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This structure contains the complete set of information about an expense document (less any subordinate entities). The structure is used both to retrieve detailed expense document information and to pass information about an expense document back to the server to get updated.





Data Type




Sample Data



On Insert: No

On Update: No

Dependent on installation setting



On Insert: No

On Update: No

Dependent on installation setting



On Insert: No

On Update: No

The complete set of information regarding the cost card(s) on this expense document



On Insert: Yes

On Update: No

The currency associated with disbursed amount on this expense document



On Insert: No

On Update: No

The number of receipts attached to this expense document 



On Insert: Yes

On Update: Yes

The complete set of information regarding the expense document



On Insert: No

On Update: No


If set to 'true', the expense document includes VAT (value added tax)



On Insert: No

On Update: No

The invoice(s) associated with the cost card(s) on this expense document



On Insert: No

On Update: No

The location(s) associated with the cost card(s) on this expense document



On Insert: No

On Update: No


If set to 'true', the expense document is locked



On Insert: No

On Update: No

The number of receipt notes attached to the cost card(s) on this expense document or the entire expense document



On Insert: No

On Update: No

The payee vendor(s) associated with the expense document



On Insert: No

On Update: No

The project(s) associated with the cost card(s) expense document



On Insert: No

On Update: No

The receipt(s) associated with the expense document



On Insert: No

On Update: No

The title(s) of the resource(s) with cost cards on the expense document



On Insert: No

On Update: No

The payment voucher(s) associated with the cost card(s) on this expense document



On Insert: No

On Update: No

This is dependent on permission settings

If set to 'true', this expense document can be cloned



On Insert: No

On Update: No

This is dependent on the expense document status. Expense documents that have a status of partially approved or higher cannot be deleted.

If set to 'true', this expense document can be deleted



On Insert: No

On Update: No


The category the expense document falls under in Projector Web's expense document landing page. When the cost cards in the expense document have different statuses, the expense document will have a "partial" status. The "partial" status will adopt the status of the cost card with the highest level of status (i.e. Partially Rejected, Partially Submitted or Partially Approved)

"D" - Draft - all cost cards in the expense document are in Draft status

"PR" - Partially Rejected - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document has a status of Rejected

"R" - Rejected - all cost cards in the expense document has a status of Rejected

"PS" - Partially Submitted - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document has a status of Submitted

"S" - Submitted - all cost cards in the expense document has a status of Submitted

"PA" - Partially Approved - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document has a status of Approved

"A" - Approved - all cost cards in the expense document has a status of Approved



On Insert: No

On Update: No

The identity of the user who created the expense document



On Insert: No

On Update: No

The date and time this expense document was created (in UTC format)



On Insert: No

On Update: No

The identity of the user who last updated the expense document



On Insert: No

On Update: No

The date and time this expense document was last updated (in UTC format)



On Insert: No

On Update: No

The payment voucher(s) associated with this expense document



On Insert: No

On Update: No

The status of the expense document



On Insert: No

On Update: No

The number of decimal places displayed and stored with the disbursed amount



On Insert: No

On Update: No

The unit of measure associated with mileage expense types (i.e. miles / kilometers)



On Insert: No

On Update: No

If set to 'true', the expense document is locked



On Insert: No

On Update: No


The expense document's approval workflow status. When the cost cards in the expense document have different approval workflow statuses, the expense document will have a partial approval workflow status, the "partial" status will take on the highest level status (i.e. Partially Rejected, Partially Submitted or Partially Approved)

"D" - Draft - all cost cards in the expense document are in Draft status

"PR" - Partially Rejected - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document have a status of Rejected

"R" - Rejected - all cost cards in the expense document have a status of Rejected

"PS" - Partially Submitted - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document have a status of Submitted

"S" - Submitted - all cost cards in the expense document have a status of Submitted

"PA" - Partially Approved - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document have a status of Approved

"A" - Approved - all cost cards in the expense document have a status of Approved



On Insert: No

On Update: No

The expense document's total disbursed amount



On Insert: No

On Update: No

If an expense document cannot be deleted, this code indicates the reason:

"LOK" - The expense document is locked. This could be the result of multiple reasons including the presence of an approved cost card.

