Web Services

Web Services

Projector offers web services to extend the functionality of our system, allow you to integrate with third party software like business intelligence tools, and to extract or upload data from our servers. We have three types of web services available. The first two are SOAP based and are called Web Services 1.0 and Web Services 2.0. The 2.0 services will eventually supplant our older Web Services 1.0. As the 2.0 web services do not yet encompass the full functionality of the 1.0 services, you should try and use the 2.0 services first, but if functionality you require is missing, make use of the 1.0. The 1.0 services will continue to be supported.

The second type of web services we supply are RESTful. These RESTful services tie into our reporting engine and are only useful for extracting data from Projector. To learn more please see our Reporting Web Services help page.

As part of getting up and running on web services it is a very good idea to set aside some billable consulting time to work with one of our developers. This ensures that you get up to speed quickly, your integration plan is vetted, and that you have a knowledgeable resource available to you in the case of roadblocks. That being said, start by carefully reading the introductions and setting up all your system and user permissions correctly. In addition, if you are planning to import data you should consider setting up a Projector sandbox installation to test your web services prior to deployment.

Additional Resources

  1. Watch the Projector Web Services Webinar to learn about the APIs provided by Projector and best practices around their use.

  2. In Topic of the Day: Advanced Reporting webinar, we look at some advanced reporting techniques within Projector, including reporting web services.

  3. The Report Customization Webinar, is a workshop on report customization techniques. In the webinar we walked through the process of creating custom reports that can be used on a reoccurring basis.
  4. Introduction to Projector Web Services webinar is a great resource providing an introduction to Projector's web services and highlighting some examples of its use.

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