I did not receive an email

I did not receive an email

It is not uncommon for users to report that an email was not received. Here are several reasons to consider.


Spam or Junk Folders

Your email client may be filtering emails from the projectorpsa.com domain (eg, noreply@projectorpsa.com) as spam or junk.

Email Blocking

Your email provider may be blocking emails from Projector. In this case, an email administrator could whitelist our email server to ensure the emails aren't blocked.

Within Projector

Incorrect email address

The email address entered in Projector may not match the address you use.

The Projector-generated email limit

Projector-generated emails are limited to ten recipients to prevent mail servers marking them as spam. If more than ten recipients are included (for example, in a project close notification email) then only ten recipients will be emailed.