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Projector offers a pre-built integration for sending information from Projector to QuickBooks Online Edition. This page will help you install the necessary software to connect the two applications. Once configured, you'll be able to transmit AR. AP, GL, Clients, and Vendors from Projector to QuickBooks Online Edition. If you use the Desktop Edition of QuickBooks, please reference this help page instead.

This document only helps you connect the two pieces of software. If you need assistance mapping Projector fields to QuickBooks fields then you should be working with one of our accounting consultants.

This form is reached from your Integration tab | QuickBooks subsection | Synchronize Accounting.

Permissions and Settings

Before you can proceed you need the following:

  1. The QuickBooks module enabled
  2. The global permission Accounting System Interface set to Update

Connect QuickBooks with Projector

If you have not synchronized your computer with Projector previously, then you will need to follow these steps to connect the two applications.

Install Request Processor

The Request Processor is a program provided by Intuit that sends information back and forth between Projector and QuickBooks. You can download it from this link.


Install QuickBooks Web Connector

The QuickBooks Web Connector is a program provided by Intuit that enables specially designed web-based applications to exchange data with QuickBooks Online.


Install Projector Configuration Utility

This program is released by Projector and sets a registry key that Intuit checks for authorization purposes.

Install Projector 32 Bit

This part can be confusing if you don't know a lot about computers, but the non-technical version is that QuickBooks Online Edition is only available as a 32 bit program. Most computers these days are 64 bit. In order for Projector to talk to QuickBooks you have to install a special version of Projector. Please install the special version from this link.

Once installed you should have a program called Projector 32 in your start menu.

When syncing with QuickBooks you should always run Projector 32. You can check the version of Projector by looking at the Help | About menu. The "bitness" of Projector is displayed in the upper right.

Start Projector 32

Run Projector 32 from your Start Menu and go to your Integration tab. If you don't have an Integration tab then choose View | Integration from the menu bar.

Select QuickBooks Version

Choose Online Edition from the dropdown box.

QB Desktop

If you are using QuickBooks desktop then you should be reading this page instead

Verify Connector is Working

From the integration tab go to the QuickBooks subsection | Synchronize Accounting

Click Show Connector Info. The following dialog should be shown if everything is configured properly.

Create Connection Ticket

A connection ticket identifies this computer as one that is allowed to communicate with QuickBooks Online. The connection ticket contains information about which users are allowed to access QBO and what kinds of data they are allowed to sync. This information is stored in your computer's registry. If you need to use a different connection, then see the troubleshooting section to learn how to clear it. 

First, make sure you have Online Edition selected from the QuickBooks Version dropdown box. Then click Synchronize Wizard.

Because a connection ticket has not yet been created, the Synchronize Wizard button presents the following screen. If you are not presented with this screen it is because you already have a connection established. If you need to establish a new connection, see the troubleshooting section on deleting a connection ticket so that a new one can be created.

Set up a company!

Skip the Set up a company! button. As you almost certainly already have a QuickBooks company defined, you don't need to do this.

Set up connection!

When you click the Set up connection button, Internet Explorer will open to the following page. Check your taskbar if it looks like nothing happened after clicking the button. You should see a new IE window. Enter the QuickBooks credentials of a QBO administrator and Sign In.

Select Company

You will only see this step if you have multiple companies associated with your login. Choose the QuickBooks company you want to sync with.

Verify Company Information

Check that your company name looks correct. If it is wrong, switch the company.

Choose New or Existing Connection

You should either choose an existing connection from the dropdown list and click Use Selected Connection or click Create New Connection. If you are unsure what a connection is and why you would choose one vs. another, jump down to the Connections section at the bottom of this page, familiarize yourself, and then return here.

Copy Connection Ticket

Click the Copy to Clipboard button to save the session ticket string. You'll need to paste it into Projector in a couple more steps. If you lose or forget to copy the ticket it is not a big deal. You can generate a new one by clicking Synchronize Accounting from Projector again. This time you'll skip most of the steps we just covered. You also don't need to save this ticket number anywhere. You will generate a new one each time you sync with QuickBooks.

Connection Complete

Congratulations, you did it! Click Finished.

Enter Connection Ticket

Return to Projector and paste your connection ticket into this window and click OK. Your connection information is written to the registry and you will not be prompted with this dialog again.