"PRM" - The user attempting to edit the expense document lacks permission

Null - The user can delete the expense document



On Insert: No

On Update: No

The amount due to be paid back to a payee other than the resource associated with the expense document (i.e. a third party / company credit card)



On Insert: No

On Update: No


The expense document's invoice workflow status. When the cost cards in the expense document have different invoice workflow statuses, the expense document will have a partial invoice workflow status, the "partial" status will take on the highest level status (i.e. Partially Approved, Partially Transmitted, Partially Paid or Partially Received)

"N" - Not approved - all cost cards in the expense document have not been approved to invoice

"PA" - Partially Approved - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document have been approved to invoice

"A" - Approved - all cost cards in the expense document have been approved to invoice

"PI" - Partially Invoiced (Draft) - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document is on a Draft invoice

"I" - Invoiced (Draft) - all cost cards in the expense document is on a draft invoice

"PB" - Partially Invoiced - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document is on an issued invoice

"B" - Invoiced - all cost cards in the expense document is on an issued invoice



On Insert: No

On Update: No

If an expense document cannot be maintained/updated, this code indicates the reason:

"LOK" - The expense document is locked. This could be the result of multiple reasons including the presence of an approved cost card.

"PRM" - The user attempting to edit the expense document lacks permission

Null - The user can edit the expense document



On Insert: No

On Update: No


The expense document's payment workflow status. When the cost cards in the expense document have different payment workflow statuses, the expense document will have a partial payment workflow status, the "partial" status will take on the highest level status (i.e. Partially Approved, Partially Transmitted, Partially Paid or Partially Received)

"N" - Not Approved - all cost cards in the expense document have not been approved to pay

"PA" - Partially Approved - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document have been approved to pay

"A" - Approved - all cost cards in the expense document have not been approved

"PT" - Partially Transmitted - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document have been transmitted to an accounting system (i.e. Great Plains)

"T" - Transmitted - all cost cards in the expense document have been transmitted to an accounting system (i.e. Great Plains)

"PR" - Partially Received - one or more cost cards (but not all) in the expense document have been received by the vendor/resource

"R" - Received - all cost cards in the expense document have been received by the vendor/resource



On Insert: No

On Update: No

If set to 'true', this expense document can be viewed in Projector Web's Expense Entry

Usage Example(s)

