Contract Line Items

Contract Line Items

The Contract Line Items search page finds contracts and reports key data about them. You can bring in metadata like Contract Terms, Holdback, and Engagement Manager. In addition, you can specify key performance indicators (KPIs) and flag them when user-defined thresholds are exceeded.

Your contract line item dashboard can be reached by navigating to https://app.projectorpsa.com/x/ContractLineItemSearch or by using the primary navigation to go to Project & Planning | Contract Line Items

Permissions and Settings

You can access this topic if you can view at least one Contract Line Item (CLI). You can view a CLI if:

  • You are the engagement manager for the CLI's engagement
  • You have the cost center permission View Projects for the CLI's cost center

You cannot add Profit columns to the smart grid unless you have the global permission Resource Direct Cost (RDC) Data.

Budget data displayed for contract line items comes from their associated projects. 

Flex Search

You can search on the following fields.

ClientClientClients as set up in your installation 
Client UDFsClientUser Defined Fields associated with the Client entity
Contract Line ItemContract Line ItemContracts defined in the engagement
Contract Line Item CodeContract Line ItemCLI Code
Contract Line Item NameContract Line ItemCLI Name
Cost Contract TermsContract Line Item

One of the following

  • Time and Materials
  • Not to Exceed
  • Fixed Price
  • Non-chargeable
Time Contract TermsContract Line Item

One of the following

  • Time and Materials
  • Not to Exceed
  • Fixed Price, Revenue Schedule
  • Fixed Price, Percent Complete
  • Non-chargeable
Time Contract AmountContract Line ItemNegotiated Time Contract Amount
Time Contract Amount (Reporting Currency)Contract Line Item 
Cost Contract AmountContract Line ItemNegotiated Cost Contract Amount
Cost Contract Amount (Reporting Currency)Contract Line Item
Last Revenue Recognition Cutoff DateContract Line ItemDate up till when revenue is recognized 
Revenue Recognition MethodContract Line ItemPercent Complete method, RDC method, Contract Revenue Method   
Holdback (Yes/No)Contract Line Item
Holdback TypeContract Line Item
Holdback AmountContract Line Item
Holdback Amount (Reporting Currency)Contract Line Item
Holdback PercentageContract Line Item
Deferred Revenue Opening BalanceContract Line Item
Deferred Revenue Opening Balance (Reporting Currency)Contract Line Item


Engagement CodeEngagement
Engagement Cost CenterEngagement
Engagement CompanyEngagement
Engagement CurrencyEngagement
Engagement ManagerEngagement
Engagement StageEngagement
Engagement TypeEngagement
Engagement Type Productive (Yes/No)Engagement
Billing CycleEngagement
Engagement UDFsEngagement

Smart Grid

The smart grid is displayed in the lower half of the screen and shows your search results. 


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) - If a field is marked as a KPI then you can set up a flag to turn the field red. For example, if project margin is below 75% then flag the cell red.

  1. Edit your results grid to include a KPI field. 
  2. Click the white/blue arrow icon (  )  and an editor window will appear. Fill out the form.
  3. Values that fulfill the criteria are colored red

Result Columns

Reporting Currency - you'll notice that some fields are duplicated, except that one field has "Reporting Currency" in parentheses after it. These fields will display a currency based on your search settings. For example, you might see Billing Adjusted Revenue (GBP). These fields are FX'd based on the settings in your Currencies and FX Rates Editor. If you want to see values in the engagement's natural currency, choose the version that does not include a currency after it. If you want to change the displayed currency, go to Options | Customize results grids | Reporting Currency.

User-Defined Fields - If your installation has user defined fields (UDFs), then you'll see these as options in your grid too. Each UDF will be preceded by its type. For example, the project UDF "Priority" would be listed as "Project Priority". 


These fields have to do with whether the time cards, cost cards, or milestones are on an issued invoice.

