Forecast Accuracy Report - Row Fields
Forecast Accuracy Report - Row Fields
The following row fields are available in the Forecast Accuracy Report.
User Defined Fields (UDF) for Client, Engagement, Project, Role, and Resource are available to this report. The UDF name will be prefixed by its type. For example, the resource UDF "birthday" is listed as "Resource birthday."
For each client level defined in your installation, a field is added to this report. For example, if your installation has client levels "Division" "Department," then "Division Name" and "Department Name" are available fields.
Field Name | Description |
Client Level | For each client level defined in your installation, a field is added to this report. For example, if your installation has client levels "Division" "Department," then "Division Name" and "Department Name" are available fields. |
Contract Line Item Code | The contract line item number. This is a unique identifier for the contract line item. |
Contract Line Item Name | The contract line item name |
Detailed Task Management Enabled (Y/N) | If set to 'true', detailed task management is set up for the project. |
Engagement | Engagements represent a contract in Projector. This field contains the engagement name and code. |
Engagement Billable (Yes/No) | If set to 'true', the engagement is a billable |
Engagement Company | The company associated with the engagement |
Engagement Country | The country associated with the engagement |
Engagement Manager | The engagement manager |
Engagement Display Name | The engagment manager's display name |
Engagement Email Address | The engagement manager's email address |
Engagement UID | A unique and immutable identifier for an engagement |
Engagement Name | The engagement name |
Engagement Primary Cost Center Name | The name of the primary cost center associated with the engagement |
Engagement Primary Cost Center Number | The cost center number of the primary cost center associated with the engagement |
Engagement Primary Cost Center UID | A unique and immutable identifier for the primary cost center |
Engagement Productive (Yes/No) | Projector helps you manage a bunch of different flavors of utilization, chief among them chargeable and productive. Loosely put, chargeable utilization represents hours spent generating revenue. Productive utilization represents hours logged to engagement types that you deem “productive.” If 'true' this engagement is associated with engagement type that has been defined as 'productive'. |
Engagement Stage | The engagement stage |
Engagement Stage UID | A unique and immutable identifier for an engagement stage. |
Engagement Type | The engagement type |
Engagement Type UID | A unique and immutable identifier for an engagement type. |
Expense Approval Workflow Rule | Each expense must go through three separate approvals. They are:
Forecast Date | Thie report measures the accuracy of forecasts made on each of the Forecast Dates for the specified work period |
Latest Project Note | The most recent project note |
Primary Client Inactive (Yes/No) | If set to 'true' the primary client associated with the engagement is inactive |
Primary Client Name | The primary client name |
Primary Client Number | The primary client number. This is a unique identifer for the client. |
Primary Client UID | A unique and immutable identifier for a client |
Project | The project name and code |
Project Code | The project code is a unique identifier for the project |
Project Created By | The display name of the project creator |
Project Created On | The date the project was created |
Project Description | The project descirption |
Project End Date | The project end date |
Project Last Updated By | The display name of the user who made the last update |
Project Last Updated On | The date of the last project update |
Project Location | The project location |
Project Manager | The project manager |
Project Manager Display Name | The project manager's display name |
Project Manager Email Address | The project manager's email address |
Project Manager UID | A unique and immutable identifier for a client |
Project Name | The project name |
Project Revenue and Hours Mapping | The mapping of revenue percentages via one or more cost centers |
Project Stage | This structure contains the unique key fields associated with a project stage |
Project Stage UID | A unique and immutable identifier for a project stage |
Project Start Date | The project start date |
Project UID | A unique and immutable identifier for a project |
Projected Hours End Date | The end date for the projected hours |
Projected Hours Start Date | The start date for the projected hours |
Resource | The resource associated with the project role |
Resource Company | The company associated with the resource |
Resource Country | The country associated with the resource |
Resource Department | The department associated with the resource |
Resource Display Name | The resource's display name |
Resource Email Address | The resource's email address |
Resource Employee ID | The resourcce's employee id. This is a unique identifier for a resource. |
Resource First Name | The resource's first name |
Resource Last Name | The resource's last name |
Resource Location | The resource's location |
Resource Middle Name | The resource's middle name |
Resource Notes | Notes associated with the resource |
Resource Primary Cost Center Name | The resource's primary cost center name |
Resource Primary Cost Center Number | The resource's primary cost center number. This is a unique identifier for a cost center. |
Resource Temporary Worker (Yes/No) | If set to 'true', the resource is defined as a temporary worker |
Resource Time Approver Display Name | The display name of the resource's time approver |
Resource Time Approver Email Address | The email address of the resouce's time approver |
Resource Time Approver UID | A unique and immutable identifier for a resource's time approver |
Resource Title | The resource's title |
Resource Type | The resource type associated with the resource |
Resource Type Code | The resource type code. This is a unique identifier for a resource type |
Resource UID | A unique and immutable identifier for a resource |
Revenue Recognition Method | The method of revenue recognition selected for a contract line item. This can be P (Percent Complete) or R (Revenue Schedule). For percent complete, revenue is recognized by determining the percent complete based upon actual and scheduled data, sensitive to the account's selected percent complete algorithm. For revenue schedule, revenue is recognized according to a schedule laid out for the contract line item, consisting of (usually uniform) time buckets, with a scheduled revenue amount entered for each bucket. Revenue is recognized bucket by bucket (i.e. you cannot recognize revenue as of an arbitrary date that may fall within a bucket). |
Role | The role name and number |
Role Description | The role description |
Role End Date | The role's end date |
Role Start Date | The role's start date |
Time Contract Amount | The Time Contract Amount |
Time Contract Amount Less Holdback | The Time Contract Amount minus the holdback |
Time Contract Terms | The time contract terms |
Time Holdback Amount | The Time Holdback Amount |
Time Holdback Percent | The Time Holdback Percent |