To link a Projector project to a Smartsheet sheet, update the Task Management Approach to “Smartsheet Integration” and select an available Smartsheet template.
Note |
Note that changing the task management approach for a project that already has a task plan (e.g. an existing DTM project), will delete the existing task plan and replace it with the contents of the newly linked template. |
Linking - What happens when a project is Smartsheet enabled?
Projector project data → Smartsheet sheet (task plan)
Working days and holidays
Role updates (assignments are cleared if a role is missing)
New as of Aug 19, 2023 - On the initial synchronization after linking, but not on subsequent syncs, roles from the linked Smartsheet sheet are created in the Projector project. If a resource is assigned to the role and the resource name matches with the resource display name in Projector, the newly created project role will be assigned to the resource in question.
the Assigned To text must match the expected string pattern with a resource display name in plain text followed by a role name in parentheses. (Only the Role name needs to be in parentheses.)
the Assigned To resource text exactly matches an active resource’s resource display name. Case insensitive is fine here. [Active resource: has at least one active day starting from today.]
The Assigned To resource text exactly matches an inactive resource’s display name. Role will be created using text in parentheses, and unassigned. [Inactive resource: has no active day starting from today.]
Task type updates (task types are cleared if a type is missing)
Updated role resource assignments
Task % complete (future enhancement)
Undeleted & repaired tasks in necessary
Smartsheet planning data → Projector project
Task name & duration
Task assign to (role) & allocation %
Task start and end date (duration is calc’d by Projector)
Task type
Open/closed for time
Projector does some work behind the scenes
Makes task plan data available to:
BI tool use
… and the rest of Projector
Emails are generated as appropriate