Number Customization

Number Customization

Can I customize my invoice numbers?

Yes, please contact Projector technical support to learn about customizing these numbers.

Can I choose my first starting Invoice number?

Yes, though this is one thing that Projector support must update for you. By default invoices will begin with the prefix INV and the number 00001. You can request a different prefix or no prefix along with your desired starting invoice number. Just let Projector support know what you'd like and this change can be implemented quickly.

Can I prefix the Invoice number by Company?

Yes, you can choose to prefix the invoice number with your Company's prefix setting.  Let Projector support know that you want your invoices prefixed by Company.  Then make sure your company profiles have the Prefix field populated.  

I need to reissue an invoice and would like to retain the original invoice number but numbers are generated automatically, how can I do this?

Your invoice numbering is currently set to Auto mode, by having Projector change this setting to Hybrid or Manual you can override the automatically generated number with any invoice number you desire. Contact Projector support if you would like your invoice numbering mode updated.

Note: Re-using Invoice numbers may conflict with your accounting system, which may not allow duplicate invoice numbers.