Utilization Report

Utilization Report

The Utilization Report focuses on resources and displays their utilization by percent, hours, whole resource profit, and missing time. By understanding the notion of a "whole resource" this report can tell you not only what your people are working on - billing vs. selling - but also what portion of their time is as yet unaccounted for. This unaccounted for time could represent availability when it is in the future or a missing timesheet when it is in the past. The utilization report also understands what it means to be a salaried employee... that you will get paid the same amount whether you worked 6 hours last Monday or 12. As such, while the utilization report is obviously a good place to start if you want to understand utilization, it's also a great source of information about whole resource profitability, availability, and time entry compliance.

If you are interested in tracking utilization at the project level, please see How do I view utilization by project? The only exception being for utilization by engagement type. You can do that here.

Additional Resources

  1. Watch this e3 webinar, Topic of the Day: Utilization for an overview on Utilization in Projector.
  2. Watch this webinar, Time Compliance Best Practices[start from 19:38], to learn where to find missing time.

Who this report is for

Operations and resource managers are the principal consumers of utilization reports.

Permissions and Settings

The ability to run this report is driven by the cost center permission Run Utilization Report.

Questions this report can answer



Are my hourly employees overworked?

By running a capacity based utilization report you can see whether your hourly workers are above or below 100% utilization. If you find some are greater than 100% then you may be overworking them.

Do I need to add or reduce resources?

By running a capacity based utilization report you can see whether your employees are under/over capacity - allowing you to see whether you need to add to or reduce your work force.

Who are my most productive workers?

By running a yield management utilization report you can see whether you are getting 100% yield, < 100% or > 100% out of your workers. You can add in data fields for Resource Margin and Resource Profit to break down their productivity even further.

Are some workers not pulling their weight?

By running a capacity based utilization report you can find employees who are underutilized.

Utilization Basis Hours, Yield and Capacity

Additional Resources

The Topic of the Day: Utilization webinar is a great resource to learn about managing and measuring resource utilization with Projector. (go to 14:21)

Utilization Basis Hours

One of the key ideas of a utilization report is called Utilization Basis Hours (UBH). UBH is a fancy way of saying these are the number of hours I expect my employees to work. So if an employee has a 40 hour work-week then their UBH would be 40. Things like holidays and time off can affect this number. Once you know how many hours you expect your resources to work you can start calculating how effectively they are utilized. For example if a resource worked 20 hours for a 40 hour work week then you know they were only half used. See the Permissions and Settings section below to learn more about how your UBH is calculated. 

Full Time Equivalents

Full Time Equivalents (FTE's) are a unique concept to utilization reports. FTE is a means of measuring on a person basis as opposed to an hours basis. To learn more about FTE's and how they can help your organization please see the Measuring Utilization how-to.

Yield vs. Capacity

Another key idea of utilization reports is the calculation method, Yield or Capacity. If you are running a report it is very important to understand which of the two you are using and why. Yield shows you how much you are getting out of your workforce compared to what you pay them. Capacity shows you how much you are getting out of your workforce compared to what they can do. The simplest comparison between the two is someone you reimburse hourly. An hourly person only gets paid when they work. So their yield is always 100%. Doesn't matter if they work zero hours, one hour, or a hundred hours in a week. Capacity shows how much you are getting vs. what they could be doing. If that hourly employee only works one hour, then there are 39 more hours in the week they could have worked. They are 1/40 utilized. The two methods answer very different questions. 

The chart below explains these two concepts. 

Calculation Method


Yield Management

How much work are you getting out of your delivery organization as compared to what you are paying for? If a user worked many hours, but generated very little revenue then they have a low yield. The calculation is based upon how resources are compensated.

  • Salaried Workers - When used less than their UBH hours then they are underutilized and yield is < 100%. When used more than their UBH hours then they are overutilized and yield is > 100%.
  • Salaried Workers with Overtime - Like salaried, when used less than their UBH hours then they are underutilized and yield is < 100%. When working more than their UBH hours the yield stops at 100% because you are paying them for that work. 
  • Hourly Workers - The yield of hourly workers is always 100% because they only work on an as-needed basis.

    In this example there is a resource for each compensation type. There are then three columns that represent weeks where the workers worked less than their UBH hours, more than their UBH hours and exactly the number of hours expected. The orange rows are the yield for each worker by week. 

