This web service transfers one or more time cards to another project and/or rate and/or role and/or project task.
Rate Limiting
In order to protect our servers from inadvertent service overuse or intentional attack, and to fairly distribute services to all our customers, we have implemented a rate limiting algorithm. When fully deployed, this new algorithm will cause services to either succeed with new warnings or fail with new errors when services are consumed at too high a rate. Programs that consume Projector services should be enhanced to handle rate limiting errors so that they can continue functioning properly. For more information please visit: Projector Rate Limiting Behavior.
Request Format
- PwsTransferTime
- serviceRequest: PwsTransferTime
- RequestId: Int32
- SessionTicket: String
AdjustProjectRoleDatesAsNeededFlag: Boolean
- AdjustmentCodeIdentity: PwsAdjustmentCodeRef
- AdjustmentType: String
- Explanation: String (1024)
- ReportOnlyFlag: Boolean
- TransferOrders: PwsTimeTransferOrder
- serviceRequest: PwsTransferTime
Request Elements
Element | Data Type | Required? | Default | Description | Sample Data |
RequestId | Int32 | No | Click here for more information | 1 | |
SessionTicket | String | Yes | Click here for more information | AWuKIeUvHQC5lNzuzE3Ugg== | |
AdjustRoleDatesAsNeededFlag | Boolean | No | false | If set to true, the start and/or end date on any associated roles will be adjusted to accommodate the work date on the time card(s) | true |
AdjustmentCodeIdentity | PwsAdjustmentCodeRef | No | This structure represents the unique key fields associated with identifying an adjustment code. Adjustment codes are required whenever you make a monetary adjustment to a time or cost card. This is not applicable to this service. | ||
AdjustmentType | String | Yes | The type of time transfer adjustment to be applied. This must be one of the following values: 'TPT' for Transfer Time to Role 'TRT' for Transfer and Exclude Time 'CTT' for Change Task/Task Code | ||
Explanation | String (1024) | No | An explanation as to why this adjustment was applied. | Transferring time to the active project | |
ReportOnlyFlag | Boolean | No | If set to "true", the time card importing process is exercised, but not completed. If there is any error triggered during the importing process, it will be reported in the response. | false | |
TransferOrders | PwsTimeTransferOrder | Yes | This structure represents the time cards that will be transferred |
Request Usage Example(s)
Response Format
- PwsTransferTimeResponse
- PwsTransferTimeResult: PwsTransferTimeRs
- Messages: PwsMessage[]
- ResponseId: Int32
- Status: RequestStatus
- ServerTimestampUtc: DateTime
- TimeCardIdentities: PwsTimeCardRef
- PwsTransferTimeResult: PwsTransferTimeRs
Response Elements
Element | Data Type | Description | Sample Data |
Messages | PwsMessage[] | The web service response status and message. Click here for more information. | |
ResponseId | Int32 | Click here for more information | 1 |
Status | RequestStatus | Click here for more information | Ok |
ServerTimestampUtc | DateTime | Click here for more information | 2019-11-07T22:24:06.8248708Z |
TimeCardIdentities | PwsTimeCardRef | The identities of the time cards that were updated. |
Response Usage Example(s)
PwsTransferTime - Common Errors and Warnings
- For all errors and warnings please refer to the Complete List of Errors and Warnings
ErrorNumber | ErrorCode | ErrorText |
20066 | InvalidValueForTimeAdjustmentType | Please specify either TPT, TRT or CTT for the time card transfer adjustment type. |
50024 | EntityNotFound | Time Card was not found. Another user may have deleted it. |
64365 | OneOrMoreTimeCardsIneligibleForAdjustment | Adjustment cannot be completed because one or more cards has changed or is ineligible for adjustment. |