% Unbilled Billing Adj RevenueYesPercentage of actual time that has not yet been billed
Billed Billing Adj RevenueYesActual time that has been billed. For T&M/NTE contracts this will be the amount on issued invoices. For FP contracts it will be zero.
Billed Billing Adj Revenue (Reporting Currency)YesSame as above, but FX'd to your specified currency (see grid options)
Billed Client AmountYesTotal client amount on invoiced cost cards
Billed Client Amount (Reporting Currency)YesSame as above, but FX'd to your specified currency (see grid options)
Billed Milestone AmountYesTotal milestone amount on invoiced milestones
Billed Milestone Amount (Reporting Currency)YesSame as above, but FX'd to your specified currency (see grid options)
Foregone Milestone CountYesThe number of foregone milestones
Late Milestone CountYesThe number of late milestones
Total Milestone Count
Thte total number of milestones
Unbilled Billing Adj RevenueYesTotal amount of time cards that are not yet on an issued invoice
Unbilled Billing Adj Revenue (Reporting Currency)YesSame as above, but FX'd to your specified currency (see grid options)
Unbilled Client AmountYesTotal amount of cost cards that are not yet on an issued invoice
Unbilled Client Amount (Reporting Currency)YesSame as above, but FX'd to your specified currency (see grid options)


See the Client Editor to view/edit these values.

Primary Client Name
Client Editor
Primary Client Number
Client Editor
Client UDFs
User Defined Fields Editor

Contract Line Item

All of these settings are managed on the Engagement Contract Tab.

Contract Line Item Code
Engagement Contract Tab
Contract Line Item Name
Engagement Contract Tab
Cost Contract AmountYesEngagement Contract Tab 
Cost Contract Amount (Reporting Currency)YesSame as above, but FX'd to your specified currency (see grid options)
Cost Contract Terms
Engagement Contract Tab 
Holdback AmountYesEngagement Contract Tab 
Holdback Amount (Reporting Currency)YesEngagement Contract Tab 
Holdback PercentageYesEngagement Contract Tab 
Time Contract AmountYesEngagement Contract Tab 
Time Contract Amount (Reporting Currency)YesSame as above, but FX'd to your specified currency (see grid options)
Time Contract Amount less HoldbackYesEngagement Contract Tab 
Time Contract Amount less Holdback (Reporting Currency)YesSame as above, but FX'd to your specified currency (see grid options)
Time Contract Terms
Engagement Contract Tab 


These settings are managed on the Engagement Info Tab.

Billing Cycle Name
Engagement Billing Tab
Engagement Code
Engagement Info Tab
Engagement Company Name
Engagement Info Tab 
Engagement Company Number
Engagement Info Tab 
Engagement Currency Code
Engagement Info Tab 
Engagement Manager Display Name
Engagement Info Tab 
Engagement Manager Email Address

Engagement Manager Employee ID

Engagement Manager First Name

Engagement Manager Last Name

Engagement Name
Engagement Info Tab 
Engagement Primary Cost Center Name
Engagement Info Tab 
Engagement Primary Cost Center Number
Engagement Info Tab 
Engagement Stage Name
Engagement Info Tab 
Engagement Stage Short Name

Engagement Type Billable (Yes/No)

Engagement Type Name
Engagement Info Tab 
Engagement Type Productive (Yes/No)

Engagement Type Short Name

Engagement UDFs
Engagement Info Tab 


Used when you have Project Workspaces enabled.

% Late IssuesYesWorkspace Issues
% Open High Priority IssuesYesWorkspace Issues 
% Open IssuesYesWorkspace Issues 

Percent Complete

 Your percent complete is based on approved hours worked up to your Use Actuals Through Date, the remaining booked hours after that date, and your percent complete calculation method.

% CompleteYes

Performance to Cost Budget

Cost budgets are viewed on the Project Budget Tab. See Create a Cost Baseline to learn how to make a budget. See Engagement Type - Budgets Tab to learn how to set up default budgets.

