Engagement Type - Enterprise Configuration Tab

The main idea behind this tab is to set default values and to limit available options based on the engagement type. It should be used in conjunction with the Cost Center Editor where you will specify which engagement types are available to a set of cost centers. Between the these two areas you present only the options that make sense to a division of your company. For example, if you have a Sales cost center, then you would only make Sales engagement types available. In turn these engagement types only expose stages and task types relevant to the sales team. There are many ways to model this paradigm and which you choose will depend on your cost center structure.

To start filling out this tab, think about which cost centers allow this engagement type. Then make available all the settings that are relevant to that cost center.

Permissions and Settings

To edit Engagement Types you need the global permission Maintain System Settings set to update.

To access this tab you need to enable the module Enterprise Configuration.

If you are unfamiliar with Enterprise Configuration and need an introduction, please see our Enterprise Configuration help page.


What settings should be available in the engagement editor?

Engagement StageChoose the default stage for new engagements and which additional stages should be available on the Engagement Info Tab.
Engagement UDFsWhich engagement UDFs should be available on the Engagement Info Tab


What settings should be available in the project editor?

Project StageChoose the default stage for new projects and which additional stages should be available on the Project Info Tab.
Standard Task TypesWhich standard task types should be available on the Project Rates Tab?
Standard Rate TypesWhich standard rate types should be available on the Project Rates Tab?
Project UDFsWhich project udfs should be available on the Project Info Tab?


What role UDFs should be shown on the role editor?

Role UdfsWhich role UDFs should be available on the Role Info Tab?

Time Cards

What time card settings should be available on time cards submitted to engagements of this type?

Timecard UDFsWhich UDFs should resources see when entering time?

Cost Cards

What cost card settings should be available on time cards submitted to engagements of this type?

Cost Card UDFsWhich UDFs should resources see when entering expenses?