Accounting Analysis Report - Row Fields
The available fields for this report are listed below alphabetically. The following UDFs are available. Client, Engagement, Project, Resource, Time Card, and Cost Card.
Field | Field Category | Description |
Accounting Period Code | Transaction Fields | Accounting period code |
Accounting Period Name | Transaction Fields | Accounting period name |
Accounting System Voucher Number | Transaction Fields | Accounting system identifier for the transaction |
Client Name | Client Fields | Client name |
Client Number | Client Fields | Client number |
Company Name | Transaction Fields | Company name |
Company Number | Transaction Fields | Company number |
Confirmed Timestamp | Transaction Fields | Time that the accounting system confirmed the transaction |
Cost Card Description | Cost Card Fields | Cost Card Description |
Cost Center Name | Transaction Fields | Cost center name |
Cost Center Number | Transaction Fields | Cost center number |
Credit Memo (Y/N) | Invoice Fields | Yes = this is a credit memo transaction |
Details Exist (Y/N) | Transaction Fields | Yes if there are detail records associated with the transaction |
Engagement | Engagement Fields |
Engagement Billable (Yes/No) | Engagement Fields | Yes if the engagement is a billable type |
Engagement Billing Address Attention | Engagement Fields |
Engagement Billing Address City | Engagement Fields |
Engagement Billing Address Company Name | Engagement Fields |
Engagement Billing Address Country | Engagement Fields |
Engagement Billing Address Line 1 | Engagement Fields |
Engagement Billing Address Line 2 | Engagement Fields |
Engagement Billing Address State/Province | Engagement Fields |
Engagement Billing Address Zip/PostalCode | Engagement Fields |
Engagement Busy (Yes/No) | Engagement Fields | Yes if the engagement is a busy type (which includes all billable types) |
Engagement Code | Engagement Fields |
Engagement Company | Engagement Fields | The name of the company associated with the engagement's cost center |
Engagement Company Number | Engagement Fields | The number of the company associated with the engagement's cost center |
Engagement Cost Center Name | Engagement Fields |
Engagement Cost Center Number | Engagement Fields |
Engagement Manager | Engagement Fields |
Engagement Manager Display Name | Engagement Fields |
Engagement Manager Email Address | Engagement Fields |
Engagement Name | Engagement Fields |
Engagement Stage | Engagement Fields | Name of the engagement stage |
Engagement Type | Engagement Fields |
Expense Document Name | Expense Document Fields | Name of the expense report or vendor invoice |
Expense Document Number | Expense Document Fields | Identifying number associated with the expense report or vendor invoice |
Expense Document Type | Expense Document Fields | Expense Report, Vendor Invoice, or Soft Cost |
Expense Location | Cost Fields | Location in which the expense was incurred |
Expense Type | Transaction Fields | Expense type |
GL Account Number | Transaction Fields | G/L accountnumber |
GL Cost Center Number | Transaction Fields | G/L cost center number |
GL Currency Code | Transaction Fields | G/L currency code |
Invoice Number | Transaction Fields | Invoice number |
Operating Period Code | Transaction Fields | Operating period code |
Operating Period Name | Transaction Fields | Operating period name |
Payment Voucher Date | Payment Voucher Fields | Date on which the associated vendor invoices were presented for payment |
Payment Voucher Number | Payment Voucher Fields | Unique identifier for the payment voucher |
Payment Voucher Reconciliation Complete Flag | Payment Voucher Fields | Yes = reconciliation is complete |
Project | Project Fields |
Project Code | Project Fields |
Project Description | Project Fields | Limited to 255 characters to support Excel 2003. Please use the Report Web Services if you require the full description. |
Project End Date | Project Fields | The latest date for which time or cost can be incurred for this project |
Project Location | Project Fields |
Project Manager | Project Fields |
Project Manager Display Name | Project Fields |
Project Manager Email Address | Project Fields |
Project Name | Project Fields |
Project Stage | Project Fields | Name of the project stage |
Project Start Date | Project Fields | The earliest date for which time or cost can be incurred for this project |
Projector Transaction Number | Transaction Fields | Projector identifier for the transaction |
Reconciliation Item Notes | Payment Voucher Fields | Payment voucher reconciliation item notes |
Resource Company | Resource Fields | The name of the company associated with the resource's cost center |
Resource Company Number | Resource Fields | The number of the company associated with the resource's cost center |
Resource Cost Center Name | Resource Fields |
Resource Cost Center Number | Resource Fields |
Resource Display Name | Resource Fields |
Resource Employee ID | Resource Fields |
Resource First Name | Resource Fields |
Resource Last Name | Resource Fields |
Resource Middle Name | Resource Fields |
Time Card Description | Time Card Fields | Time Card Description |
Transaction Action | Transaction Fields | Approve, Unapprove, Issue, Void |
Transaction Batch Close Time | Transaction Fields | Time that the batch was closed (applies to G/L transactions only) |
Transaction Batch Number | Transaction Fields | Sequentially assigned batch number. |
Transaction Date | Transaction Fields | Either the time card work date or the cost card incurred date |
Transaction Notes | Transaction Fields | Notes associated with the transaction |
Transaction Record Code | Transaction Fields | Unique identifier for the transaction record. There can be more than one transaction record per transaction for GL transactions. |
Transaction Status | Transaction Fields | Pending, Transmitted, Confirmed, Failed, or Void |
Transaction Subtype | Transaction Fields | Direct, Intercompany, Time WIP, Cost WIP, etc. |
Transaction Type | Transaction Fields | GL, AR, or AP |
Vendor Name | Vendor Fields |
Vendor Number | Vendor Fields |
Vendor's Invoice Date | Vendor Fields | Date of the vendor's invoice |
Vendor's Invoice Number (Expense Document) | Expense Document Fields | Vendor's invoice number as displayed on the vendor invoice |
Vendor's Invoice Number (Payment Voucher) | Payment Voucher Fields | Vendor's invoice number as displayed on the payment voucher |
Work Location | Hours Fields | Location where the work was performed |