Template Field Lists
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The Topic of the Day: Invoice Templates Customization webinar provides a general overview of Projector’s invoice template editor, as well as guidance on common customizations.
list of all values that can be brought into your invoice templates
A list of all values that can be brought into your invoice templates. For example, your billing address, or the time card work dates for an invoice.
Account Info
Account information is in regards to your company. Each of these fields (except company name) are found on the System Settings Editor Billing Tab.
Name | Notes |
BillingCompanyAddressCity | In Projector's built in templates we use a calculated field to detect whether a state or province is specified. If so then a comma is added after this field. |
BillingCompanyAddressCountry | |
BillingCompanyAddressLine1 | |
BillingCompanyAddressLine2 | |
BillingCompanyStateOrProvince | |
BillingCompanyZipOrPostalCode | |
BillingCompanyInvoiceLogo | Projector's default templates will respect the size of the uploaded image file. You can manually set it to a specific size in the template editor instead of having to upload a new image to get the correct size. |
BillingCompanyName | Controlled by the Account Name on the System Settings General Tab |
CustomInvoiceLabelX and CustomInvoiceValueX | There are five of these label/value pairs. When typing in the labels on that tab, post-pend them with a colon to match the styling of Projector's built in A100, A200 and A300 series templates. |
InvoiceMessage | This is a rich text capable field. Typically this control should be bound to a Rich Text Box control in the report editor. |
Cost Card
The following fields describe each individual cost card brought onto the invoice.
Name | Description |
ClientAmount | The amount that will be charged to the client |
Description | |
DisbursedAmount | If you wrote down a cost then this would be higher than the ClientAmount. If you wrote up the cost then this would be lower than the ClientAmount. |
ExpenseDocumentName | |
ExpenseDocumentNumber | |
ExpenseLocationName | |
ExpenseTypeName | |
FXRateActual | |
FXRateSystem | |
Id | An internal Projector identifier. You probably do not need to use this. |
IncurredAmount | |
IncurredCurrencyCode | |
IncurredDate | |
InvoiceID | An internal Projector identifier. You probably do not need to use this. |
ProjectCode | |
ProjectLocationName | |
ProjectName | |
ResourceDepartmentName | |
ResourceDisplayName | |
ResourceEmployeeId | |
ResourceInitials | |
ResourceLocationName | |
ResourceTitleName | |
ResourceTypeName | |
UDF | Each Engagement, Project, Resource, and CostCard UDF will be brought in using the format UDF_Type_[UDF Name]. For example, UDF_CostCard_VendorName. |
UnitPluralName | For mileage or unit based expense types show the plural name. |
UntPrice | For mileage or unit based expense types show the price. |
Units | For mileage or unit based expense types show the number of units. |
UnitSingularName | For mileage or unit based expense types show the singular name. |
VendorInvoiceReferenceNumber | |
VendorName | |
VendorNumber |
The invoice fields represent information entered on the Invoice Editor MP - Invoice Tab and precompiled totals for time cards, cost cards, taxes, milestones and prepayments.
Name | Description |
AddressAttention | |
AddressCity | |
AddressCompanyName | |
AddressCountry | |
AddressLine1 | |
AddressLine2 | |
AddressStateOrProvince | |
AddressZipOrPostalCode | |
AppliedPrepaymentAmount | |
BillingInstructions | This rich text capable field is found on the Invoice Editor MP - Invoice Tab. Usually this field contains internal invoicing instructions and should not be included on an invoice template. This control should be bound to a Rich Text Box control in the report editor. |
ClientMessage | This rich text capable field is found on the Invoice Editor MP - Invoice Tab. Typically this control should be bound to a Rich Text Box control in the report editor. |
ClientName | |
ClientNumber | |
CostCardClientAmount | The total of costs that will be charged to the client |
CostCardDisbursedAmount | The total of costs that that your employees spent. The difference between this and CostCardClientAmount is the amount of markup or markdown for costs. |
CultureName | |
CurrencyCode | |
CurrentInvDateEng2EngGlCrossRate | The F/X rate used to convert this invoice to your GL Currency. InvoiceAmount * FX = GLAmount |
EngagementCode | |
EngagementCurrencyCode | Currency that the engagement is in |
EngagementGLCurrencyCode | Currency that the Invoice is in |
EngagementName | |
Id | An internal Projector identifier. You probably do not need to use this. |
InvoiceAmount | |
InvoiceCostCenterName | |
InvoiceCostCenterNumber | |
InvoiceDate | |
InvoiceDueDate | |
InvoiceName | |
InvoiceNumber | |
InvoiceScope |
InvoiceStatus | |
InvoiceTemplateName | |
InvoiceUrl | Any invoice that has been uploaded to a project workspace has a direct link available to download the PDF. When you visit the link you will be prompted to log into Projector to prove you are authorized to access it. As long as you have permissions to access the Invoices area of the Workspace, you can download the invoice. |
MilestoneAmount | |
PaymentTerms | |
ProjectCode | |
ProjectName | |
PurchaseOrderNumber | |
SenderEmailAddress | The From address on the Invoice Editor MP - Distribution Tab |
SenderName | The From name on the Invoice Editor MP - Distribution Tab |
TaxableAmount | |
TaxAmount | |
TimeBillingType |
TimeCardAdjustedRevenueAmount | The billing adjusted revenue total for this invoice. |
TimeCardContractRevenueAmount | The contract revenue total for this invoice. |
TimeCardStandardRevenueAmount | The standard revenue total for this invoice. |
TimeCardWorkDays | |
TimeCardWorkHours | |
UDF's | Each Client, Engagement and Project UDF will be brought in using the format UDF_Type_[UDF Name]. Take care when including these because they don't always map one-to-one. For example, if you have an engagement level invoice that encompasses three projects, which project UDF would be shown? The answer is none of them. You have to make sure that your invoice scope is equal to or higher than the UDF scope.
