Calendar Subscription - Microsoft Outlook

Calendar Subscription - Microsoft Outlook

This page will teach you how to subscribe Outlook to your Projector calendar.

Refresh Interval

Outlook updates the Projector calendar when a Send/Receive occurs. You can force an update by pressing F9.

  1. Go to your My Profile page and click Subscribe to your Projector schedule
  2. Click Copy Link

  3. From Outlook choose Open Calendar and click From Internet...

  4. Paste it into Outlook and click OK

  5. You'll likely want to click Advanced button

  6. Give your calendar a nice name. The Attachments and Update Limit settings do not do anything at this time. Click OK.
  7. Your calendar is displayed in Outlook
  8. If you want to view your Projector calendar and the Outlook calendar at the same time, you can right click on a calendar tab and choose Overlay