Clear IsolatedStorage Folder

Clear IsolatedStorage Folder

Occasionally you may be asked to delete your IsolatedStorage folder in Projector. This often resolves problems like Management Portal failing to start, strange behavior of management portal, and a few other issues. This folder is owned and maintained by the Projector application. So you do not need to worry about losing data if you delete it. That being said, it does contain some information like your saved tab settings, search history, etc. You may need to reconfigure some of your Management Portal settings after clearing isolated storage. In particular, please ensure that checkboxes on confirmation dialogs are correct. For example, if you typically email your invoices on issue, make sure that checkbox is ticked. Or if you typically send notification emails on a change to a resource's hours, make sure the notification checkbox is still ticked.


Clear IsolatedStorage Folder

If you are having trouble, contact the Projector Support team for assistance.

  1. Quit all instances of Management Portal
  2. Start a Run dialog by pressing windows+R. Or, search for Run on your Start Menu.
  3. Enter %LocalAppData% and OK. This will open a file explorer on your computer. 
  4. In that folder is a subfolder called IsolatedStorage. Delete it.
  5. Start Management Portal back up



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