Task Analysis Report - Data Fields

Task Analysis Report - Data Fields

In Projector a data field represents the information that you are interested in. For Excel Pivot Tables this information can be cross-referenced by the row and column fields to compile the data. In this image you see project profit organized by project name and month. Project Profit is the data field. Project Name is the row field. Month is the column field. If this sounds confusing, read our introductory article on pivot tables.

Data Fields




% Complete

Task Status Fields

Hours to date / Hours at completion

% Elapsed

Task Status Fields

Percent of working days for each task elapsed as of the actuals cutoff date

Actual Cost (ACWP)

Earned Value Fields

Actual cost (also known as Actual Cost of Work Performed); approved hours spent on task through actuals cutoff date

Actual End Date

Peformance to Schedule Fields

If task is completed, date of last time card on task or the task completion date if there are no time cards

Actual Start Date

Peformance to Schedule Fields

Date of first time card on task or the task completion date if there are no time cards

Baseline End Date

Peformance to Schedule Fields

End date of task on current active task baseline

Baseline Start Date

Peformance to Schedule Fields

Start date of task on current active task baseline

Budget Status

Peformance to Budget Fields

Status of task(s) as compared to budgeted hours on current active baseline (on budget, over budget)

Budget Variance

Peformance to Budget Fields

Hours at completion - Budgeted hours (positive is over budget, negative is under budget)

Budget Variance %

Peformance to Budget Fields

Budget variance / Budgeted hours (positive is over budget, negative is under budget)

Budgeted Hours

Peformance to Budget Fields

Hours budgeted on task on current active task baseline

Budgeted Hours Remaining

Peformance to Budget Fields

Budgeted Hours - Hours to Date

Cost Performance Index

Earned Value Fields

Ratio of how much the accomplished work should have cost versus how much it actually cost; Earned value / Actual cost (greater than 1 is under budget, less than 1 is over budget)

Cost Variance

Earned Value Fields

Comparison of the actual cost of the work completed as compared to how much that work should have cost as measured in hours; Earned value - Actual cost (negative is over budget, positive is under budget)

Earned Value (BCWP)

Earned Value Fields

Number of hours the project has "earned" based on percent of work completed (also known as Budgeted Cost of Work Performed); % complete X Budgeted hours

Hours at Completion

Peformance to Budget Fields

Actual Hours to Date + Task Remaining Hours

Hours Remaining

Peformance to Budget Fields

Remaining hours left to complete task

Hours to Date

Peformance to Budget Fields

Approved hours spent on task through actuals cutoff date

Planned End Date

Peformance to Schedule Fields

End date of task on current task plan

Planned Start Date

Peformance to Schedule Fields

Start date of task on current task plan

Planned Value (BCWS)

Earned Value Fields

Number of hours of work that should have been completed to date based on elapsed time (also known as Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled); % elapsed X Budgeted hours

Schedule Performance Index

Earned Value Fields

Ratio of how much work actually was accomplished versus how much should have been completed; Earned value / Planned value (greater than 1 is ahead of schedule, less than 1 is behind schedule)

Schedule Status

Peformance to Schedule Fields

Status of task as compared to start and end dates on current active baseline (on time, late)

Schedule Variance

Earned Value Fields

Comparison of the amount of work that should have been completed to date versus how much work actually was completed to date; Earned value - Planned value (positive is ahead of schedule, negative is behind schedule)

Task Baseline Duration

Peformance to Schedule Fields

Number of working days between a task's baseline start and baseline end dates

Task Planned Duration

Peformance to Schedule Fields

Number of working days between a task's planned start and planned end dates

Task Status

Task Status Fields

Completion status of task (not started, started, finished)

Planned vs. Baseline vs. Actual

When looking at start date, end date, and duration you'll see that they are broken out into three categories. Planned, Baseline, and Actual. This section describes the differences between the three.

  • Planned - values are based on your current plan. To edit planned values, edit your tasks and change their start dates, duration, or effort. The report will update accordingly. 
  • Baseline - values are based on your active baseline. You can't really "edit" baseline values like you can planned values. Rather, you would make a new baseline that is a snapshot of your current plan. 
  • Actual - values are based on the first and last time cards entered against this task. You can't really "edit" these values either. The only way to do that would be to go in and change the work dates of your time cards. Or approve new time cards.

Often planned and baseline values match. Reason being, it is good practice to keep your current, active baseline in sync with your plan. When they differ it is because your baseline is out of date.