FieldBudget AlertKPIDescription
% of Budgeted Base Amt Remaining

Percentage of Base Amt budget remaining, using the actual to date method

% of Budgeted Client Amt Remaining

Percentage of Client Amt budget remaining, using the actual to date method
% of Budgeted Expense Amt Remaining

Percentage of Expense Amt budget remaining, using the actual to date method
% of Budgeted Primary Cost Metric Remaining

Percentage of budget remaining for the metric selected as the primary cost budget metric, using the actual to date method
% Variance to Budgeted Base Amt at Comp

Percentage variance to budget expected, using the estimate at completion method

% Variance to Budgeted Client Amt at Comp

Percentage variance to budget expected, using the estimate at completion method

% Variance to Budgeted Expense Amt at Comp

Percentage variance to budget expected, using the estimate at completion method

% Variance to Budgeted Primary Cost Metric at Comp

Percentage variance to budget expected for the metric selected as the primary cost budget metric, using the estimate at completion method

Actual Base Amt to Date

Actual costs expended to date, measured using disbursed amount (Amount that is put towards expenses, regardless of who pays for them)

Actual Base Amt to Date (Reporting Currency)

Actual Client Amt to Date

Actual costs expended to date, measured using client amount (Amount that the client is responsible for paying)

Actual Client Amt to Date (Reporting Currency)

Actual Expense Amt to Date

Actual costs expended to date, measured using expense amount (Amount that the company is responsible for paying)

Actual Expense Amt to Date (Reporting Currency)

Actual Primary Cost Metric to Date

Actual costs expended to date, measured using the set primary cost budget metric
Actual Primary Cost Metric to Date (Reporting Currency)

Base Amt at Comp

Actual plus projected costs, measured using base amount (Amount that is put towards expenses, regardless of who pays for them)

Base Amt at Comp (Reporting Currency)

Base Amt Budget Alert Level at CompYes
(Actuals to date up to cutoff date + Projected thereafter) VS budgeted base amount at completion
Base Amt Budget Alert Level to DateYes
Actuals to date VS budgeted base amount to date
Budgeted Base Amt at Comp

Total budgeted Base Amount
Budgeted Base Amt at Comp (Reporting Currency)

Budgeted Base Amt Remaining

Costs that have been budgeted, but not yet expended to date, measured in disbursed amount; (BudgetedDisbursedAmountAtCompletion) - (ActualDisbursedAmountToDate)

Budgeted Base Amt Remaining (Reporting Currency)

Budgeted Client Amt at Comp

Total budgeted Client Amount
Budgeted Client Amt at Comp (Reporting Currency)

Budgeted Client Amt Remaining

Costs that have been budgeted, but not yet expended to date, measured in client amount; (BudgetedClientAmountAtCompletion) - (ActualClientAmountToDate)

Budgeted Client Amt Remaining (Reporting Currency)

Budgeted Expense Amt at Comp

Total budgeted Expense Amount
Budgeted Expense Amt at Comp (Reporting Currency)

Budgeted Expense Amt Remaining

Costs that have been budgeted, but not yet expended to date, measured in expense amount; (BudgetedExpenseAmountAtCompletion) - (ActualExpenseAmountToDate)
Budgeted Expense Amt Remaining (Reporting Currency)

Budgeted Primary Cost Metric at Comp

 Total budgeted Amount in your primary cost budget metric
Budgeted Primary Cost Metric at Comp (Reporting Currency)

Budgeted Primary Cost Metric Remaining

Costs that have been budgeted, but not yet expended to date, measured in your primary cost budget metric;
Budgeted Primary Cost Metric Remaining (Reporting Currency)

Client Amt at Comp

Actual plus projected costs, measured using client amount (Amount that the client is responsible for paying)

Client Amt at Comp (Reporting Currency)

Client Amt Budget Alert Level at CompYes
(Actuals to date up to cutoff date + Projected thereafter)  VS budgeted client amount at completion
Client Amt Budget Alert Level to DateYes
Actuals to date VS budgeted base amount to date
Expense Amt at Comp

Actual plus projected costs, measured using expense amount (Amount that is put towards expenses, regardless of who pays for them)
Expense Amt at Comp (Reporting Currency)

Expense Amt Budget Alert Level at CompYes
(Actuals to date up to cutoff date + Projected thereafter)  VS budgeted expense amount at completion
Expense Amt Budget Alert Level to DateYes
Actuals to date VS budgeted expense amount to date
Primary Cost Budget Metric

