Invoice Editor MP
The Invoice Editor is where you manage the nuts and bolts of individual invoices. From here you edit, adjust and approve the invoice.
The Topic of the Day: Invoicing webinar is a great resource to learn all about creating invoices on Projector Management Portal.
The Invoice Editor is reached from the Invoices tab.
The editor is organized into the following six tabs:
- Invoice Editor MP - Invoice Tab — enter billing data, view a summary of billable items, manage approvals and set your template
- Invoice Editor MP - Time Card Review Tab — lists all the time cards currently included on the invoice. It displays the net effect of all adjustments, access to the history of time cards, and provides powerful tools to revalue, adjust, transfer, add, exclude and split time cards
- Invoice Editor MP - Cost Card Review Tab — lists all the cost cards currently included on the invoice. It displays the net effect of all adjustments, access to the history of cost cards, and provides powerful tools to adjust, transfer, add, and exclude cost cards
- Invoice Editor MP - Milestones Tab — Add, delete, edit, include or exclude milestones for each engagement on this invoice.
- Invoice Editor MP - Adjustment Summary Tab — review and approve adjustments on an invoice
- Invoice Editor MP - Notes Tab — provides an area where you may make notes about the invoice
- Invoice Editor MP - Distribution Tab
- Invoice Editor MP - User Defined Fields Tab — set user defined fields for invoices