If you have client level invoice that only includes one engagement it will probably work (untested), but adding another engagement down the line could break this. I wouldn't count on it working. |
UnappliedPrepaymentAmount | |
WorkspaceUrl | A link to your project workspaces where historical and current invoices can be viewed/downloaded. The link takes you to the front page of the project workspaces. You will then need to find the project for this invoice and click the invoices tab. Which link you are taken to is dependent on your installation settings.
The following fields describe each individual milestone brought onto the invoice.
Name | Description |
AchievedDate | |
EngagementCode | |
EngagementName | |
InvoiceID | An internal Projector identifier. You probably do not need to use this. |
MilestoneAmount | |
MilestoneName | |
UDF | Only engagement level UDFs are available on milestones |
The receipts section is composed of three tables – Receipt, ReceiptCostCard, and ReceiptImage. In Projector, a receipt can be associated with multiple cost cards. This is to allow employees to attach one receipt to an entire expense report for all of their expenses. For example, John scans all his receipts into a single pdf document and then attaches it to his entire expense report.
There will be one receipt row for each receipt associated with a cost card on this invoice.
Name | Description |
EntireExpenseReportFlag | True or False: Is this receipt associated with all cost cards on the expense report? |
Id | An internal id. You probably don't need to use this. |
Notes | A note is a manually entered receipt. A note might be used by an employee if they have lost their receipt. |
Renderable Flag | True or False: Does this receipt have an attachment that can be displayed in the invoice. For example, a jpg image can be displayed. A word document cannot. |
Each receipt may have multiple cost cards associated with it. This subtable shows data about each of those cost cards. The data fields are not explained here because they are the same as in the Cost Card table.
Each receipt also has images associated with it. If you used a simple image like a jpg or bmp then there will be only one row in this table. If you used a pdf file then each page in the pdf is represented by an image. If you attached a file type that Projector does not understand, like a exe file, then there are no rows.
Name | Description |
ImageNumber | The number of the image. Useful for multi-page pdfs to show you are on image 3 of 5. |
ReceiptId | An internal identifier for the receipt. You probably don't need to use this. |
ReceiptImage | Bind this to a picturebox control to display the image. |
Taxes are managed using the Tax Type Editor and up to three can be included on an invoice. In addition VAT is included in this table. Default VAT is specified using the Expense Type Editor on a per location per expense basis.
Name | Description |
InvoiceID | An internal Projector identifier. You probably do not need to use this. |
TaxableAmount | |
TaxAmount | |
TaxCode | |
TaxName | |
TaxRate |
Time Card
The following fields describe each individual time card brought onto the invoice.
Name | Description |
AdjustedRevenueAmount | The billing adjusted revenue amount for a single time card |
ContractRevenueAmount | The contract revenue amount for a single time card |
Description | |
HoursPerDay | The typical number of hours worked per day for this time card's project. See Hours / Day value on Project Info Tab. |
Id | An internal Projector identifier. You probably do not need to use this. |
InvoiceId | An internal Projector identifier. You probably do not need to use this. |
NominalBillingAdjustedDailyRate | When you need to display rates in a template, Projector typically recommends you back-calculate the rate based on the total invoiced and the number of hours worked. This guarantees that the rate is 'correct.' However, some organizations find that the initial rate used must be displayed even if the math ends up not being exact. See Why are my rates off by a penny? |
NominalBillingAdjustedHourlyRate | When you need to display rates in a template, Projector typically recommends you back-calculate the rate based on the total invoiced and the number of hours worked. This guarantees that the rate is 'correct.' However, some organizations find that the initial rate used must be displayed even if the math ends up not being exact. See Why are my rates off by a penny? |
NominalContractedDailyRate | When you need to display rates in a template, Projector typically recommends you back-calculate the rate based on the total invoiced and the number of hours worked. This guarantees that the rate is 'correct.' However, some organizations find that the initial rate used must be displayed even if the math ends up not being exact. See Why are my rates off by a penny? |
NominalContractedHourlyRate | When you need to display rates in a template, Projector typically recommends you back-calculate the rate based on the total invoiced and the number of hours worked. This guarantees that the rate is 'correct.' However, some organizations find that the initial rate used must be displayed even if the math ends up not being exact. See Why are my rates off by a penny? |
ProjectCode | |
ProjectLocationName | |
ProjectName | |
ProjectRateTypeName | |
ProjectTaskName | The detailed task management task name |
ProjectTaskSequenceNumber | |
ProjectTaskTypeName | The task type name |
ResourceBillingDepartmentName | |
ResourceBillingTitleName | |
ResourceDepartmentName | |
ResourceDisplayName | |
ResourceEmployeeId | |
ResourceInitials | |
ResourceLocationName | |
ResourceTitleName | |
ResourceTypeName | |
RoleName | |
StandardRateTypeCode | See Standard Rate Type Editor |
StandardRateTypeName | See Standard Rate Type Editor |
StandardRevenueAmount | The standard revenue amount for a single time card |
StandardTaskTypeCode | See Standard Task Types Editor |
StandardTaskTypeName | See Standard Task Types Editor |
UDF | Each Engagement, Project, Resource, and Time Card UDF will be brought in using the format UDF_Type_[UDF Name]. For example, UDF_TimeCard_AreaOfWork. |
WorkDate | |
WorkDays | Display is dependent on whether you use Hourly or Daily billing. For hourly we show the minutes converted to hours. For daily we show the Billed Days as seen on the time card review tab. |
WorkHours | |
WorkLocationName |