Audit Trail Report - Data Fields

Audit Trail Report - Data Fields

The audit trail report has a special set of data fields. The values tracked by each data field are determined by the audit type chosen on the parameters tab. This page details what auditable events Projector tracks for each entity type. For example, Projector tracks whether a User can access the Management Portal. It is important when choosing your audit trail data fields to not only pick the relevant ones, but to order them in a way that makes sense. Otherwise reading the output can be confusing! This page will help you organize your fields in an efficient manner.

Data Fields

These are the data fields you'll find available for this report. See the Add Data Fields section following this table for important information on how they should be used.

FieldField CategoryField Description
Attribute NameTransaction FieldsWhat was changed. This may be very general. For example, a permission changed. Or it may be very specific. For example, the Project Manager flag changed.
Change TypeTransaction Fields

What kind of change was made

  • Update - change something about a user
  • Insert - add a new user
  • Delete - delete a user
Changed ByTransaction FieldsWhich user account made the change
Changed By User Email AddressTransaction Fields
Changed By User Employee IDTransaction Fields
Changed OnTransaction FieldsDate and time, down to the second, when the change was processed
Entity Key (1-4) IDTransaction FieldsTypically used for internal Projector uses only
Entity Key (1-4) NameTransaction FieldsThe name of the entity that was changed (see entities section below)
Entity Key (1-4) UIDTransaction FieldsTypically used for internal Projector uses only
Entity Key (1-4) ValueTransaction FieldsFrequently used, shows details about the changes that were made
Entity NameTransaction FieldsThe generic type that was changed. For example a User was changed. Or a Cost Center permission was changed.
Indirect Change FlagTransaction FieldsWas the change the result of a cascading chain of events? For example, if you change a user's type, this also causes their permissions to change
New ValueTransaction FieldsFrequently used. The new value after the change.
Old ValueTransaction FieldsFrequently used. The old value before the change.
Row NumberTransaction FieldsUse this to provide a sensical sort to the outputted report. Usually added as the first data field on any audit report.

Add Data Fields

The order in which you add data fields is important. Projector recommends that you add the following minimum fields, in this order.

Row Number
Entity Key 1 Value
Entity Key 2 Value
Entity Key 3 Value
Entity Key 4 Value
Attribute Name
Change Type
Old Value
New Value
Changed By
Changed On

This generates a report that looks like this.

Most of the fields probably make sense to you except for columns B through E. Of these, the Entity Value fields describe what was changed. There are multiple columns because we may need all of them to describe everything that was changed. For example: User, Cost Center Permission, Cost Center Changed. The Attribute Name column describes what was changed. For example, a permission or a setting. This varies based on what you are looking at so there isn't a definite list of values for this. Using the four in conjunction should give you a good idea of what was changed.

Reading across the lines, you can make sense of what happened. For example, in Row 1.

Debby Hill had the Project Manager Flag updated to False

Then in Row 2

Debby Hill had the Browse Time permission for cost center TCS Consulting updated to True

Most of the time the entity names should make sense. If you are unsure what it is referring to, you can add the Entity Name data field too. This will tell you whether it is associated with a cost center or similar. 

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