Create Session Ticket

A session ticket determines whether a specific user can send information to QBO and what kind of information is allowed to be synced. This is different than the connection ticket we just created. This dialog is not shown if you chose to create a connection ticket with permissions for Anyone. Most people don't do that though.

Login to Quickbooks

Click the Login to QuickBooks button.

Enter User Credentials

You are presented with a second authorization screen. This time enter the username and password for the specific user that will be integrating with QuickBooks. For example, Jim or Jane, rather than the admin account used to create the connection ticket.


Optionally Pick Company

If you have more than one company defined for your QBO installation, choose the one you set up with the connection ticket.

Copy Session Ticket

Copy the session ticket that is shown to you.

Paste Session Ticket

Paste it into the Projector dialog

Finally, Projector will display a message indicating it has connected to your QuickBooks company file. Click Yes.

If everything worked you are presented with the QuickBooks synchronization wizard. See the QuickBooks Sync Wizard page to learn how to use it.


In order for Projector to talk to QuickBooks, it must operate through a Connection. The connection determines who is allowed to make changes in QuickBooks and what changes they are allowed to make. You can also view audit logs on a per connection basis through the QuickBooks Online website. Although you can manage existing connections through the QBO website, you can only create new connections through Projector. Connections must be created by a QBO user with administrator access rights. The following sections describe the components of a connection and show screenshots for when you use the Make New Connection option in Projector. 

Who has access

Before we get too far into connections, let's cover what they define. First, a connection defines who has access. Your choices are:

User CategoryDescription
AnyoneAnyone, even someone who does not have permissions to log in or user QBO, can run Projector on this computer and sync accounting data into QuickBooks.

Any user in your QBO installation

Any user with a QBO account can sync. View your users by logging into the QBO website and going to the Manage Users section.

A specific user or users in your QBO installation 

You are presented a list of each QBO user account. Choose which users are allowed to sync.

If you are thinking ahead, you may be wondering how Projector knows which account is trying to sync data. Well, each time you sync Projector with QBO you are asked to log into the QBO website. The website will give you a special ticket. Cut and paste this into Projector to identify whether John vs. Jane vs. Fido. One last note, these logins have absolutely nothing to do with Projector logins. If you log into Projector as, you can log into QBO as to sync transactions.

Access Rights

Next you need to define what kind of data these users can access. The table below explains the different levels of access you can define. These govern access to syncing GL, AR, AP, Client, Vendor, and Resource data.

All Accountingxxxxxx

Customers and Sales

 x x  

Vendors and Purchases

  x xx

Customers, Sales, Vendors, and Purchases



Connection Names

I've put this section last, despite the fact that it is the first thing QBO asks you for. I did this because naming is important and you need to have knowledge of the preceding sections before you choose an appropriate name. You should pick a name that describes the connection type, who has access, and what the access rights are. When you setup a computer in the future, this will make choosing the correct connection far easier. If you just call your connection "Projector" it is unlikely you'll remember any of the details when you need to use it again. However, if you name it "Projector - Tom - All Accounting" you'll know exactly what that means.

If you do forget your connection details you can look them up by logging into your QBO account and navigating to Company | Lists. Click on Connection List.






Below are some issues that users have had while synchronizing with QB online edition.

Projector on a 64-bit Operating system

If you see the following error - Failed to locate QuickBooks. Please ensure that a supported version of QuickBooks is installed on this computer. If you are running Projector on a 64-bit Operating system, please contact Projector support for a QuickBooks connector that is compatible with your operating system.

You most likely are not running Projector 32. Please install and use Projector 32 to synchronize with QuickBooks.

Redirect Failed

When trying to create a connection ticket, you may encounter a redirection error in the popup window.

This is caused when your browser is already logged into QBO. You should log out of QBO and try clicking the New Connection button again.


Unable to Create Session Ticket

When trying to generate a session ticket, a warning informs the user that the page is hiding insecure content. Occasionally we have found that this makes it impossible for someone to generate a session ticket. Instead of a ticket they are logged into their QuickBooks company file.

To fix this, add Intuit as a trusted website:

  • Go to Tools | Internet Options in IE
  • Security tab 
  • Trusted Sites
  • Click the Sites button 
  • Add

Destroy Connection Ticket

If you need to destroy a connection ticket because it was incorrectly configured or because the user of the computer has changed, then delete the registry folder and all subfolders/keys from HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Intuit\QBOEQBXMLRP


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