For Reporting Only Time Cards - FRO
For Reporting Only Time Cards - FRO
For Reporting Only time cards, also known as FRO, are typically used by organizations when cutting over from their old time tracking system to Projector. Some organizations may also load FRO time cards when they enter time in another system, but want to use Projector as the system of record for measures like utilization. For example, your support team logs hours in JIRA. Rather than having them log those same hours in Projector, you import them as FRO time cards. This allows you to measure resource utilization, track budgets, and track profit/margin within Projector.
- FRO time cards do NOT create accounting transactions. If you need accounting transactions created you'll need to create actual time cards instead.
- FRO cards are never invoiced. You can load something called DROB (Deferred Revenue Opening Balance) to reflect the amount of revenue that has been worked, but not yet invoiced)