User Report - Data Fields

User Report - Data Fields

In Projector a data field represents the information that you are interested in. For Excel Pivot Tables this information can be cross-referenced by the row and column fields to compile the data. In this image you see project profit organized by project name and month. Project Profit is the data field. Project Name is the row field. Month is the column field. If this sounds confusing, read our introductory article on pivot tables.

Data Fields




Access Management Portal (Yes/No)

Permission Fields


Account Inactive (Yes/No)

User Fields

This field is currently not useful. The report only returns active users, and so this field always returns 'Yes'.

Created By

Workflow Fields

The user that created the record

Created On

Workflow Fields

Created Time


User Fields


Failed Attempt Count

User Fields


Last Login Time

User Fields

Time that the user last logged in

Last Updated By

Workflow Fields

The user that last changed the record

Last Updated On

Workflow Fields

Last Updated Time

Limited Access User (Yes/No)

Permission Fields

If yes, this user will only see projects he/she has booked hours and/or an assigned role or task

Password Expired (Yes/No)

User Fields


Permission Cost Center

Permission Fields

Cost center to which the permission applies. Permissions also apply to all of the child cost centers.

Permission Name

Permission Fields

Name of the user permission

Permission Setting

Permission Fields

For global permissions this is the level of permission granted, such as None, View, or Update. For cost center permissions this is the name of the cost center for which the permission is granted, or None if no permission is granted.


Permission Fields

Permission name : permission setting

Primary User Type

Permission Fields

The primary type of the Projector user

Project Manager (Yes/No)

User Fields


Security Lockout (Yes/No)

User Fields


Unlock Time

User Fields

If security lockout is Yes, this is the time the lockout will end

Use External Authentication (Yes/No)

User Fields


User Client

Client Fields

The client that this user is associated with

User Display Name

Name Fields


User Email Address

Name Fields


User Employee ID

Name Fields


User First Name

Name Fields


User Last Name

Name Fields


User Middle Name

Name Fields


User Mobile Phone

Contact Information Fields

Mobile phone number for this user

User Office Phone

Contact Information Fields

Office phone number for this user

User Other Contact Info

Contact Information Fields

Other contact information for this user

User Type

Permission Fields

The user type that applies to a type of permission.

If a permission has a line-item override in place, this field returns (Overridden) instead of the user type value.

User Type Cost Center

Permission Fields

Cost center to which the user type applies. User types also apply to all of the child cost centers.