Metric selected as primary cost metric for cost budget
Primary Cost Budget Unit of Measure

Primary Cost Metric at Comp

Actual plus projected costs, measured using Primary cost budget metric
Primary Cost Metric at Comp (Reporting Currency)

Primary Cost Metric Budget Alert Level at CompYes
(Actuals to date up to cutoff date + Projected thereafter)  VS primary cost budget metric amount at completion
Primary Cost Metric Budget Alert Level to DateYes
Actuals to date VS primary cost budget metric amount to date
Variance to Budgeted Base Amt at Comp

Variance to budget expected, using the estimate at completion method; (DisbursedAmountAtCompletion) - (BudgetedDisbursedAmountAtCompletion)

Variance to Budgeted Base Amt at Comp (Reporting Currency)

Variance to Budgeted Client Amt at Comp

Variance to budget expected, using the estimate at completion method; (ClientAmountAtCompletion) - (BudgetedClientAmountAtCompletion)

Variance to Budgeted Client Amt at Comp (Reporting Currency)

Variance to Budgeted Expense Amt at Comp

Variance to budget expected, using the estimate at completion method; (ExpenseAmountAtCompletion) - (BudgetedExpenseAmountAtCompletion)

Variance to Budgeted Expense Amt at Comp (Reporting Currency)

Variance to Budgeted Primary Cost Metric at Comp

Variance to budget expected, using the estimate at completion method for the primary cost budget metric

Variance to Budgeted Primary Cost Metric at Comp (Reporting Currency)

Performance to Time Budget

Time budgets are viewed on the Project Budget Tab. See Create a Time Baseline to learn how to make a budget. See Engagement Type - Budgets Tab to learn how to set up default budgets.

FieldBudget AlertKPIDescription
% of Budgeted Billing Adj Revenue Remaining

Percentage of budget remaining, using the actual to date method

% of Budgeted Chargeable Hours Remaining

Percentage of budget remaining, using the actual to date method

% of Budgeted Contract Revenue Remaining

Percentage of budget remaining, using the actual to date method

% of Budgeted Hours Remaining
Percentage of budget remaining, using the actual to date method
% of Budgeted Primary Time Metric Remaining
Percentage of budget remaining, using the actual to date method
% of Budgeted RDC Remaining
Percentage of budget remaining, using the actual to date method  You cannot add this column to the smart grid unless you have the global permission Resource Direct Cost (RDC) Data.
% Variance to Budgeted Billing Adj Revenue at Comp

Percentage variance to budget expected, using the estimate at completion method

% Variance to Budgeted Chargeable Hours at Comp

Percentage variance to budget expected, using the estimate at completion method

% Variance to Budgeted Contract Revenue at Comp

Percentage variance to budget expected, using the estimate at completion method

% Variance to Budgeted Hours at Comp

Percentage variance to budget expected, using the estimate at completion method

% Variance to Budgeted Primary Time Metric at Comp

Percentage variance to budget expected, using the estimate at completion method

% Variance to Budgeted RDC at Comp

Percentage variance to budget expected, using the estimate at completion method

  You cannot add this column to the smart grid unless you have the global permission Resource Direct Cost (RDC) Data.
Actual Billing Adj Revenue to Date

Actual time worked, measured in billing adjusted revenue

Actual Billing Adj Revenue to Date (Reporting Currency)

Actual Chargeable Hours to Date

Actual time worked, measured in chargeable hours

Actual Contract Revenue to Date

Actual time worked, measured in contract revenue

Actual Contract Revenue to Date (Reporting Currency)

Actual Hours to Date

Actual time worked, measured in hours

Actual Primary Time Metric to Date

Actual time worked, measured in primary time budget metric

Actual Primary Time Metric to Date (Reporting Currency)

Actual RDC to Date

Actual time worked, measured in Resource Direct Cost

  You cannot add this column to the smart grid unless you have the global permission Resource Direct Cost (RDC) Data.
Actual RDC to Date (Reporting Currency)

  You cannot add this column to the smart grid unless you have the global permission Resource Direct Cost (RDC) Data.
Billing Adj Revenue at Comp

Actual plus projected time, measured in billing adjusted revenue

Billing Adj Revenue at Comp (Reporting Currency)

Billing Adj Revenue Budget Alert Level at CompYes(Actuals to date up to cutoff date + Projected thereafter)  VS budgeted BAR amount at completion
Billing Adj Revenue Budget Alert Level to DateYesActuals to date VS budgeted BAR amount to date
Budgeted Billing Adj Revenue at Comp

This is the same as your budget.