Example 01
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
      <PwsGetExpenseDocumentResponse xmlns="">
         <PwsGetExpenseDocumentResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
            <Messages xmlns="" xmlns:b="">
                  <b:AdditionalErrorText>Message 136: This request was executed against the QA Marlboro [] environment.</b:AdditionalErrorText>
                  <b:ErrorText>This web service request was executed against a non-production instance of Projector.</b:ErrorText>
                  <b:ReferenceId1 i:nil="true"/>
                  <b:ReferenceId2 i:nil="true"/>
            <ResponseId xmlns="">1</ResponseId>
            <Status xmlns="">Ok</Status>
            <ServerTimestampUtc xmlns="">2018-02-07T19:56:06.7616699Z</ServerTimestampUtc>
                     <a:AdjustedRevenueAmount i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:ApprovedByUser xmlns:b="">
                        <b:UserDisplayName>Bob Smith</b:UserDisplayName>
                        <b:UserId i:nil="true"/>
                        <b:UserReferenceSystemId>Partner - 01</b:UserReferenceSystemId>
                        <b:MiddleName i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:ApprovedToInvoiceByUser xmlns:b="">
                        <b:UserDisplayName>Bob Smith</b:UserDisplayName>
                        <b:UserId i:nil="true"/>
                        <b:UserReferenceSystemId>Partner - 01</b:UserReferenceSystemId>
                        <b:MiddleName i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:BilledTimestamp i:nil="true"/>
                        <CostCardId i:nil="true" xmlns=""/>
                        <CostCardUid xmlns="">1152921504614515251</CostCardUid>
                        <ReferenceId i:nil="true" xmlns=""/>
                        <a:Description>Breakfast Meeting</a:Description>
                        <a:ExpenseTypeIdentity xmlns:b="">
                           <b:ExpenseTypeId i:nil="true"/>
                        <a:IncurredOpsCurrencyIdentity xmlns:b="">
                           <b:OpsCurrencyId i:nil="true"/>
                        <a:LocationIdentity i:nil="true" xmlns:b=""/>
                        <a:OverrideClientAmount i:nil="true"/>
                        <a:PayeeVendorIdentity xmlns:b="">
                           <b:VendorId i:nil="true"/>
                           <b:VendorName>Beth Brown</b:VendorName>
                           <b:VendorNumber>Beth Brown</b:VendorNumber>
                        <a:ProjectIdentity xmlns:b="">
                           <b:ProjectId i:nil="true"/>
                        <a:ResourceIdentity xmlns:b="">
                           <b:ResourceDisplayName>Beth Brown</b:ResourceDisplayName>
                           <b:ResourceId i:nil="true"/>
                        <a:Udf1 xmlns:b="">
                           <b:UdfId i:nil="true"/>
                           <b:BooleanValue i:nil="true"/>
                           <b:DateValue i:nil="true"/>
                           <b:ResourceIdentityValue i:nil="true"/>
                           <b:TextValue i:nil="true"/>
                           <b:RelationValue i:nil="true"/>
                        <a:Udf2 xmlns:b="">
                           <b:UdfId i:nil="true"/>
                           <b:BooleanValue i:nil="true"/>
                           <b:DateValue i:nil="true"/>
                           <b:IntegerValue i:nil="true"/>
                           <b:ResourceIdentityValue i:nil="true"/>
                           <b:TextValue>Team Building</b:TextValue>
                           <b:NumericValue i:nil="true"/>
                           <b:RelationValue i:nil="true"/>
                        <a:ExternalGroupingIdentifier i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:CreatedByUser xmlns:b="">
                        <b:UserDisplayName>Beth Brown</b:UserDisplayName>
                        <b:UserId i:nil="true"/>
                        <b:MiddleName i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:CreditedCostCardIdentity i:nil="true" xmlns:b=""/>
                     <a:EngagementCurrency xmlns:b="">
                        <b:CurrencyId i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:InvoiceIdentity xmlns:b="">
                        <b:InvoiceId i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:LastUpdatedByUser xmlns:b="">
                        <b:UserDisplayName>Bob Smith</b:UserDisplayName>
                        <b:UserId i:nil="true"/>
                        <b:UserReferenceSystemId>Partner - 01</b:UserReferenceSystemId>
                        <b:MiddleName i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:RejectedByUser i:nil="true" xmlns:b=""/>
                     <a:RejectedReason i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:RejectedTimestamp i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:RevRecAdjustmentAmount i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:SubmittedByUser xmlns:b="">
                        <b:UserDisplayName>Beth Brown</b:UserDisplayName>
                        <b:UserId i:nil="true"/>
                        <b:MiddleName i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:VoucherIdentity xmlns:b="">
