

The calendar is used in numerous places throughout Projector. It allows you to choose a date. The calendar has a different appearance in the Management Portal than it does in the web-based Employee Portal, as described below.

Management Portal Calendar

The arrows located to the left ( ) and right ( ) of the month will allow you to advance one month at a time, backward or forward, respectively.

You may also click directly on the month to open a drop-down menu of month choices.

You may edit the year by clicking directly on the year, then using the up/down arrows to make changes.

For your convenience, today's date is circled in red. The Clear button will clear the previously selected date. The calendar will automatically close after you choose a date. You may manually close the calendar without making any changes by pressing the Cancel button.

Employee Portal Web-Based Calendar

The arrows located to the left ( ) and right ( ) of the month will allow you to advance one month at a time, backward or forward, respectively.

For your convenience, today's date is enclosed in a black box. The Clear button will clear the previously selected date. The calendar will automatically close after you choose a date. You may manually close the calendar without making any changes by pressing the ( ) button.
documents are displayed by clicking the + and - links in the upper right corner of the document grid.