There are five modes associated with importing cost cards. The mode is specified by the BatchActionType in the OpsCloseCostCardBatch web service. The modes are Import, Replace, ExpenseReport, VendorInvoice and SoftCosts. Here's how the money-related fields are treated in each mode:
- Import Cost Cards (creates soft costs)
- Incurred Amount – Ignored; total disbursed amount used here.
- Incurred VAT Amount – Ignored; we use zero on the resulting cost cards.
- Incurred Currency Code – Ignored; disbursed currency code is used here.
- Total Disbursed Amount – Must be non-negative. Denominated in disbursed currency.
- Client Amount – Ignored; Projector sets this based on its normal valuation rules.
- Revenue Amount – Ignored; Projector sets this based on its normal valuation rules.
- Disbursed Currency Code – Must match credit cost center's company's currency.
- Note: @overrideRulesFlag here lets cards be added to projects closed for cost.
- Replace Cost Cards (creates "for reporting only" soft costs; supports purging of existing cards of this type, too)
- Incurred Amount – Ignored; total disbursed amount used here.
- Incurred VAT Amount – Ignored; we use zero on the resulting cost cards.
- Incurred Currency Code – Ignored; disbursed currency code is used here.
- Total Disbursed Amount – Disbursed amount in disbursed currency.
- Client Amount – Amount charged to client in disbursed currency.
- Revenue Amount – Amount of revenue taken on this item, in disbursed currency.
- Disbursed Currency Code – Any valid installation currency's currency code.
- Note: Expense Amount is not provided, but is computed from Total Disbursed Amount + Revenue Amount – Client Amount
- Import Expense Report, Import Vendor Invoice, Import Soft Costs (creates exactly one expense document – expense report, vendor invoice, soft costs – for a batch of cost cards)
- Incurred Amount – Must be non-negative.
- Incurred VAT Amount – Must be non-negative.
- Incurred Currency Code – Must be a valid currency code for any OPS currency (not necessarily an installation currency)
- Total Disbursed Amount – Must be non-negative. This is equivalent to incurred amount (i.e. it includes VAT) but expressed in disbursed currency.
- Client Amount – Ignored; Projector sets this based on its normal valuation rules.
- Revenue Amount – Ignored; Projector sets this based on its normal valuation rules.
- Disbursed Currency Code – Must match submitting resource's cost center's company's currency.
The service request contains:
Name | Data Type | Required? | Default Value | Discussion |
BatchId | int | yes |
| The batch ID created by invoking the OpenCostCardBatch service. |
CostCards | list of CostCard items | no |
| See description of CostCard below |
Each CostCard item contains:
Name | Data Type | Required? | Default Value | Discussion |
CostCardReferenceSystemId | string | yes |
| Pass an identifier that uniquely identifies this cost card in the batch. This is used only as a cross-reference when returning errors or warnings from the web service. Please note that this ID is limited to a length of 20 characters. |
ProjectCode | string | yes |
IncurredDate | date | yes |
CostCodeName | string | yes |
Description | string | yes |
MileageUnits | float | no |
| Mileage or units. For mileage expense types, this is the distance, expressed in the unit of measure specified for the expense report. For unit driven expense types, this is the number of units, as defined by the expense type. |
IncurredAmount | float |
IncurredVatAmount | float | no | 0 | Portion of IncurredAmount that is VAT. |
IncurredCurrencyCode | string |
DisbursedAmount | float | yes |
ClientAmount | float |
RevenueAmount | float |
DisbursedCurrencyCode | string | yes |
CreditCostCenterNumber | string | When BatchActionType is Import then exactly one of CreditCostCenterNumber and CreditCostCenterName is required. |
| Applies only when BatchActionType is Import. |
CreditCostCenterName | string | When BatchActionType is Import then exactly one of CreditCostCenterNumber and CreditCostCenterName is required. |
| Applies only when BatchActionType is Import. |
LocationName | string | no |
| Location associated with cost card. |
NonBillableFlag | boolean | no | false | True to indicate that this cost is not billable. |
OverrideClientAmount | float | no |
| Can use this to set explicit client amount. |
ResourceReferenceSystemID | string | no |
| Resource associated with cost card. For expense reports, this should be left null, and it is an error to specify any resource other than the resource that gets passed to the close cost card batch web service. |
PayeeVendorName | string | no |
| Vendor associated with cost card. For vendor invoices, this should be left null, and it is an error to specify any vendor other than the vendor that gets passed to the close cost card batch web service. It is an error to specify a vendor name for a soft cost. |
ExternalGroupingIdentifier | int | no | Allows for grouping a collection of timecards to facilitate searching and purging. |
The following data is returned:
Name | Data Type | Discussion |
CostCardErrors | list of CostCardError items | see below |
Each CostCardError item contains:
Name | Data Type | Discussion |
Index | int | Index of the time card (position in CostCards) that failed. |
OpsError | OpsWebError | See Responses |