Get the next pending AR transaction. If there are no pending transactions, then the InvoiceTransactionNumber in the response will be -1.
After getting the transaction, it will be marked as Transmitted in Projector. You should then use UpdateInvoiceTransactionStatus to mark it Confirmed or Failed. This step is very important as it lets your accounting users know whether further action to correct this AR is needed. If an AR is missing from your accounting system, it is a problem!
Rate Limiting
In order to protect our servers from inadvertent service overuse or intentional attack, and to fairly distribute services to all our customers, we have implemented a rate limiting algorithm. When fully deployed, this new algorithm will cause services to either succeed with new warnings or fail with new errors when services are consumed at too high a rate. Programs that consume Projector services should be enhanced to handle rate limiting errors so that they can continue functioning properly. For more information please visit: Projector Rate Limiting Behavior.
The service request contains:
GetNextArTransactionRequest | ||||
Name | Data Type | Required? | Default Value | Discussion |
CompanyNumber | string(20) | no | If not supplied then matches all companies. | |
MaxPeriodCode | string(20) | no | If not supplied then matches all periods. | |
ForceTransDateWithinPeriodFlag | boolean | no | false | If true then alter transaction dates when needed to fall within the accounting period. |
The following data is returned:
GetNextArTransactionResponse | |||
Name | Data Type | Version | Discussion |
InvoiceTransactionNumber | int | If -1 then there is no pending transaction to return. If -2 then there is at least one pending transaction that cannot be returned because there is no accounting period that it can be associated with. | |
CompanyNumber | string(20) | Company No of Invoice Cost Ctr | |
InvoiceCurrencyCode | string(4) | Invoice Currency | |
GeneralLedgerCurrencyCode | string(4) | Functional Currency of Issuing Company | |
AccountingPeriodCode | string(20) | Projector Accounting Period of the invoice | |
TransactionType | string(1) | "I" = issue | |
InvoiceDate | date | Ex: 06-Sep-2010 | |
InvoiceNumber | string(20) | ||
PaymentTermsName | string(50) | Ex = Net 30 | |
ClientName | string(50) | ||
ClientNumber | string(20) | ||
TopLevelClientName | string(50) | The root Client Name | |
TopLevelClientNumber | string(20) | The root Client No | |
EngagementCode | string(20) | ||
EngagementName | string(50) | ||
InvoiceName | string(100) | ||
AddressAttention | string(50) | From Invoice "Billing Information" | |
AddressCompanyName | string(50) | From Invoice "Billing Information" | |
AddressLine1 | string(50) | From Invoice "Billing Information" | |
AddressLine2 | string(50) | From Invoice "Billing Information" | |
AddressCity | string(20) | From Invoice "Billing Information" | |
AddressStateOrProvince | string(20) | From Invoice "Billing Information" | |
AddressZipOrPostalCode | string(20) | From Invoice "Billing Information" | |
AddressCountry | string(20) | From Invoice "Billing Information" | |
PurchaseOrderNumber | string(50) | From the Invoice Tab on the Invoice. | |
TimeWipEngCurrAmount | money | Adjusted value of Timecards included on invoice | |
CostWipEngCurrAmount | money | Adjusted value of Costcards included on invoice | |
NewPrepaidEngCurrAmount | money | Value of Milestones included on invoice | |
Tax1EngCurrAmount | money | Value of Tax1 amount included on invoice | |
Tax2EngCurrAmount | money | Value of Tax2 amount included on invoice | |
Tax3EngCurrAmount | money | Value of Tax3 amount included on invoice | |
GrossInvoiceEngCurrAmount | money | Sum of these amounts included on invoice:
| |
AppliedPrepaidEngCurrAmount | money | Existing Prepayment Amount applied to invoice | |
NetInvoiceEngCurrAmount | money | Gross Invoice Amount less any Applied Prepayment | |
TimeWipEngGlCurrAmount | money | Adjusted value of Timecards included on invoice in Ledger/Functional Currency | |
CostWipEngGlCurrAmount | money | Adjusted value of Costcards included on invoice in Ledger/Functional Currency | |
NewPrepaidEngGlCurrAmount | money | Value of Milestones included on invoice in Ledger/Functional Currency | |
Tax1EngGlCurrAmount | money | Value of Tax1 amount included on invoice in Ledger/Functional Currency | |
Tax2EngGlCurrAmount | money | Value of Tax2 amount included on invoice in Ledger/Functional Currency | |
Tax3EngGlCurrAmount | money | Value of Tax3 amount included on invoice in Ledger/Functional Currency | |
GrossInvoiceEngGlCurrAmount | money | Sum of these amounts included on invoice in Ledger/Functional Currency:
| |
AppliedPrepaidEngGlCurrAmount | money | Existing Prepayment Amount applied to invoice in Ledger/Functional Currency | |
FxVarianceEngGlCurrAmount | money | Fx Variance in Ledger/Functional Currency | |
NetInvoiceEngGlCurrAmount | money | Gross Invoice Amount less any Applied Prepayment plus any Fx Variance | |
AccountsReceivableGlCostCenterNumber | string(159) | Cost Center of AR Account. From the Invoice Cost Ctr. | |
AccountsReceivableGlAccountNumber | string(20) | AR GL Account No. From the Invoice Cost Center & Engagement Currency. | |
TimeWipGlCostCenterNumber | string(159) | Cost Center identifier for the Time WIP line item. From the Invoice Cost Center. | |
TimeWipArItemNumber | string(20) | Identifier used by the financial system to designate the GL Account for Time WIP. From the Engagement Type. | |
CostWipGlCostCenterNumber | string(159) | Cost Center identifier for the Cost WIP line item. From the Invoice Cost Center. | |
CostWipArItemNumber | string(20) | Identifier used by the financial system to designate the GL Account for Cost WIP. From the Expense Type. | |
DeferredRevenueGlCostCenterNumber | string(159) | Account No. used for New and Applied Prepayments on Invoice. From the Invoice Cost Ctr. | |
DeferredRevenueArItemNumber | string(20) | Identifier used by the financial system to designate the GL Account for Deferred Revenue. From the Invoice Cost Ctr. | |
VatPayableGlCostCenterNumber | string(159) | Cost Center & Account No. that Tax Items are charged. From the Invoice Cost Ctr. | |
Tax1PayableArItemNumber | string(20) | Identifier used by the financial system to designate the GL Account for Taxes Payable1. From Tax Types. | |
Tax2PayableArItemNumber | string(20) | Identifier used by the financial system to designate the GL Account for Taxes Payable2. From Tax Types. | |
Tax3PayableArItemNumber | string(20) | Identifier used by the financial system to designate the GL Account for Taxes Payable3. From Tax Types. | |
FxVarianceGlCostCenterNumber | string(159) | Cost Center where Fx Variance gets posted. From Invoice Cost Ctr. | |
FxVarianceArItemNumber | string(20) | Identifier used by the financial system to designate the GL Account for Fx Variance. Invoice Cost Ctr. | |
Notes | string | 4.3.2 | Transaction notes |
History of changes to this web service
4.3.2 | |
Parameter | Notes |
Notes | Added as GetNextArTransactionResponse parameter |