off hours than your expected working hours
- Optimizing Large Time Sheets
- How to enter time for someone else
- Only people assigned to this task can submit time
- How to prevent users from entering too much time
Time Zones
Use Actuals Through Date
- Why isn't the Use Actuals Through Date today
- Why Does the Use Actuals Through Date Default to the End of the Week
- Where is the Use Actuals Through Date Used
- Use Actuals Through Date, System Revenue, and Reports
Warning Messages
- Warning - Your change will cause periods of overlap, during which multiple rate exceptions will be in effect
- Warning - One or more time cards extend beyond the project's start date / One or more time cards extend beyond the project's end date
- Warning - Requested criteria for this resource has been changed
- Warning - Projector could not connect to the server to check for updates
- Warning - Your company has exceeded its Projector storage space
- Warning - Projector could not update one or more of its components from the network
- Warning - The total contract revenue amount on eligible time cards is zero
- Warning - System Update Required
- Warning - Time or time off cards were not rejected because they have already been approved or rejected
Web Browser Support
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