Project Portfolio Report - Parameters

Project Portfolio Report - Parameters



Exclude contract line items containing only closed projects with end dates prior to:

If all projects under a CLI are closed, the projects are not included in the report. A project is determined to be closed based on the current stage.

If any single project is still open under a CLI, all projects under that CLI are included.

Use Actuals Through

The report will include actual (historical) data through and including this time period. The report will include projected data after this time period.

Cost Center

Include a project only if it is in or beneath the chosen cost center.


Choose the currency in which monetary values will be reported.

Include billable projects only

Exclude projects whose engagement type is not one of the billable types.

Include requested hours in projections

The report always includes booked hours. If checked, the report will replace booked hours with current requested hours where the two are different.

Include unapproved hours in actuals

Check this box to include hours that have been submitted but not yet approved or rejected.

Include unapproved expenses in actuals

Check to include expenses submitted but not yet approved or rejected.

Use whole-day RDC

When calculating a resource's direct cost, use the number of individual days worked as opposed to the number of hours worked.

Exclude pass-through costs

With this box checked the report will not include any ODC with a passthrough expense type

Factor projected data

Check to factor each project's projected data by the percent likelihood specified on the project.