This structure contains the complete set of information about an expense document, as well as additional useful information.
- PwsExpenseDocumentElement
- AllowAttachReceiptsToCcFlag: Boolean
- AllowAttachReceiptsToEdFlag: Boolean
- CostCards: PwsCostCardElement
- DisbursedCurrencyIdentity: PwsCurrencyRef
- DocumentCount: Int32
- ExpenseDocumentDetail: PwsExpenseDocumentDetail
- ExpenseDocumentVatFlag: Boolean
- Invoices: PwsExpenseEntryInvoice
- Locations: PwsLocationSummary
- LockedFlag: Boolean
- NoteCount: Int32
- PayeeVendors: PwsVendorSummary
- Projects: PwsExpenseEntryProject
- Receipts: PwsReceiptDetail
- TitleIdentity: PwsTitleRef
- Vouchers: PwsExpenseEntryVoucher
- AllowCloneFlag: Boolean
- AllowDeleteFlag: Boolean
- Category: String
- CreatedByUser: PwsUserSummary
- CreatedTimestamp: DateTime
- LastUpdatedByUser: PwsUserSummary
- LastUpdatedTimestamp: DateTime
- PaymentVoucherItems: PwsPaymentVoucherItem
- Status: RequestStatus
- DisbursedCurrencyDecimalDigits: Byte
- MileageUom: String
- ExpenseDocumentLockedFlag: Boolean
- ApprovalWorkflowStatus: String
- CostCardTotalDisbursedAmount: Double
- DeleteExpenseDocumentUnavailableReason: String
- DueToOtherPayeesAmount: Double
- InvoiceWorkflowStatus: String
- MaintainExpenseDocumentUnavailableReason: String
- PaymentWorkflowStatus: String
- ViewInExpenseEntryFlag: Boolean
Element | Data Type | Description | Sample Data |
AllowAttachReceiptsToCcFlag | Boolean | True if caller is allowed to attach receipts to cost cards on the expense document. | true |
AllowAttachReceiptsToEdFlag | Boolean | True if caller is allowed to attach receipts to the entire expense document. | true |
CostCards | The complete set of information regarding the cost card(s) on this expense document. | ||
DisbursedCurrencyIdentity | The currency associated with disbursed amount on this expense document. | ||
DocumentCount | Int32 | The number of receipts attached to this expense document. | 1 |
ExpenseDocumentDetail | The complete set of information regarding the expense document. This structure may be modified as required and passed to PwsSaveExpenseDocument to save changes to the expense document. | ||
ExpenseDocumentVatFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', the expense document includes VAT (value added tax). | false |
Invoices | Basic information about the invoice(s) associated with the cost card(s) on this expense document. | ||
Locations | The location(s) associated with the cost card(s) on this expense document. | ||
LockedFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', the expense document is locked. | false |
NoteCount | Int32 | The number of receipt notes attached to the cost card(s) on this expense document or the entire expense document. This counts only notes that do not have accompanying receipts. | 0 |
PayeeVendors | The payee vendor(s) associated with the expense document. | ||
Projects | The project(s) associated with the cost card(s) expense document. | ||
Receipts | The receipt(s) associated with the expense document. | ||
TitleIdentity | The title(s) of the resource(s) with cost cards on the expense document. | ||
Vouchers | The payment voucher(s) associated with the cost card(s) on this expense document. | ||
AllowCloneFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', this expense document can be cloned. | true |
AllowDeleteFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', this expense document can be deleted. | true |
Category | String | The category the expense document falls under in Projector Web's expense document landing page. When the cost cards in the expense document have different statuses, the expense document will have a "partial" status. The "partial" status will adopt the status of the cost card with the lowest level of status (i.e. Partially Rejected, Partially Submitted or Partially Approved) "D" - Draft - all cost cards in the expense document are in Draft status "PR" - Partially Rejected - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document has a status of Rejected "R" - Rejected - all cost cards in the expense document has a status of Rejected "PS" - Partially Submitted - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document has a status of Submitted "S" - Submitted - all cost cards in the expense document has a status of Submitted "PA" - Partially Approved - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document has a status of Approved "A" - Approved - all cost cards in the expense document has a status of Approved | S |
CreatedByUser | The identity of the user who created the expense document. | ||
CreatedTimestamp | DateTime | The date and time this expense document was created (in UTC format). | 2018-02-08T13:52:45.937Z |
LastUpdatedByUser | The identity of the user who last updated the expense document. | ||
LastUpdatedTimestamp | DateTime | The date and time this expense document was last updated (in UTC format). | 2018-02-08T14:04:34.653Z |
PaymentVoucherItems | The payment voucher(s) associated with this expense document. | ||