                        <b:PaymentVoucherId i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:WipAmount i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:DisbursingCostCenterIdentity xmlns:b="">
                        <b:CostCenterId i:nil="true"/>
                        <b:CostCenterName>Section B</b:CostCenterName>
                        <b:CostCenterNumber>Section B</b:CostCenterNumber>
                        <a:ClientIdentity xmlns:b="">
                           <b:ClientId i:nil="true"/>
                        <a:ClientName>Projector PSA</a:ClientName>
                        <a:DisbursedCurrencyIdentity xmlns:b="">
                           <b:CurrencyId i:nil="true"/>
                        <a:DisbursingCostCenterIdentity xmlns:b="">
                           <b:CostCenterId i:nil="true"/>
                           <b:CostCenterName>Section B</b:CostCenterName>
                           <b:CostCenterNumber>Section B</b:CostCenterNumber>
                        <a:ExpenseDocumentIdentity xmlns:b="">
                           <b:ExpenseDocumentId i:nil="true"/>
                        <a:ExpenseDocumentName>Team Meeting</a:ExpenseDocumentName>
                     <a:ProjectName>Project A</a:ProjectName>
               <a:DisbursedCurrencyIdentity xmlns:b="">
                  <b:CurrencyId i:nil="true"/>
                  <DocumentNumber xmlns="">ER00706</DocumentNumber>
                  <ExpenseDocumentId i:nil="true" xmlns=""/>
                  <ExpenseDocumentUid xmlns="">1152921504607683553</ExpenseDocumentUid>
                  <a:CostCenterIdentity xmlns:b="">
                     <b:CostCenterId i:nil="true"/>
                     <b:CostCenterName>Section B</b:CostCenterName>
                     <b:CostCenterNumber>Section B</b:CostCenterNumber>
                  <a:DocumentName>Team Meeting</a:DocumentName>
                  <a:LocationIdentity xmlns:b="">
                     <b:LocationId i:nil="true"/>
                  <a:ResourceIdentity xmlns:b="">
                     <b:ResourceDisplayName>Beth Brown</b:ResourceDisplayName>
                     <b:ResourceId i:nil="true"/>
                  <a:VendorIdentity xmlns:b="">
                     <b:VendorId i:nil="true"/>
                     <b:VendorName>Beth Brown</b:VendorName>
                     <b:VendorNumber>Beth Brown</b:VendorNumber>
                  <a:VendorInvoiceDate i:nil="true"/>
                  <a:VendorInvoiceReferenceNumber i:nil="true"/>
                  <a:Vendor xmlns:b="">
                     <b:VendorId i:nil="true"/>
                     <b:VendorName>Beth Brown</b:VendorName>
                     <b:VendorNumber>Beth Brown</b:VendorNumber>
                  <a:SubcontractorInvoiceDate i:nil="true"/>
                  <a:SubcontractorInvoiceReferenceNumber i:nil="true"/>
                  <a:NewDocumentNumber i:nil="true"/>
                     <InvoiceId i:nil="true" xmlns=""/>
                     <InvoiceNumber xmlns="">DRAFT00944</InvoiceNumber>
                     <InvoiceUid xmlns="">1152921504607622625</InvoiceUid>
               <a:Locations xmlns:b=""/>
               <a:PayeeVendors xmlns:b="">
                     <b:VendorId i:nil="true"/>
                     <b:VendorName>Beth Brown</b:VendorName>
                     <b:VendorNumber>Beth Brown</b:VendorNumber>
                     <ProjectCode xmlns="">P001407-001</ProjectCode>
                     <ProjectId i:nil="true" xmlns=""/>
                     <ProjectUid xmlns="">1152921504607413030</ProjectUid>
                        <EngagementCode xmlns="">E001407</EngagementCode>
                        <EngagementId i:nil="true" xmlns=""/>
                        <EngagementUid xmlns="">1152921504607325242</EngagementUid>
                           <ClientId i:nil="true" xmlns=""/>
                           <ClientNumber xmlns="">PR-PSA</ClientNumber>
                           <ClientUid xmlns="">1152921504606961482</ClientUid>
                           <a:ClientName>Projector PSA</a:ClientName>
                           <a:ParentClientDescriptor i:nil="true"/>
                        <a:EngagementManager xmlns:b="">
                           <b:UserDisplayName>Jack Spratt</b:UserDisplayName>
                           <b:UserId i:nil="true"/>
                           <b:MiddleName i:nil="true"/>
                        <a:EngagementName>Engagement A</a:EngagementName>
                           <EngagementTypeId i:nil="true" xmlns=""/>
                           <EngagementTypeName xmlns="">Billable - Time and Materials</EngagementTypeName>
                           <EngagementTypeShortName xmlns="">TandM</EngagementTypeShortName>
                           <EngagementTypeUid xmlns="">1152921504606863884</EngagementTypeUid>
                        <a:EngagementCurrencyIdentity xmlns:b="">
                           <b:CurrencyId i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:LatestRoleEndDate i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:LocationIdentity xmlns:b="">
                        <b:LocationId i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:ProjectCloseDate i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:ProjectDescription i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:ProjectManager xmlns:b="">
