Task Reassignment Form

Task Reassignment Form

Sometimes you need to completely swap two resources on a task plan. Instead of having to go through a task plan and manually reassign every task to a new role, you can instead use the Task Reassignment Wizard to do it for you. Reassignments are only possible as long as there are no submitted hours against a task. Once a task has hours against, you won't be able to use the wizard for it.

To launch the wizards go to the Task Plan Tab and from the multi-select dropdown list choose Reassign Tasks.




Select tasks currently assigned to

Select the role that you want to transfer tasks away from

and reassign them to

Select the role that will take over the tasks

Display tasks between

Select a date range. Only tasks active in this range are shown. You may leave one or the other empty to search all future or all past dates

Included completed tasks

Include tasks the resource has marked complete