Status | String | The status of the expense document. This is a composite status derived from the approval and payment workflow statuses of all the cost cards on the expense document. | PA |
DisbursedCurrencyDecimalDigits | Byte | The number of decimal places displayed and stored with the disbursed amount. | 2 |
MileageUom | String | The unit of measure associated with mileage expense types (i.e. miles / kilometers). | M |
ExpenseDocumentLockedFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', the expense document is locked. | false |
ApprovalWorkflowStatus | String | The expense document's approval workflow status. When the cost cards in the expense document have different approval workflow statuses, the expense document will have a partial approval workflow status, the "partial" status will take on the highest level status (i.e. Partially Rejected, Partially Submitted or Partially Approved) "D" - Draft - all cost cards in the expense document are in Draft status "PR" - Partially Rejected - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document have a status of Rejected "R" - Rejected - all cost cards in the expense document have a status of Rejected "PS" - Partially Submitted - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document have a status of Submitted "S" - Submitted - all cost cards in the expense document have a status of Submitted "PA" - Partially Approved - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document have a status of Approved "A" - Approved - all cost cards in the expense document have a status of Approved | PA |
CostCardTotalDisbursedAmount | Double | The expense document's total disbursed amount. | 217.57 |
DeleteExpenseDocumentUnavailableReason | String | If an expense document cannot be deleted, this code indicates the reason: "APP" - The expense document cannot be deleted due to the presence of 1 or more approved cost cards "PRM" - The user attempting to edit the expense document lacks permission Null - The user can delete the expense document | APP |
DueToOtherPayeesAmount | Double | The amount due to be paid back to a payee other than the resource associated with the expense document (i.e. a third party / company credit card). | 47.56 |
InvoiceWorkflowStatus | String | The expense document's invoice workflow status. When the cost cards in the expense document have different invoice workflow statuses, the expense document will have a partial invoice workflow status, the "partial" status will take on the highest level status (i.e. Partially Approved, Partially Transmitted, Partially Paid or Partially Received) "N" - Not approved - all cost cards in the expense document have not been approved to invoice "PA" - Partially Approved - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document have been approved to invoice "A" - Approved - all cost cards in the expense document have been approved to invoice "PI" - Partially Invoiced (Draft) - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document is on a Draft invoice "I" - Invoiced (Draft) - all cost cards in the expense document is on a draft invoice "PB" - Partially Invoiced - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document is on an issued invoice "B" - Invoiced - all cost cards in the expense document is on an issued invoice | PB |
MaintainExpenseDocumentUnavailableReason | String | If an expense document cannot be maintained/updated, this code indicates the reason: "LOK" - The expense document cannot be edited because all the cost cards on the expense document have been approved "PRM" - The user attempting to edit the expense document lacks permission Null - The user can edit the expense document | |
PaymentWorkflowStatus | String | The expense document's payment workflow status. When the cost cards in the expense document have different payment workflow statuses, the expense document will have a partial payment workflow status, the "partial" status will take on the highest level status (i.e. Partially Approved, Partially Transmitted, Partially Paid or Partially Received) "N" - Not Approved - all cost cards in the expense document have not been approved to pay "PA" - Partially Approved - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document have been approved to pay "A" - Approved - all cost cards in the expense document have not been approved "PT" - Partially Transmitted - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document have been transmitted to an accounting system (i.e. Great Plains) "T" - Transmitted - all cost cards in the expense document have been transmitted to an accounting system (i.e. Great Plains) "PR" - Partially Received - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document have been received by the vendor/resource "R" - Received - all cost cards in the expense document have been received by the vendor/resource | N |
ViewInExpenseEntryFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', this expense document can be viewed in Projector Web's Expense Entry. | true |