Home Tab

Home Tab

The Home tab provides new users with a quick primer on how to get started using Projector, including how to customize the Management Portal and where to find different functions within the system. Experienced users will find the Home tab a convenient rallying point to view workflow alerts, utilize their defined tab groups, find on-line help resources, and search resumes and project documents. The Management Portal Home tab can be customized to the liking of each user by expanding ( ), collapsing ( ), or reordering ( ) individual sections. Since the content on the home page is constantly changing, and since the view can be customized, the screen shot below may or may not look exactly like the current state of your Home tab. 

To reach the home tab choose View | Home.


When there is an alert you will see an exclamation point on the tab. Then on the home page itself you will see a list of items that require your attention in the management portal. You can check the Refresh automatically every 4 hours box to configure Projector to automatically refresh this page and notify you of new alerts.



Time cards to review


Expense reports to review

Expense documents needing approval or approval to pay workflow attention exist. This alert does not pertain to expense documents needing invoice approval

Expense reports for payment approval


Invoices to review

This message is shown when:

  • An invoice needs PM Approval and you can approve it
  • An invoice needs FM Approval and you can approve it
  • An invoice is ready for Management Approval and you can approve it
  • An invoice is ready to be issued, and you have finance approval permissions (meaning you need to issue it)

Unnamed bookings


Open requests to fulfill




If the home tab fails to load, check that your Internet Explorer is enabled for TLS 1.1 and 1.2 under advanced options.