This structure represents the fields associated with an expense document
- PwsExpenseDocument
- DocumentNumber: String (50)
- ExpenseDocumentId: Int32
- ExpenseDocumentUid: Int64
- CashAdvanceReturnAmount: Double
- CostCenterIdentity: PwsCostCenterRef
- DocumentName: String (100)
- DocumentType: String
- LocationIdentity: PwsLocationRef
- ResourceIdentity: PwsResourceRef
- VendorIdentity: PwsVendorRef
- VendorInvoiceDate: DateTime
- VendorInvoiceReferenceNumber: String (20)
- Vendor: PwsVendorSummary
- SubcontractorInvoiceDate: DateTime
- SubcontractorInvoiceReferenceNumber: String (20)
- AllowCloneFlag: Boolean
- AllowDeleteFlag: Boolean
- Category: String
- CompanyPaidAmount: Double
- CostCardCount: Int32
- CreatedByUser: PwsUserSummary
- CreatedTimestamp: DateTime
- DisbursedCurrencyIdentity: PwsCurrencyRef
- EarliestIncurredDate: DateTime
- LatestIncurredDate: DateTime
- MileageUom: String
- PaymentVoucherItems: PwsPaymentVoucherItem
- Projects: PwsProjectSummary
- ReimbursementAmount: Double
- Status: String
- TitleIdentity: PwsTitleRef
- TotalAmount: Double
- DisbursedCurrencyDecimalDigits: Byte
- ExpenseDocumentVatFlag: Boolean
- ExpenseDocumentLockedFlag: Boolean
Element | Data Type | Required? | Default | Description | Sample Data |
DocumentNumber | String (50) | One of DocumentNumber or ExpenseDocumentUid is required |
| The expense document number is a unique identifier for an expense document |
ExpenseDocumentId | Int32 | No |
| The expense document Id is a unique identifier for an expense document. For internal use only. |
ExpenseDocumentUid | Int64 | See DocumentNumber |
| The expense document Uid is a unique and immutable identifier for an expense document |
CashAdvanceReturnAmount | Double | On Insert: No On Update: No |
| The cash advance associated with the expense document |
CostCenterIdentity | On Insert: Yes On Update: No |
| The cost center associated with the expense document |
| |
DocumentName | String | On Insert: Yes On Update: No |
| The expense document name |
DocumentType | String | On Insert: Yes On Update: No |
| The expense document type: "E" for Expense Report "C" for Subcontractor Invoice "V" for Vendor Invoice "S" for Soft Cost Batch |
LocationIdentity | On Insert: No On Update: No |
| The unique keys identifying the location associated with the expense document |
| |
ResourceIdentity | On Insert: Yes (if the expense document type is "E" for expense report or "C" for Subcontractor Invoice) On Update: No |
| The unique keys identifying the resource associated with the expense document |
| |
VendorIdentity | On Insert: Yes On Update: No |
| The unique keys identifying the vendor associated with the expense document |
| |
VendorInvoiceDate | DateTime | On Insert: No On Update: No |
| The vendor invoice date associated with the expense document |
VendorInvoiceReferenceNumber | String (20) | On Insert: No On Update: No |
| The vendor invoice reference number is a unique identifier for a vendor |
Vendor | On Insert: Yes On Update: No |
| The unique keys identifying the vendor associated with the expense document |
| |
SubcontractorInvoiceDate | DateTime | On Insert: No On Update: No |
| The subcontractor invoice date associated with the expense document |
SubcontractorInvoiceReferenceNumber | String (20) | On Insert: No On Update: No |
| The subcontractor invoice reference number is a unique identifier for a subcontractor invoice |
AllowCloneFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | true | If set to 'true', the expenese document can be cloned |
AllowDeleteFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | true | If set to 'true', the expense document cane be deleted |
Category | String | On Insert: Yes On Update: No |
| The category the expense document falls under in Projector Web's expense document landing page. When the cost cards in the expense document have different statuses, the expense document will have a "partial" status. The "partial" status will adopt the status of the cost card with the lowest level of status (i.e. Partially Rejected, Partially Submitted or Partially Approved) "D" - Draft - all cost cards in the expense document are in Draft status "PR" - Partially Rejected - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document has a status of Rejected "R" - Rejected - all cost cards in the expense document has a status of Rejected "PS" - Partially Submitted - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document has a status of Submitted "S" - Submitted - all cost cards in the expense document has a status of Submitted "PA" - Partially Approved - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document has a status of Approved "A" - Approved - all cost cards in the expense document has a status of Approved | |
CompanyPaidAmount | Double | On Insert: No On Update: No |
| The company paid amount within the expense document |
CostCardCount | Int32 | On Insert: No On Update: No |
| The number of cost cards associated with the expense document |
CreatedByUser | On Insert: No On Update: No |
| The user who created the expense document |
| |
CreatedTimestamp | DateTime | On Insert: No On Update: No |
| The date and time this expense document was created (in UTC format) |
DisbursedCurrencyIdentity | On Insert: Yes On Update: No |
| The currency associated with the disbursed amount |
| |
EarliestIncurredDate | DateTime | On Insert: No On Update: No |
| The incurred date and time of the cost card with the earliest incurred date within this expense report |
LatestIncurredDate | DateTime | On Insert: No On Update: No |
| The incurred date and time of the cost card with the latest incurred date within this expense report |
MileageUom | String | On Insert: No On Update: No |
| The mileage unit of measure associated with the expense document |
PaymentVoucherItems | On Insert: No On Update: No |
| The payment voucher(s) associated with the expense document |
| |
Projects | On Insert: No On Update: No |
| The project(s) cost cards on the expense document were entered against |
| |
ReimbursementAmount | Double | On Insert: No On Update: No |
| The reimbursement amount associated with the expense document |
Status | String | On Insert: No On Update: No |
| The expense document's approval workflow status. When the cost cards in the expense document have different approval workflow statuses, the expense document will have a partial approval workflow status, the "partial" status will take on the highest level status (i.e. Partially Rejected, Partially Submitted or Partially Approved) "D" - Draft - all cost cards in the expense document are in Draft status "PR" - Partially Rejected - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document have a status of Rejected "R" - Rejected - all cost cards in the expense document have a status of Rejected "PS" - Partially Submitted - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document have a status of Submitted "S" - Submitted - all cost cards in the expense document have a status of Submitted "PA" - Partially Approved - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document have a status of Approved "A" - Approved - all cost cards in the expense document have a status of Approved |
TitleIdentity | On Insert: No On Update: No |
| The title of the resource associated with the expense document |
| |
TotalAmount | Double | On Insert: No On Update: No |
| The total amount associated with the expense document |
DisbursedCurrencyDecimalDigits | Byte | On Insert: No On Update: No |
| The number of decimal places associated with the disbursed currency. Note: Computed amounts are always rounded to the nearest minor currency unit as identified by the currency's decimalDigits property |
ExpenseDocumentVatFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | false | If set to 'true', this expense document include value added tax (i.e. GST) |
ExpenseDocumentLockedFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | false | If set to 'true', the expense document is locked and cannot be edited |