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Whether you’re initializing your Smartsheet sheets from a template or using an existing sheet, there are a few required fields you need to include for Projector and Smartsheet to properly share data.





Task Name


Default column used by Smartsheet at the Primary Column



Default column used by Smartsheet for schedule calculations

Start Date


Default column used by Smartsheet for schedule calculations.

End Date


Default column used by Smartsheet for schedule calculations.



Default column used by Smartsheet for schedule calculations.

Assigned To

Dropdown list (multi-select, restrict to list values only)

Note that this is not a contact list type field that Smartsheet uses by default. Replace the contact list field of the same name with a dropdown list to use for role assignment.

If you chose to embed roles in a template or sheet, surround them with parentheses in order that Projector can interpret them as roles.

% Allocation


Projector requires that a “% Allocation” field be populated (likely with a formula) so that Projector can properly synchronize.

Open for Time


Time Entry will only display task that have the “Open for Time” value checked.

Task Type

Dropdown list (single-select, restrict to list values only)

Projector requires each task to have a task type. If a task type is not selected prior to a sync, one will be selected automatically.

Other columns…

Your sheet can contain additional columns beyond those mentioned above, but Projector requires the above fields in order to sync properly. Any additional data will not be sync’d to Projector, but will remain in the sheet for your planning purposes.







Populates with the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Code resources will see on their timesheets.

% Complete (PPSA)


Populates with the Projector-calculated percent complete for the current task. This value will reflect approved timecards for the task in question.

Note: If you update the sheet settings to use this field to track % Complete, your Gannt charts will also reflect this value

Remaining Minutes (PPSA)


Populates with the Projector-calculated remaining work minutes for the current task. This value will reflect approved timecards for the task in question.

Fun with formulas: Work minutes remaining may not be an easy to interpret value. However, if you include this field as a hidden field, you can create an “Remaining Time” field that intelligently calculates hours, days, weeks, or maybe all of the above with a cleverly crafted column formula.

Worked Minutes (PPSA)


Populates with the Projector-calculated worked minutes for the current task. This value will reflect approved timecards for the task in question.

Fun with formulas: As with remaining minutes, worked minutes may not be an easy to interpret value. A carefully crafted formula that refers to a hidden “Worked Minutes (PPSA)” field could certainly show a better representation of “Time Worked” or “Time Entered” if you are so inclined.

Operation (PPSA)


Dropdown List Hold onto your hat… this one can be very powerful, but is tricky to explainsuggested

See below

The “Operation (PPSA)” Field

If you include this special field and populate it with some very specific values, you can use the task plan to:

  • Complete tasks

  • Uncomplete milestone tasks and the milestones linked to them

  • Update the remaining time for a task based on the value in another field (e.g. “Last PM Update for Hours Remaining” or the “Remaining Minutes (PPSA)” field if it’s not defined as read-only)


Completing a task

Setting a task to “Completed” from the task plan is accomplished by:

  1. Set the value of the Operation (PPSA) field to “Complete()”

  2. Save the task plan

After you’ve saved and subsequently refreshed the task plan frame by using the built in Smartsheet refresh behind the vertical ellipse, refreshed the entire page, or manually “Sync”ing the task plan, you will see the task marked as completed in time entry, and set to 100% complete in the task plan if you are showing the “% Complete (PPSA)” field.