What is productive utilization?

What is productive utilization?

Projector helps you manage a bunch of different flavors of utilization, chief among them chargeable and productive. Loosely put, chargeable utilization represents hours spent generating revenue. Productive utilization represents hours logged to engagement types that you deem “productive.” This can include both revenue generating and non-revenue generating hours. Oftentimes is synonymous with bonusable utilization - that is, work on activities that are important to the organization. For a billable consultant, this usually means billable hours. For your internal engineering team, this may be hours working on your next product release, even if that activity isn't directly billable. For your senior managers, this may include work supporting business development activities. Basically, productive utilization represents work you want to measure and reward your people for.

Additional Resources

The Topic of the Day: Utilization webinar is a great resource to learn about managing and measuring resource utilization with Projector. (go to 14:21)

To start using productive utilization, edit each Engagement Type Editor that you consider productive and tick the checkbox for Include Engagements of this type in Productive Hours on Utilization Reports.