Role - Summary
The role summary gives you a quick overview of high level role information. It's typically used by project managers and schedulers.
Additional Resources
We go into the depths of how Roles work in our Resource Management Deep-dive webinar.
To reach this area open any Role and go to the Notes tab.
Permissions and Settings
The following people can view roles.
- cost center permission View Projects - can view all roles on these projects
- anyone on the PM Team - can view all roles on their projects
- users with a role shared to them - can view shared roles only
- resources who are allowed to request or book themselves - can view only their own roles
The following people can edit role summary information.
- Engagement/Project Managers with the stage permission Create Roles
- Anyone with the cost center permission Maintain Projects and Engagements
Role Info
View high level information about this role.
Field | Description |
Project | Project name and project code as set on the Project Info Tab |
Role Name | Role names should identify what the resource will be working on. A resource can have multiple roles, often at different billing rates. So you may have a PM role and a Delivery role for Jim. Accurate names allow him to categorize his time accurately too. Role names are often shown on invoices. |
Role Type | Role types allow you to pre-populate basic information about what kind of resource should deliver this role. For example, Engineers in the USA cost center and Boston location. It is also a reporting construct. See Role Types Editor to learn more. Changing a role's role type will not apply new role criteria. Role type is primarily used to prepopulate role criteria when the role is created. |
Role Description | Provide a description that describes the purpose of this role. |
Resource Summary
This is a very useful section that provides quick access about the resource assigned to this role.Â
Field | Description |
Resource | Resource's display name |
Title | Resource's title or the preferred title for an unnamed resource |
Department | Resource's department or the preferred department for an unnamed resource |
Cost Center | Resource's cost center or the preferred cost center for an unnamed resource |
Location | Resource's location or the preferred location for an unnamed resource |
Resource Type | Resource's type. Can optionally be specified for an unnamed resource |
Profile | See Resource Resumes to learn about uploading files that describe resources. See Resource Types Editor for setting utilization targets. See Resource User Defined Fields Tab for setting UDF values. |
History | View the last month, six months, or year of projects, roles, and hours this resource has worked. |
Availability | View a table showing hours this resource is expected to work for the next month. |
Schedule | View the next month, six months, or year of projects, roles, and hours this resource is expected to work. |
Schedule Summary
View this roles start date, end date, and the next 52 weeks of scheduling data on this project.
Field | Description |
Start Date | Resources cannot enter time or expenses prior to this date. |
End Date | Resources cannot enter time or expenses after this date. |
Hours Summary | The graph shows two line charts for the next 52 weeks of scheduling data.
Other Fields
At this time, the only other field supported is a PO #.Â
Field | Description |
Purchase Order Number | See Purchase Orders for more information about how POs are modeled in Projector. |