Title: | Smartsheet Task Plans in Projector Web FAQ | |
Owner: | Chris McFarlane (Deactivated) | |
Creator: | Chris McFarlane (Deactivated) | Nov 22, 2023 |
Last Changed by: | Chris McFarlane (Deactivated) | Dec 07, 2023 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://projectorpsa.atlassian.net/wiki/x/zgAyFg | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
Incoming Links
Projector Documentation (1)
Project - Tasks |
Children (8)
Are there default Projector task planning templates you can share with us in Smartsheet?
Where can I get Smartsheet training or tutorials?
How to I update hours remaining for a task? How about percent complete?
Why is the data in the embedded Smartsheet different than what I see elsewhere in Projector
Will deleting task in Smartsheet delete entered time from a resource's timesheet in Projector?
How do I move the data from the deleted tasks section into the main portion of the task plan?
Why am I seeing "Template with id of 1234567890123456 does not exist, or is not accessible by the Smartsheet Integration as provisioned." ?
Does Projector connect to Smartsheet.gov or Smartsheet.eu?
Are there default Projector task planning templates you can share with us in Smartsheet?
Where can I get Smartsheet training or tutorials?
How to I update hours remaining for a task? How about percent complete?
Why is the data in the embedded Smartsheet different than what I see elsewhere in Projector
Will deleting task in Smartsheet delete entered time from a resource's timesheet in Projector?
How do I move the data from the deleted tasks section into the main portion of the task plan?
Why am I seeing "Template with id of 1234567890123456 does not exist, or is not accessible by the Smartsheet Integration as provisioned." ?
Does Projector connect to Smartsheet.gov or Smartsheet.eu?
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Outgoing Links
Projector Documentation (2)
Task Management - Smartsheet Implementation Guide
Project - Tasks |