Measuring Utilization - Utilization Report

Measuring Utilization - Utilization Report

The Utilization report is about whole resources. This makes it possible to understand resource utilization across your entire organization. For example if your resources are over/under allocated or the type/number of hours worked.

Ginsu Report

If you want more granularity to analyze your resources by specific projects, roles, or task codes then you need to use the Ginsu report (with one exception: you can filter out projects with low likelihood.) Along this same vein, the utilization report will give you generalized holiday time and time off, but if you wish to see specifics you will need to use the Ginsu report.

Additional Resources

The Topic of the Day: Utilization webinar is a great resource to learn about managing and measuring resource utilization with Projector. (go to 14:21)

The Utilization report computes utilization based on a range of engagement types and enables comparison of utilization rates in the same report. All utilization computations use the same denominator, as determined by the RDC basis and the utilization calculation method. They vary in terms of the numerator. There are a large number of predefined utilization metrics available, however most can be divided into the following broad categories. A more detailed chart can be found at the bottom of this article.


The actual number of hours devoted to a utilization category, such as hours worked, billable hours worked or available hours to work.


A percentage of a resource's utilization based on how your installation is set to measure RDC. See Measuring Utilization to read about Projector's RDC settings and how they affect utilization measurements.

Full Time Equivalent (FTE)

The most precise way to compare resource supply and demand is to use hours, as hours always represent the same amount of time. However, a user may prefer to think in terms of people, not hours. Therefore Projector enables reporting based on FTEs (full-time equivalents). The formula used is

  • (Hours / FTE-Hours) = FTE.
  • FTE-Hours are the difference between the resource's location's normal working hours and the holiday hours. For example:
    • If a resource is scheduled to work 32 hours in a week that has no holidays then the demand for that resource is 0.8 FTEs, and the supply is 1 FTE.
    • If a resource is scheduled to work 32 hours in a week that has one 8-hours holiday then the demand and supply are both 1 FTE.

Whenever resource demand is specified in Projector there is always a resource location specified, so the number of hours in an FTE is never ambiguous.

Vacation hours are not considered in the computation of FTEs because resources in the same location will have different vacation schedules, which would make it difficult to compare supply and demand using FTEs.

Subtracting holidays is somewhat problematic when resourcing from locations with different holiday schedules, but that is the nature of using the FTE metric.

The computation of an FTE is dependent on the Major and Minor timescale set on the column fields tab of the utilization report. For example, if you report supply and demand by week then 1 FTE is 1 resource working all FTE hours that week – one person-week. If you run a report for an entire year and break the report into monthly time buckets then a person who is available to work all year will appear as 1 FTE each month, and 12 FTEs (12 person-months) for the entire year.


A headcount of one is calculated for each resource available to work in the specified time period. Therefore a resource that is active for only one day carries the same headcount as a resource that is active an entire month. If you want to understand capacity at a more granular level then it makes more sense to use an hours or FTE utilization report.

The headcount is calculated in a similar way as FTE's. If you run a report for an entire year and break the report into monthly time buckets then a person who is available to work all year will appear as a headcount of 1 each month, and a headcount of 12 for the entire year.

When reporting below the resource level (e.g., title, cost center, location) then headcount is 1 for each unique record at that level. For example, assume that the report includes both resource display name and resource title. Fred was promoted from a Consultant to a Senior Consultant in the middle of a reporting time bucket. The report will have one row for Fred as a Consultant and one row for Fred as a Senior Consultant. The headcount will be 1 for each row. This treatment allows you to count the number of Consultants and the number of Senior Consultants. But if you want to count only the number of resources then you must run the report without including the resource title.

Utilization Report Data Fields

When choosing the data fields for a report you can hover over the field to see a more detailed description.

Variable data Fields


Engagement Types

For each engagement type specified under Administration -> Job accounting a data field will automatically be created. The following are default engagement types defined by Projector and may or may not be included in your installation.


Billable (Fixed Price)


Billable (Not to Exceed)


Billable (Time and Materials)


General and Administrative


Sales Pitch



Permanent Data Fields



Working Hours - Total Hours. Always zero for historical time. Hours are not available to you if they have already passed.

Billable Type

Hours on billable engagements

Billing Adjusted Rate

Billing rate after adjustments

Billing Adjusted Revenue

Revenue based on billing adjusted rate


Hours on productive engagements


Time is chargeable if its associated system revenue is non-zero

Contract Rate

Negotiated rate

Contract Revenue

Revenue that would be earned based on Contract Rate


See specific details on this page


Time off based on resource location


Working time - Total time. For projected time this is always zero. You cannot miss time if it has not happened yet.

Net Available

Working time - Total time. If the number is positive then the resource has available hours to work on other projects. If negative the resource is overallocated. These hours are spread over the measured time period so even if a resource is overallocated on some days, if they are underallocated on other days the net results could be available.

Non-Billable Type

Time on nonbillable engagements


Time including holiday and time off. This is the number of hours a resource normally works each day of the week. This is determined by the resource's location work schedule, but can be overridden for each resource.


Total Hours - Working Hours. Always zero for historical time because hours in the past are no longer allocated, they are worked.


A salaried w/ overtime employee exceeds Normal time

RDC Basis

Number of hours resource is paid in this time period

Resource Direct Cost

RDC Basis Hours times RDC

Resource Direct Rate

RDC / Utilization Basis Hours

Resource Margin

Resource Project / System Revenue

Resource Profit

System Revenue - RDC

Resource ROI

Resource Project / RDC

Standard Rate

Billing rate based on resource cost center

Standard Revenue

Revenue that would be generated if engagement is billed at the standard rate

System Rate

Actual or projected billing rate after billing and revenue adjustments

System Revenue

Actual or project revenue after billing and revenue adjustments


Paid + Unpaid time off work


Billable Time + Nonbillable Time

Utilization Basis

Determined by the RDC Basis. See Measuring Utilization


Normal Working time - Holiday time - Timeoff time

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