                        <b:UserDisplayName>Jack Spratt</b:UserDisplayName>
                        <b:UserId i:nil="true"/>
                        <b:MiddleName i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:ProjectName>Project A</a:ProjectName>
                     <a:ProjectStageIdentity xmlns:b="">
                        <b:ProjectStageId i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:Udf1Values xmlns:b=""/>
                     <a:Udf2Values xmlns:b="">
                        <b:string>Team Building</b:string>
                        <b:string>Client Meeting</b:string>
                     <a:Udf1DefaultValue i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:Udf2DefaultValue i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:ExpenseTypeIdentities xmlns:b="">
                           <b:ExpenseTypeId i:nil="true"/>
                           <b:ExpenseTypeId i:nil="true"/>
                           <b:ExpenseTypeName>Other/Misc Billable</b:ExpenseTypeName>
                           <b:ExpenseTypeId i:nil="true"/>
                           <b:ExpenseTypeName>Meals and Entertainment</b:ExpenseTypeName>
                           <b:ExpenseTypeId i:nil="true"/>
                     <ReceiptId i:nil="true" xmlns=""/>
                     <ReceiptUid xmlns="">1152921504607351892</ReceiptUid>
                     <ReferenceId i:nil="true" xmlns=""/>
                     <a:DocumentIdentity xmlns:b="">
                        <b:DocumentRefId i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:ExpenseDocumentIdentity xmlns:b="">
                        <b:ExpenseDocumentId i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:Notes i:nil="true"/>
                           <a:CostCardIdentity xmlns:b="">
                              <b:CostCardId i:nil="true"/>
                              <b:ReferenceId i:nil="true"/>
                           <a:ReferenceNumber i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:NumberPages i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:NumberPagesShort i:nil="true"/>
               <a:TitleIdentity xmlns:b="">
                     <b:DepartmentId i:nil="true"/>
                     <b:DepartmentName>Administrative Team</b:DepartmentName>
                  <b:TitleId i:nil="true"/>
                  <b:TitleName>Level 2</b:TitleName>
                     <PaymentVoucherId i:nil="true" xmlns=""/>
                     <PaymentVoucherNumber xmlns="">PVER00706</PaymentVoucherNumber>
                     <PaymentVoucherUid xmlns="">1152921504607609478</PaymentVoucherUid>
                     <a:ApprovedToPayByUser xmlns:b="">
                        <b:UserDisplayName>Bob Smith</b:UserDisplayName>
                        <b:UserId i:nil="true"/>
                        <b:UserReferenceSystemId>Partner - 01</b:UserReferenceSystemId>
                        <b:MiddleName i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:PaidByUser i:nil="true" xmlns:b=""/>
                     <a:PaidTimestamp i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:PayeeVendor xmlns:b="">
                        <b:VendorId i:nil="true"/>
                        <b:VendorName>Beth Brown</b:VendorName>
                        <b:VendorNumber>Beth Brown</b:VendorNumber>
                     <a:ReceivedByUser i:nil="true" xmlns:b=""/>
                     <a:ReceivedTimestamp i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:TransmittedByUser i:nil="true" xmlns:b=""/>
                     <a:TransmittedTimestamp i:nil="true"/>
               <a:CreatedByUser xmlns:b="">
                  <b:UserDisplayName>Beth Brown</b:UserDisplayName>
                  <b:UserId i:nil="true"/>
                  <b:MiddleName i:nil="true"/>
               <a:LastUpdatedByUser xmlns:b="">
                  <b:UserDisplayName>Beth Brown</b:UserDisplayName>
                  <b:UserId i:nil="true"/>
                  <b:MiddleName i:nil="true"/>
                        <PaymentVoucherId i:nil="true" xmlns=""/>
                        <PaymentVoucherNumber xmlns="">PVER00706</PaymentVoucherNumber>
                        <PaymentVoucherUid xmlns="">1152921504607609478</PaymentVoucherUid>
                        <a:ApprovedToPayByUser xmlns:b="">
                           <b:UserDisplayName>Bob Smith</b:UserDisplayName>
                           <b:UserId i:nil="true"/>
                           <b:UserReferenceSystemId>Partner - 01</b:UserReferenceSystemId>
                           <b:MiddleName i:nil="true"/>
                        <a:PaidByUser i:nil="true" xmlns:b=""/>
                        <a:PaidTimestamp i:nil="true"/>
                        <a:PayeeVendor xmlns:b="">
                           <b:VendorId i:nil="true"/>
                           <b:VendorName>Beth Brown</b:VendorName>
                           <b:VendorNumber>Beth Brown</b:VendorNumber>
                        <a:ReceivedByUser i:nil="true" xmlns:b=""/>
                        <a:ReceivedTimestamp i:nil="true"/>
                        <a:TransmittedByUser i:nil="true" xmlns:b=""/>
                        <a:TransmittedTimestamp i:nil="true"/>
                     <a:ProjectSummary i:nil="true" xmlns:b=""/>

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