This structure contains the complete set of information about a role Type. The structure is used both to retrieve detailed role type information and to pass information about a role back to the server to get updated.
- PwsRoleTypeDetail
- RoleTypeId: Int32
- RoleTypeName: String
- RoleTypeUid: Int64
- Description: String
- InactiveFlag: Boolean
- AllocationFraction: Double
- BaseRatesOnTitleClearFlag: Boolean
- BaseRatesOnTitleIdentity: PwsTitleRef
- CostCenterCriteria: PwsCostCenterCriteria[]
- CostCenterCriteriaClearFlag: Boolean
- CostCenterIdentity: PwsCostCenterRef
- DescriptionClearFlag: Boolean
- Keywords: String
- KeywordsCriteriaClearFlag: Boolean
- LocationCriteriaClearFlag: Boolean
- LocationIdentities: PwsLocationRef[]
- LocationIdentity: PwsLocationRef
- NewRoleTypeName: String
- ResourceTypeClearFlag: Boolean
- ResourceTypeCriteriaClearFlag: Boolean
- ResourceTypeIdentities: PwsResourceTypeRef[]
- ResourceTypeIdentity: PwsResourceTypeRef
- SkillCriteria: PwsSkillCriteria[]
- SkillCriteriaClearFlag: Boolean
- SortOrder: Int16
- Timestamp: String
- TitleCriteriaClearFlag: Boolean
- TitleIdentities: PwsTitleRef[]
- TitleIdentity: PwsTitleRef
Element | Data Type | Required? | Default | Description | Sample Data |
RoleTypeId | Int32 | No |
| The role type Id is a unique identifier for a role type. For internal use only. |
RoleTypeName | String | One of RoleTypeName or RoleTypeUID is required |
| The role type name is a unique identifier for a role type. |
RoleTypeUid | Int64 | See RoleTypeName |
| The role type Uid is a unique and immutable identifier for a role type. |
Description | String |
| The role type description |
InactiveFlag | Boolean |
| If set to 'true', the role type is marked as inactive |
AllocationFraction | Double | No | 1 | The percentage of the hours that is routed to this role type. Fraction 2.1 sets allocation percentage at 210%. |
BaseRatesOnTitleClearFlag | Boolean |
| If set to 'true,' the Base Rates on Title Flag is cleared for this role type |
BaseRatesOnTitleIdentity | PwsTitleRef |
| If set to 'true', the rates for this role will be based on role type |
CostCenterCriteria | PwsCostCenterCriteria[] |
| The cost center criteria for this role type |
CostCenterCriteriaClearFlag | Boolean |
| If set to 'true' the cost center criteria is cleared for this role type |
CostCenterIdentity | PwsCostCenterRef |
| The cost center criteria associated with this role type |
DescriptionClearFlag | Boolean |
| If set to 'true', the description associated with this role type will be cleared |
Keywords | String |
| The keywords associated with this role type |
KeywordsCriteriaClearFlag | Boolean |
| If set to 'true', the keywords associated with this role type will be cleared |
LocationCriteriaClearFlag | Boolean |
| If set to 'true', the location criteria associated with this role type will be cleared |
LocationIdentities | PwsLocationRef[] |
| The location criteria associated with this role type |
LocationIdentity | PwsLocationRef |
| The preferred location identity associated with this role type |
NewRoleTypeName | String |
| The new role type name |
ResourceTypeClearFlag | Boolean |
| If set to 'true', the resource type associated with this role type will be cleared |
ResourceTypeCriteriaClearFlag | Boolean |
| If set to 'true', the resource type associated with this role type will be cleared |
ResourceTypeIdentities | PwsResourceTypeRef[] |
| The resource type identities associated with this role type |
ResourceTypeIdentity | PwsResourceTypeRef |
| The preferred resource type identity associated with this role type |
SkillCriteria | PwsSkillCriteria[] |
| The skill criteria associated with this role type |
SkillCriteriaClearFlag | Boolean |
| If set to 'true', the skill criteria associated with this role type will be cleared |
SortOrder | Int16 |
| The sort order of this role type |
Timestamp | String |
| The row version in Base64 format. |
TitleCriteriaClearFlag | Boolean |
| If set to 'true', the title criteria associated with this role type will be cleared |
TitleIdentities | PwsTitleRef[] |
| The title identities associated with this role type |
TitleIdentity | PwsTitleRef |
| The preferred identities associated with this role type |
Usage Example(s)
<b:RoleTypeId i:nil="true"/>
<b:Description>Software Developer (US Based)</b:Description>
<b:DepartmentId i:nil="true"/>
<b:DepartmentName>IT Team</b:DepartmentName>
<b:TitleId i:nil="true"/>
<b:TitleName>Level 1</b:TitleName>
<b:CostCenterCriteria xmlns:c="http://projectorpsa.com/CommonServices/">
<b:CostCenterId i:nil="true"/>
<b:CostCenterName>IT Team (Canada)</b:CostCenterName>
<b:CostCenterNumber>IT Team (Canada)</b:CostCenterNumber>
<b:CostCenterId i:nil="true"/>
<b:CostCenterName>IT Team (USA)</b:CostCenterName>
<b:CostCenterNumber>IT Team (USA)</b:CostCenterNumber>
<b:CostCenterId i:nil="true"/>
<b:CostCenterName>IT Team (Canada)</b:CostCenterName>
<b:CostCenterNumber>IT Team (Canada)</b:CostCenterNumber>
<b:LocationId i:nil="true"/>
<b:LocationName>USA - California</b:LocationName>
<b:LocationId i:nil="true"/>
<b:LocationName>USA - Illinois</b:LocationName>
<b:LocationId i:nil="true"/>
<b:LocationName>USA - Illinois</b:LocationName>
<b:NewRoleTypeName i:nil="true"/>
<b:ResourceTypeId i:nil="true"/>
<b:ResourceTypeName>Full Time Employee</b:ResourceTypeName>
<b:ResourceTypeId i:nil="true"/>
<b:ResourceTypeId i:nil="true"/>
<b:SkillGroupId i:nil="true"/>
<b:SkillId i:nil="true"/>
<b:DepartmentId i:nil="true"/>
<b:DepartmentName>Management Team</b:DepartmentName>
<b:TitleId i:nil="true"/>
<b:TitleName>Level 1</b:TitleName>