Error - Could not render invoice with receipts

Error - Could not render invoice with receipts

When saving or previewing a PDF invoice, you may encounter the following message: Could not render invoice with receipts, possibly due to an improperly formatted PDF receipt file.

This error occurs when one of the attached receipts is corrupt. This prevents Projector from properly attaching them to the invoice. 

Solution 1

Untick the checkbox Include receipts when creating PDF invoices.

Solution 2

If you need to include the receipts, then you will need to repair the bad PDF's. You can typically do this by resaving all attached receipts with a PDF editor like Adobe Acrobat Pro. To find the attached receipts:

  • Go to the cost card review tab and note all the attached expense documents
  • Find each expense document on the expense browser
  • Open each expense document and click the paperclip icon for each line item to view it's receipts
  • Save the PDF to your computer and repair it
  • Delete the old PDF
  • Reattach the repaired PDF


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