Can I prevent resources from being overbooked?

Can I prevent resources from being overbooked?

There is not a way to prevent users from overbooking resources. One way some customers handle this is to have dedicated schedulers who are in charge of allocating resources out to requests. This allows a single person or a small group of people to manage resource allocation. If you need many users to be able to book resources then they will need to be educated about seeing and paying attention to Projector warnings. Bookers will see warning messages and red exclamation marks when overbooking resources.

To find overbooked resources try the resourcing dashboard. Here you can quickly see all resources in your installation. There will be a bright red !overallocated warning message for your resources.

You may also be interested in the utilization report. The utilization report provides insight into your organization's capacity. From there you can spot periods of high activity when hiring more employees or contractors may be necessary.