Budgeted Billing Adj Revenue at Comp (Reporting Currency)

Budgeted Billing Adj Revenue Remaining

Work that has been budgeted, but not yet delivered to date, measured in billing adjusted revenue; (BudgetedBillingAdjustedRevenueAtCompletion) - (ActualBillingAdjustedRevenueToDate)

Budgeted Billing Adj Revenue Remaining (Reporting Currency)

Budgeted Chargeable Hours at Comp
This is the same as your budget.
Budgeted Chargeable Hours Remaining
Work that has been budgeted, but not yet delivered to date, measured in chargeable hours; (BudgetedChargeableHoursAtCompletion) - (ActualChargeableHoursToDate)
Budgeted Contract Revenue at Comp
This is the same as your budget.
Budgeted Contract Revenue at Comp (Reporting Currency)

Budgeted Contract Revenue Remaining

Work that has been budgeted, but not yet delivered to date, measured in contract revenue; (BudgetedContractRevenueAtCompletion) - (ActualContractRevenueToDate)

Budgeted Contract Revenue Remaining (Reporting Currency)

Budgeted Hours at Comp
This is the same as your budget.
Budgeted Hours Remaining

Work that has been budgeted, but not yet delivered to date, measured in hours; (BudgetedHoursAtCompletion) - (ActualHoursToDate)

Budgeted Primary Time Metric at Comp
 This is the same as your budget.
Budgeted Primary Time Metric at Comp (Reporting Currency)

Budgeted Primary Time Metric Remaining

Work that has been budgeted, but not yet delivered to date, measured in primary time budget metric;

Budgeted Primary Time Metric Remaining (Reporting Currency)

Budgeted RDC at Comp
This is the same as your budget. You cannot add this column to the smart grid unless you have the global permission Resource Direct Cost (RDC) Data.
Budgeted RDC at Comp (Reporting Currency)

  You cannot add this column to the smart grid unless you have the global permission Resource Direct Cost (RDC) Data.
Budgeted RDC Remaining

Work that has been budgeted, but not yet delivered to date, measured in resource direct cost; (BudgetedResourceDirectCostAtCompletion) - (ActualResourceDirectCostToDate)

  You cannot add this column to the smart grid unless you have the global permission Resource Direct Cost (RDC) Data.
Budgeted RDC Remaining (Reporting Currency)

  You cannot add this column to the smart grid unless you have the global permission Resource Direct Cost (RDC) Data.
Chargeable Hours at Comp
Actual plus projected time, measured using chargeable hours
Chargeable Hours Budget Alert Level at CompYes(Actuals to date up to cutoff date + Projected thereafter)  VS budgeted Chargeable hours at completion
Chargeable Hours Budget Alert Level to DateYesActuals to date VS budgeted chargeable hours to date
Contract Revenue at Comp

Actual plus projected time, measured in contract revenue

Contract Revenue at Comp (Reporting Currency)

Contract Revenue Budget Alert Level at CompYes(Actuals to date up to cutoff date + Projected thereafter)  VS budgeted Contract Revenue at completion
Contract Revenue Budget Alert Level to DateYesActuals to date VS budgeted Contract revenue to date
Hours at Comp
Actual plus projected time, measured in hours
Hours Budget Alert Level at CompYes(Actuals to date up to cutoff date + Projected thereafter)  VS budgeted Hours at completion
Hours Budget Alert Level to DateYesActuals to date VS budgeted Hours to date
Primary Time Budget Metric
Metric set as the Primary time budget metric
Primary Time Budget Unit of Measure

