For Reporting Only time cards, also known as FRO, are typically used by organizations when cutting over from their old time tracking system to Projector. Some organizations may also load FRO time cards when they enter time in another system, but want to use Projector as the system of record for measures like utilization. To learn more about FRO time cards Click Here.
This web service deletes all For Reporting Only (FRO) time cards that meet all specified criteria:
- One or more specified resources (PwsResourceRef). All FRO time cards associated with the specified resources will be identified.
- A specified work date range. Only FRO time cards that have work dates within the specified date range will be identified.
- A specified billed timestamp range. Only FRO time cards that were billed within the specified date and time range will be identified.
- One or more specified contract line items (PwsContractLineItemRef). All FRO time cards associated with projects underneath the specified contract line items will be identified.
- One or more specified engagements (PwsEngagementRef). All FRO time cards associated with projects that are part of the specified engagements will be identified.
- One or more specified projects (PwsProjectRef). All FRO time cards associated with the specified projects will be identified.
- One or more specified project rate types (PwsProjectRateTypeRef). All FRO time cards associated with the specified rate types will be identified.
- One or more specified project roles (PwsProjectRoleRef). All FRO time cards associated with the specified roles will be identified.
- One or more specified project task types (PwsProjectTaskTypeRef). All FRO time cards associated with tasks of the specified task types will be identified.
- One or more specified project tasks (PwsProjectTaskRef). All FRO time cards associated with the specified project tasks will be identified.
- One or more specified locations (PwsLocationRef). All FRO time cards associated with the specified locations will be identified.
- One or more specified time cards (PwsTimeCardRef). Only the FRO time cards specifically identified in the list will be identified.
- One or more specified external grouping identifiers. Only the FRO time cards that have an external grouping identified specifically identified in this will be identified.
All time cards that meet all specified criteria will be deleted.
The last FRO time card date for all CLIs associated with the deleted cards is also set. If the date is specified on the input, it uses that date. Otherwise, for each CLI the last FRO time card date is set to the maximum work date of all FRO cards associated with the CLI.
The caller must have appropriate permissions to delete the specified time cards. Simply put, the caller must have the global web services permission set to update and maintain system settings permission set to update in order to do so.
This service will raise an error if any of the time cards specified explicitly in TimeCardIdentities do not exist, are not FRO time cards, or could not be deleted for any reason.
Deleting all FRO cards: As a measure to prevent accidental deletion of FRO time cards, if you are using this service to delete all FRO cards in the installation, you must specify no filter values and specify DeleteAllFroCardsFlag as true.
- An error is raised if you do not specify any filters and this flag is not set to true.
- An error is raised if the flag is set to true and any filters are specified.
- If the "Prevent Unbounded Deletion of FRO Time and Cost Cards" account setting is turned on, you will not be able to delete all FRO cards, even when specifying DeleteAllFroCardsFlag is set.
Rate Limiting
In order to protect our servers from inadvertent service overuse or intentional attack, and to fairly distribute services to all our customers, we have implemented a rate limiting algorithm. When fully deployed, this new algorithm will cause services to either succeed with new warnings or fail with new errors when services are consumed at too high a rate. Programs that consume Projector services should be enhanced to handle rate limiting errors so that they can continue functioning properly. For more information please visit: Projector Rate Limiting Behavior.
