Rate Card Report - Data Fields

Rate Card Report - Data Fields

In Projector a data field represents the information that you are interested in. For Excel Pivot Tables this information can be cross-referenced by the row and column fields to compile the data. In this image you see project profit organized by project name and month. Project Profit is the data field. Project Name is the row field. Month is the column field. If this sounds confusing, read our introductory article on pivot tables.

Data Fields


Field Category


Revenue Fields


Resource Fields


Card Fields

Hourly Rate

Revenue Fields

Inactive (Yes/No)

Card Fields


Card Fields


Resource Fields

Used on

Cost Center, Client or Project where this rate card is used

Used on Begin Date

For projects, show the rate card start date

Used on Discount Percent

For projects, show the rate card discount

Used on End Date

For projects, show the rate card end date