Primary Time Metric at Comp
Actual plus projected time, measured in metric set as the Primary time budget metric
Primary Time Metric at Comp (Reporting Currency)

Primary Time Metric Budget Alert Level at CompYes(Actuals to date up to cutoff date + Projected thereafter)  VS Primary Time budget metric at completion
Primary Time Metric Budget Alert Level to DateYesActuals to date VS budgeted Primary Time budget metric to date
Projected Task Hours to Complete
RDC at Comp
Actual plus projected time, measured in RDC  You cannot add this column to the smart grid unless you have the global permission Resource Direct Cost (RDC) Data.
RDC at Comp (Reporting Currency)

  You cannot add this column to the smart grid unless you have the global permission Resource Direct Cost (RDC) Data.
RDC Budget Alert Level at CompYes(Actuals to date up to cutoff date + Projected thereafter)  VS Budgeted RDC at completion  You cannot add this column to the smart grid unless you have the global permission Resource Direct Cost (RDC) Data.
RDC Budget Alert Level to DateYesActuals to date VS budgeted RDC to date  You cannot add this column to the smart grid unless you have the global permission Resource Direct Cost (RDC) Data.
Variance to Budgeted Billing Adj Revenue at Comp

Variance to budget expected, using the estimate at completion method; (BillingAdjustedRevenueAtCompletion) - (BudgetedBillingAdjustedRevenueAtCompletion)

Variance to Budgeted Billing Adj Revenue at Comp (Reporting Currency)

Variance to Budgeted Chargeable Hours at Comp

Variance to budget expected, using the estimate at completion method; (ChargeableHoursAtCompletion)- (BudgetedChargeableHoursAtCompletion)

Variance to Budgeted Contract Revenue at Comp

Variance to budget expected, using the estimate at completion method; (ContractRevenueAtCompletion) - (BudgetedContractRevenueAtCompletion)

Variance to Budgeted Contract Revenue at Comp (Reporting Currency)

Variance to Budgeted Hours at Comp

Variance to budget expected, using the estimate at completion method; (HoursAtCompletion) - (BudgetedHoursAtCompletion)

Variance to Budgeted Primary Time Metric at Comp

Variance to budget expected, using the estimate at completion method; measured in Primary time budget metric

Variance to Budgeted Primary Time Metric at Comp (Reporting Currency)

Variance to Budgeted RDC at Comp

Variance to budget expected, using the estimate at completion method; (ResourceDirectCostAtCompletion) - (BudgetedResourceDirectCostAtCompletion)

  You cannot add this column to the smart grid unless you have the global permission Resource Direct Cost (RDC) Data.
Variance to Budgeted RDC at Comp (Reporting Currency)

  You cannot add this column to the smart grid unless you have the global permission Resource Direct Cost (RDC) Data.


You cannot add Profit columns to the smart grid unless you have the global permission Resource Direct Cost (RDC) Data.

Project Margin at CompYes

Project profit of actual plus projected time and costs as a percentage of revenue

Project Profit at CompYes Project profit of actual plus projected time and costs; (SystemRevenueAtCompletion) + (OdcRevenueAmountAtCompletion) - (ResourceDirectCostAtCompletion) - (ExpenseAmountAtCompletion)
Project Profit at Comp (Reporting Currency)Yes

Rate Realization
% of Revenue Lost due to Write Downs at CompYes= (Contract Rate at comp- Billing Adjusted Rate at comp)/Contract Rate at Comp
Billing Adj Rate at CompYes

Actual or Projected Billing Rate after billing adjustments, measured using estimate at completion method

Billing Adj Rate at Comp (Reporting Currency)Yes
Contract Rate at CompYes

Planned or negotiated billing rate, measured using estimate at completion method

Contract Rate at Comp (Reporting Currency)Yes
Revenue Loss due to Write Downs at CompYes= Contract Revenue at comp - Billing Adjusted Revenue at completion
Revenue Loss due to Write Downs at Comp (Reporting Currency)Yes
System Rate at CompYes

Actual or Projected Billing Rate after billing and revenue recognition adjustments, measured using estimate at completion method

System Rate at Comp (Reporting Currency)Yes

Revenue Recognition

New with March 2022 Release

(March 12, 2022)

% of Time Contract Value RecognizedYes

% of System Revenue that is Recognized.

