Add or Edit an Expense Item

Add or Edit an Expense Item

You can choose to add a new expense or to edit an existing expense from the Expenses screen. To reach the expenses screen:

  1. From the home page choose Expenses. This will open the Expense Reports screen.
  2. Find your expense report under the Draft, Submitted or Approved categories and choose it. This will bring up the Expense Report screen.
  3. Select Expenses to view expenses on the report
    1. To add a new expense select Add Expense
    2. To edit an existing expense choose it from the list
  4. The expense screen below will be shown. Fill it out and choose Done to save your new expense item or update your existing expense item.

Expense Screen

This page is reached from the Expenses screen by selecting an expense, the Add New Expense Report screen by selecting Add Expenses or from this screen itself by selecting Add Another. This screen allows you to view, edit and save an expense.




Return to the Expenses screen without saving changes


Save changes


If the expense item is still in draft status you will have the option to delete it

Add Another

Create a new expense item by copying over the information from the current expense item. All information except for the description field and cost amount will be copied.




Description of the expense


Select the date field to display a quick select calendar. Today's date is shown in yellow.


The expense type


Location of expense


Choose the expense currency. If you choose a currency other than the default you will be presented with the following screen where you can specify the exchange rate.

Do not charge client

Check this box to flag the expense as non-billable to the client.


The project this expense will be charged against

Paid By

Use the drop down menu to select who this expense was paid by. If paid by you then choose Paid By Me. If paid by a company credit card then choose that card.