Variance Report - Parameters

Variance Report - Parameters



Time Period

Include time data for the specified time period.

Start Date

The first date to be included in the report.

End Date

The final date to be included in the report.

Cost Center

  • Include engagements in – Includes time and cost data only for engagements in or beneath the chosen cost center.
  • Include resources in – Includes time and cost data only for resources in or beneath the chosen cost center.


Open the drop-down menu to choose the currency in which monetary values will be reported.

Borrow/Loan Filter

This option enables reporting of data related to resources from one cost center working on engagements in a different cost center (hence the term Borrow/Loan). If you choose a cost center level name from the drop down, then the report will include only data involving loans at or above that level. For example, suppose the cost center levels (defined on the Edit Cost Center Rollup form) are Business Unit, Office, and Team. Choosing Office will produce a report showing loans between Business Units and Offices, but not between Teams in the same Office.

Include billable engagements only

Check this box to exclude engagements with engagement types that are specified as non-billable.

Include unapproved hours in actuals

Check this box to include hours that have been submitted but not yet approved or rejected.

Include unapproved expenses in actuals

Check this box to include expenses that have been submitted but not yet approved or rejected.

Exclude temporary workers

Check this box to exclude resources that are designated to be temporary.

Calculate Utilization for

  • Capacity management
  • Yield Management