The service request contains:
Name |
Data Type |
Required? |
Default Value |
Discussion |
CostCenterReferenceSystemId |
string(20) |
no |
Limit exported records to this cost center and every cost center under it. If not specified, then all cost centers are exported. |
ResourceFilteringFlag |
boolean |
no |
false |
If true then cost center filters resources, otherwise projects. |
BeginDate |
date |
yes |
Start date for export. |
EndDate |
date |
yes |
End date for export. |
CutoffDate |
date |
yes |
Last date for which actual data is used. After this date projected data is used. |
BillableOnlyFlag |
boolean |
no |
true |
If true then ony records for billable projects are exported. |
TimeOffFlag |
boolean |
no |
false |
If true then include timeoff in exported data. Note that ResourceFilteringFlag must be set in order to see time off. |
BucketWidth |
string(1) |
no |
The time covered by each exported record. |
ReportingCurrencyCode |
string(3) |
yes |
IncludeRequestsFlag |
boolean |
no |
false |
If true then include pending requests in projected person hours. |
IncludeUnapprovedFlag |
boolean |
no |
false |
If true, then include submitted (but unapproved) time and time off. |
IncludeUnnapprovedExpensesFlag |
boolean |
no |
false |
If true, then include expense on submitted (but unapproved) expense reports. |
UnnamedOnlyFlag |
boolean |
no |
false |
If true, then only unnamed bookings are shown. |
UseWholeDayRdcFlag |
boolean |
no |
false |
If true, then RDC is fully allocated to each project. |