    Notice that the numbers for each column may change depending on worker type.

Capacity Management

How much work are you getting out of your delivery organization as compared to what the full potential is? If you have many employees who are available, but not working, then you are running under capacity. 

  • Unlike with yield management, how your workers are compensated does not affect capacity. When a resource works less than their UBH hours per week they are under capacity. When working more than their UBH hours per week they are over capacity.

    In this example there is a resource for each compensation type. There are then three columns that represent weeks where the workers worked less than their UBH hours, more than their UBH hours and exactly the number of hours expected. The orange rows are the capacity for each worker by week.

    Notice that the numbers are exactly the same for each column regardless of compensation type. 

Permissions and Settings

This report requires the cost center permission Run Utilization Report.

Permission or Setting


Calculate RDC Basis as

A system setting that controls how the Utilization Basis Hours (UBH) are calculated for Yield

Calculate Capacity-Based Utilization Basis Hours AsA system setting that controls how the Utilization Basis Hours (UBH) are calculated for Capacity

Calculate Utilization For

A system setting that controls whether Yield or Capacity is the default utilization measurement. This setting can be overridden on a per report basis from the parameters tab.

Resource Direct Cost (RDC) Data

Global permission required to view the following report data fields - Resource Direct Cost, Resource Direct Rate, Resource Margin, Resource Profit and Resource ROI. Must be used in conjunction with the Financial Data in Utilization Reports permission.

Financial Data in Utilization Reports

Global Permission required to view the following report data fields - Resource Direct Cost, Resource Direct Rate, Resource Margin, Resource Profit and Resource ROI. Must be used in conjunction with the* Resource Direct Cost (RDC) Data* permission.

Include Engagements of this type in Busy Hours on Utilization Reports

An engagement type setting that governs whether an engagement affects utilization busy hours.

Prebuilt Reports

Your installation may include the following prebuilt reports.



Resource Availability

Gain insight into how busy your employees are in the future. View available % and available hours broken down by billable, busy and total available. See data fields to learn more about the difference between billable, busy and available hours.

Billable & Missing Hours

Find out how much billable time or missing time has been reported.

Utilization by Engagement Type

View percent time spent and hours spent on General and Administrative, Pitch and Training engagements. If you wish to add additional engagement types then you can do so from the Hours Fields area.

Utilization by Cost Center Trend Chart

View a line chart of the % of billable work broken down by cost center.

Utilization by Department Chart

View a column chart of the percent time spent on G&A, Training and Pitch engagements by resource department.

Hours by Cost Center and Department Chart

View a stacked column chart showing how many billable hours each department generates for each cost center. Useful for visualizing how many billable hours each department generates per cost center.

Billable Hours by Department Trend Chart

View a stacked area chart showing billable hours by department. Visualize how many billable hours each department is generating.

Hours by Engagement Type Chart

View a pie chart showing G&A, Pitch and Training hours.


How do I track whether my resources are reporting enough billable hours?

Organizations often require their resources to report a minimum number of billable hours per week or month.

  • On the parameters tab set the Calculate Utilization for dropdown to yield.
  • Add the following row field to your report:

    Row Field

    Resource Display Name

  • Add the following data fields to your report:

    Data Field


    Billable Type Hours

    The number of billable hours

    Billable Type Percent

    Percentage of UBH dedicated towards billable work

  • Optionally add these additional data fields:



    Nonbillable Type Hours

    The number of nonbillable hours

    Nonbillable Type Percent

    Percentage of UBH dedicated towards nonbillable work

    Missing Type Hours

    Similar to billable/nonbillable described above

    Missing Type Percent

    Similar to billable/nonbillable described above

    Total Hours

    Total of billable and nonbillable hours

    Total Percent

    Percent that is yielded. If less than 100% then resources could be reporting more hours. If more than 100% then they are working more than expected.

From the resulting report you will see the total number of billable hours and what percent of their time is dedicated to billable work. We have also included nonbillable time and total time so that you can see whether the reason for not meeting their billable requirements are because of missing time or nonbillable time. Finally we include total hours/percent so that you can see if your resources are overworking themselves to meet billable requirements.

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