System Revenue

Labor revenue that has been recognized plus labor revenue remaining to be recognized.

At the CLI-level, for FP and NTE contract terms, System Revenue is typically the same as Time Contract Amount.

Various slices of System Revenue (e.g. Actual System Revenue thru Cutoff, Projected System Revenue after Cutoff) rely on Dynamic System Revenue Allocation (DSRA) performed as of the Actuals Cutoff Date (ACOD) for this value.

System Revenue (Reporting Currency)
Same as the above, converted to the selected reporting currency.
Actual System Revenue thru Cutoff
Labor revenue on all approved Time cards thru the configured cutoff date (ACOD), based on the CLI's % completeness as of the same ACOD
Actual System Revenue thru Cutoff (Reporting Currency)
Same as the above, converted to the selected reporting currency.
Projected System Revenue after Cutoff
Labor revenue projected for booked hours after the configured cutoff date (ACOD), based on the CLI's % of completeness as of the same ACOD
Projected System Revenue after Cutoff (Reporting Currency)
Same as the above, converted to the selected reporting currency.
System Revenue Recognized

Labor revenue (system revenue) that has been through revenue recognition.

System Revenue Recognized (Reporting Currency)
Same as the above, converted to the selected reporting currency.Yes
System Revenue Recognized thru Cutoff
Labor Revenue that has been recognized thru cutoff date, i.e. System Revenue for Time Cards as of the Actual Cutoff Date.
System Revenue Recognized thru Cutoff (Reporting Currency)
Same as the above, converted to the selected reporting currency.
Actual System Revenue to be Recognized thru Cutoff
This is labor revenue that has not yet been, but could be recognized. Time cards for this value include all approved cards between the Last Revenue Recognition Cutoff Date and the Revenue Recognition Cutoff Date selected for the next rev rec run.
Actual System Revenue to be Recognized thru Cutoff (Reporting Currency)
Same as the above, converted to the selected reporting currency.
Has Unapproved Time Cards?
Boolean field that is true when time cards after the Last Revenue Recognized Date and prior to the next rev rec run's Revenue Recognition Cutoff Date have the status of drafted, submitted, or rejected.  These cards will not be part of the revenue recognition operation and their absence will impact percent complete calculations during revenue recognition.Yes
Has Roles with Scheduling in Process?
Boolean field that is true when there is Scheduled Time (booked hours) after the Revenue Recognition Cutoff Date that has not been approved or finalized.  The booked time on these roles will not be part of the revenue recognition operation and their absence will impact percent complete calculations during revenue recognition.Yes
Has Time Cards Prior to Cutoff Date with No Revenue?
Boolean field that is true when there are Time Cards with no recognized revenue prior to the configured Revenue Recognition Cutoff Date.  When a CLI has time cards prior to the cutoff date with no revenue (no recognized revenue), those cards have not been through revenue recognition.Yes
Revenue Recognition Notifications

Consolidated notifications field that delivers warnings and contextual links to content of note for:

  • Has Unapproved Time Cards?
  • Has Roles with Scheduling in Process?
  • Has Time Cards Prior to Cutoff Date with No Revenue

Task Planning
% Late Tasks at CompYes

Percentage of tasks that actually were completed late or which are planned to be completed late

% Overbudget Tasks at CompYes

Percentage of tasks that are already or will be over budget based on actual hours plus remaining hours

Remaining Task to Projected Hours RatioYes

Ratio that expresses how accurate scheduled hours are as compared to task hours ( less than 1 indicates overstaffing, greater than 1 indicates understaffing); (ProjectedTaskHoursToComplete) / (ProjectedHoursToComplete)

Created by Display Name

Created by Email Address

Created by Employee ID

Created by First Name

Created by Last Name

Created Timestamp

Last Updated by Display Name

Last Updated by Email Address

Last Updated by Employee ID

Last Updated by First Name

Last Updated by Last Name

Last Updated Timestamp

Task Plan Last Updated Timestamp

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