This structure contains key fields of a project that is associated with a time card or cost card
- PwsProjectDescriptor
- ProjectCode: String (24)
- ProjectId: Int32
- ProjectUid: Int64
- EngagementDescriptor: PwsEngagementDescriptor
- LocationIdentity: PwsLocationRef
- ProjectCloseDate: DateTime
- ProjectDescription: String (1000)
- ProjectManager: PwsUserSummary
- ProjectName: String (255)
- ProjectOpenDate: DateTime
- ProjectRoles: PwsRole []
- ProjectStageIdentity: PwsProjectStageRef
- UnavailableReasonCode: String
- Udf1InactiveFlag: Boolean
- Udf1Values: String []
- Udf2InactiveFlag: Boolean
- Udf2Values: String []
- Udf1DefaultValue: String (4000)
- Udf2DefaultValue: String (4000)
- ExpenseTypeIdentities: PwsExpenseTypeRef []
Element | Data Type | Description | Sample Data |
ProjectCode | String (24) | The project code is a unique identifier for a project. | P001395-001 |
ProjectId | Int32 | The project Id is a unique identifier for a project. For internal use only. |
ProjectUid | Int64 | A unique and immutable identifier for a project. | 1152921504607412209 |
EngagementDescriptor | PwsEngagementDescriptor | This structure contains key fields associated with an engagement. |
LocationIdentity | PwsLocationRef | The location associated with the project. |
ProjectCloseDate | DateTime | The project close / end date. |
ProjectDescription | String (1000) | The project description. |
ProjectManager | PwsUserSummary | The project manager. |
ProjectName | String | The project name. | New Web Services Project (A)
ProjectOpenDate | DateTime | The project start / open date. | 2018-01-01T00:00:00Z |
ProjectRoles | PwsRole [] | The project roles. |
ProjectStageIdentity | PwsProjectStageRef | The project stage. |
UnavailableReasonCode | String | The reason code in the instance that the project is unavailable for time or expense. |
Udf1InactiveFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true, the first time / cost card user defined field is inactive. | false |
Udf1Values | String [] | If the first user defined field is a pick list these are the values in the list. |
Udf2InactiveFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true, the second time / cost card user defined field is inactive. | false |
Udf2Values | String [] | If the second user defined field is a pick list these are the values in the list. |
Udf1DefaultValue | String (4000) | If the first user defined field is a pick list this is the default value |
Udf2DefaultValue | String (4000) | If the second user defined field is a pick list this is the default value |
ExpenseTypeIdentities | PwsExpenseTypeRef [] | The expense types that are valid for this project. If expense type configuration is not a factor, all expense types that are enabled for expense entry will be returned. |
Usage Example(s)
<ProjectCode xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/">P001395-001</ProjectCode>
<ProjectId i:nil="true" xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/"/>
<ProjectUid xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/">1152921504607412209</ProjectUid>
<EngagementCode xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/">E001395</EngagementCode>
<EngagementId i:nil="true" xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/"/>
<EngagementUid xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/">1152921504607324698</EngagementUid>
<ClientId i:nil="true" xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/"/>
<ClientNumber xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/">PR-PSA</ClientNumber>
<ClientUid xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/">1152921504606961482</ClientUid>
<a:ClientName>Projector PSA</a:ClientName>
<a:ParentClientDescriptor i:nil="true"/>
<a:EngagementManager xmlns:b="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/">
<b:UserDisplayName>Jack Spratt</b:UserDisplayName>
<b:UserId i:nil="true"/>
<b:MiddleName i:nil="true"/>
<a:EngagementName>Web Services Engagement</a:EngagementName>
<EngagementTypeId i:nil="true" xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/"/>
<EngagementTypeName xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/">Billable - Time and Materials</EngagementTypeName>
<EngagementTypeShortName xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/">TandM</EngagementTypeShortName>
<EngagementTypeUid xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/">1152921504606863884</EngagementTypeUid>
<a:EngagementCurrencyIdentity xmlns:b="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/">
<b:CurrencyId i:nil="true"/>
<a:LocationIdentity xmlns:b="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/">
<b:LocationId i:nil="true"/>
<a:ProjectCloseDate i:nil="true"/>
<a:ProjectDescription i:nil="true"/>
<a:ProjectManager xmlns:b="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/">
<b:UserDisplayName>Jack Spratt</b:UserDisplayName>
<b:UserId i:nil="true"/>
<b:MiddleName i:nil="true"/>
<a:ProjectName>New Web Services Project (A)</a:ProjectName>
<ExternalSystemIdentifier i:nil="true" xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/"/>
<ProjectRoleId i:nil="true" xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/"/>
<ProjectRoleUid xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/">1152921504609522500</ProjectRoleUid>
<a:RoleEndDate i:nil="true"/>
<a:ProjectStageIdentity xmlns:b="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/">
<b:ProjectStageId i:nil="true"/>
<a:UnavailableReasonCode i:nil="true"/>
<a:Udf1Values xmlns:b="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays"/>
<a:Udf2Values xmlns:b="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays"/>
<a:Udf1DefaultValue i:nil="true"/>
<a:Udf2DefaultValue i:nil="true"/>
<a:ExpenseTypeIdentities xmlns:b="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/"/>