Rate Limiting
In order to protect our servers from inadvertent service overuse or intentional attack, and to fairly distribute services to all our customers, we have implemented a rate limiting algorithm. When fully deployed, this new algorithm will cause services to either succeed with new warnings or fail with new errors when services are consumed at too high a rate. Programs that consume Projector services should be enhanced to handle rate limiting errors so that they can continue functioning properly. For more information please visit: Projector Rate Limiting Behavior.
Name | Data Type | Required? | Default Value | Discussion |
BatchId | int | yes | The batch ID created by invoking the OpenTimeCardBatch service. | |
BatchActionType | int | yes | This parameter specifies how the cost cards in the batch should get imported. See table below for possible values and their definitions. | |
PurgeBeginDate | date | no | Beginning of time. | Applies to Replace batch action only. Caution: If the date is null then all for reporting only cards will be purged that are earlier than the PurgeEndDate. If the account setting Prevent Unbounded Deletion of FRO Time and Cost Cards is turned on, if no value is passed in for PurgeBeginDate and PurgeEndDate, no existing "for reporting only" cost cards will be purged. Otherwise, all "for reporting only" cost cards in the date range will be purged. |
PurgeEndDate | date | no | End of time. | Applies to Replace batch action only. Caution: If the date is null then all for reporting only cards will be purged that are later than the PurgeBeginDate. If the account setting Prevent Unbounded Deletion of FRO Time and Cost Cards is turned on, if no value is passed in for PurgeBeginDate and PurgeEndDate, no existing "for reporting only" cost cards will be purged. Otherwise, all "for reporting only" cost cards in the date range will be purged. |
ExpenseReportNumber | string | no | Applies to ExpenseReport batch. If not specified, an expense report number will be generated. | |
ExpenseDocumentNumber | string | yes | Applies to ExpenseReport, VendorInvoice and SoftCosts batch. If not specified, a document number will be generated. | |
ResourceReferenceSystemId | string | yes | Applies to ExpenseReport batch action only. The employee ID of the resource that the expense report is connected to. | |
CostCenterName | string | yes* | Applies to SoftCosts batch action only. The name of cost center to import soft cost batch for. Specify cost center name or cost center number, but not both. | |
CostCenterNumber | string | yes* | Applies to SoftCosts batch action only. The number of cost center to import soft cost batch for. Specify cost center name or cost center number, but not both. | |
ExpenseReportName | string | no | Applies to ExpenseReport batch actions only. | |
ExpenseDocumentName | string | yes | Applies to ExpenseReport, VendorInvoice and SoftCosts batch actions. | |
CashAdvanceReturnAmount | float | no | Applies to ExpenseReport batch action only. The cash advance amount for the expense report. | |
DisbursedCurrencyCode | string | Applies to ExpenseReport batch action only. The disbursed currency code. | ||
MileageUom | string | yes | Applies to ExpenseReport batch action only. Mileage unit of measure. "M"=miles. "K"=kilometers. | |
Status | string | no | S | Applies to ExpenseReport, VendorInvoice and SoftCosts batch actions only. "D"=draft |
OverrideRulesFlag | boolean | no | false | Applies to Import batch action only. When true, causes the procedure to ignore violations of project status, date range, resource status, booked resources only, and narrative required rules. |
PayeeVendorName | string | yes | Applies to VendorInvoice batch action only. The name of the vendor connected to the vendor invoice. | |
VendorInvoiceDate | date | yes | Applies to VendorInvoice batch action only. The vendor invoice date. | |
ReferenceNumber | string | no | Applies to VendorInvoice batch action only. The vendor invoice reference number. | |
ReportOnlyFlag | boolean | no | false | If set to "true", the time card importing process is exercised, but not completed. If there is any error triggered during the importing process, it will be reported in the response. |
PurgeExternalGroupingIdentifier | string | no | The group of cost cards associated with this externalgroupindentifier will be purged. | |
PurgeUidList | string | no | Comma separated list of cost cards that are to be purged. | |
ClientAndRevenueAmountsCurrencyTypeCode | String | no | The client amount and revenue amount currency code used. "D" = disbursed currency code "E" = engagement currency code | |
PurgeProjectCode | string | no | The code for the project whose cost cards are to be purged. |
The BatchActionType input accepts the following values:
Parameter Value | Description |
Import | Add cost cards as soft costs. The cost cards in the batch will be added to one or more soft cost batches. One soft cost batch will be created for each distinct cost center represented by the cost cards in the batch. If the cost card batch contains any invalid cost cards, valid cost cards will still be imported, and the web service will return a list of rejected cost cards, along with error codes identifying the reason for rejection. |
Replace | Replace cost cards in purge date range. In this case the cards imported or purged must be "for reporting only". As with Import, they are imported into one or more soft cost batches. They will not be assignable to invoices. If the PurgeEndDate is earlier than the PurgeBeginDate then the cards will be imported without any purging. If the cost card batch contains any invalid cost cards, valid cost cards will still be imported, and the web service will return a list of rejected cost cards, along with error codes identifying the reason for rejection. |
ExpenseReport | Add Expense Report. All cost cards in the batch are treated as part of a single expense report. All cost cards must be valid in order for the import to be successful. |
VendorInvoice | Add Vendor Invoice. All cost cards in the batch are treated as part of a single vendor invoice. All cost cards must be valid in order for the import to be successful. |
SoftCosts | Add Soft Cost Batch. All cost cards in the batch are treated as part of a single soft cost batch. This differs from Import in two respects: (a) all cost cards in the batch must be from the same cost center, and a single soft cost batch will be created; and (b) any error found in any cost card in the batch will cause the entire batch to fail. |
Void | Void batch. This cancels the import without actually creating any cost cards. This should be done anytime an attempt to close a batch fails (this does not include Import or Replace batches that have rejected cost cards). |
The following data is returned:
Name | Data Type | Discussion |
CostCardErrors | list of CostCardError items | see below |
DeletedCostCardCount | int (nullable) | If cost cards were deleted as part of this request, this will be the number of cards that were deleted. |
Each CostCardError item contains:
Name | Data Type | Discussion |
Index | int | Index of the cost card (position in the batch) that failed. |
OpsError | OpsWebError | See Responses |