Request Format
- PwsDeleteFroTimeCards
- serviceRequest: PwsDeleteFroTimeCardsRq
- RequestId: Int32
- SessionTicket: String
- BilledTimestampRangeEnd: DateTime
- BilledTimestampRangeStart: DateTime
- ContractLineItemIdentities: PwsContractLineItemRef [0..100]
- DeleteAllFroCardsFlag: Boolean
- EngagementIdentities: PwsEngagementRef [0..100]
- ExternalGroupingIdentifiers: Int32[]
- LastFroTimeCardDate: DateTime
- LocationIdentities: PwsLocationRef [0..100]
- ProjectIdentities: PwsProjectRef [0..100]
- ProjectRateTypeIdentities: PwsProjectRateTypeRef [0..100]
- ProjectRoleIdentities: PwsProjectRoleRef [0..100]
- ProjectTaskIdentities: PwsProjectTaskRef [0..100]
- ProjectTaskTypeIdentities: PwsProjectTaskTypeRef [0..100]
- ResourceIdentities: PwsResourceRef [0..100]
- TimeCardIdentities: PwsTimeCardRef [0..100]
- WorkDateRangeEnd: DateTime
- WorkDateRangeStart: DateTime
- serviceRequest: PwsDeleteFroTimeCardsRq
Request Elements
Element | Data Type | Required? | Default | Description | Sample Data |
Int32 | No | Click here for more information. | |||
String | Yes | Click here for more information. | AcDqib9Gfzqg7/KW4NF+bQ== | ||
BilledTimestampRangeEnd | DateTime | No | Only FRO time cards that have a billing date (in midnight UTC) before this date will be deleted. The BilledTimestampRangeStart and BilledTimestampRangeEnd together determine which FRO time cards will be deleted. | ||
BilledTimestampRangeStart | DateTime | No | Only FRO time cards that have a billing date (in midnight UTC) after this date will be deleted. The BilledTimestampRangeStart and BilledTimestampRangeEnd together determine which FRO time cards will be deleted. | ||
ContractLineItemIdentities | No | Only FRO time cards that are associated with these Contract Line Items will be deleted. | |||
DeleteAllFroCardsFlag | Boolean | No | false | If set to 'true' all FRO time cards the authenticated user has permission to delete will be deleted. | false |
EngagementIdentities | No | Only FRO time cards that are associated with these Engagements will be deleted. | |||
ExternalGroupingIdentifiers | Int32[] | No | This unique identifier allows users to group multiple FRO time cards together, most commonly user for reporting purposes. Only FRO time cards with these external grouping identifiers will be deleted. | ||
LastFroTimeCardDate | DateTime | No | The last FRO time card date is stored at the CLI level. It is the last time for which system revenue on time cards is locked. If later than the last date for which revenue recognition was actually run, Projector considers the last FRO time card date to be the computed last date for which revenue recognition was run. Only FRO time cards with this Last FRO Time Card Date will be deleted. | ||
LocationIdentities | No | Only FRO time cards with these Locations will be deleted. | |||
ProjectIdentities | No | Only FRO time cards that are associated with these Projects will be deleted. | |||
ProjectRateTypeIdentities | No | Only FRO time cards that are associated with these Project Rate Types will be deleted. | |||
ProjectRoleIdentities | No | Only FRO time cards that are associated with these Project Roles will be deleted. | |||
ProjectTaskIdentities | No | Only FRO time cards that are associated with these Tasks will be deleted. | |||
ProjectTaskTypeIdentities | No | Only FRO time cards that are associated with these Task Types will be deleted. | |||
ResourceIdentities | No | Only FRO time cards that are associated with these Resources will be deleted. | |||
TimeCardIdentities | No | Only the specified FRO time card(s) will be deleted. | |||
WorkDateRangeEnd | DateTime | No | Only FRO time cards that have a work date (in midnight UTC) before this date will be deleted. The WorkDateRangeStart and WorkDateRangeStart together determine which FRO time cards will be deleted. | 2023-11-06T00:00:00.000Z | |
WorkDateRangeStart | DateTime | No | Only FRO time cards that have a work date (in midnight UTC) after this date will be deleted. The WorkDateRangeStart and WorkDateRangeStart together determine which FRO time cards will be deleted. | 2023-11-06T00:00:00.000Z |
Request Usage Example(s)
Response Format
- PwsDeleteFroTimeCardsResponse
- PwsDeleteFroTimeCardsResult: PwsDeleteFroTimeCardsRs
- Messages: PwsMessage[]
- ResponseId: Int32
- Status: RequestStatus
- ServerTimestampUtc: DateTime
- DeletedTimecardCount: Int32
- PwsDeleteFroTimeCardsResult: PwsDeleteFroTimeCardsRs
Response Elements
Element | Data Type | Description | Sample Data |
Messages | The web service response status and message. Click here for more information. | ||
Int32 | Click here for more information. | 0 | |
Status | Click here for more information. | Ok | |
DateTime | Click here for more information. | 2023-12-04T17:45:11.7408477Z | |
DeletedTimecardCount | Int32 | The total number of FRO time cards that were deleted. | 7 |
Response Usage Example(s)
PwsDeleteFroTimeCards - Common Errors and Warnings
- For all errors and warnings please refer to the Complete List of Errors and Warnings
ErrorNumber | ErrorCode | ErrorText |
10116 | InvalidDateValueSpecified | The date specified in the field "WorkDateRangeStart" in the class "PwsDeleteFroTimeCardsRq" is invalid or out of range. The time component of the specified date must be midnight UTC. |
50024 | EntityNotFound | Contract Line Item was not found. Another user may have deleted it. / Engagement was not found. Another user may have deleted it. / Location was not found. Another user may have deleted it. / Project was not found. Another user may have deleted it. / Project Task Type was not found. Another user may have deleted it. / Resource was not found. Another user may have deleted it. |
64249 | SpecifiedDateRangeMissingIncompleteOrInvalid | A specified date range was missing, incomplete or invalid. Both the start and end dates must be specified, and the start date may not be after the end date. |