This structure contains element PwsProjectTaskDetail which includes the complete set of project task information. The structure is part of PwsProjectElement which is an element in the response for two web services PwsGetProject and PwsSaveProject.
Element | Data Type | Description | Sample Data |
ProjectTaskDetail | PwsProjectTaskDetail | The detailed data on the task. Click here for more information. |
ProjectTaskRoles | PwsProjectTaskRoleElement | The roles on this task. Click here for more information. |
TaskTypeInheritPurchaseOrderNumberFlag | Boolean | If set to "true", this task inherits purchase order from its task type. | false |
Usage Example(s)
<b:ExternalSystemIdentifier i:nil="true"/>
<b:ProjectTaskId i:nil="true"/>
<b:Description i:nil="true"/>
<b:DurationMinutes i:nil="true"/>
<b:EarliestStartDate i:nil="true"/>
<b:NewExternalSystemIdentifier i:nil="true"/>
<b:OpenForTimeFlag i:nil="true"/>
<b:ParentTaskIdentity i:nil="true"/>
<b:PreviousSiblingTaskIdentity i:nil="true"/>
<b:ProjectTaskTypeIdentity i:nil="true"/>
<b:TaskName>Grandpa task</b:TaskName>
<b:InheritPurchaseOrderNumberFlag i:nil="true"/>
<b:PurchaseOrderNumber i:nil="true"/>
<b:TaskTypeInheritPurchaseOrderNumberFlag i:nil="true"/>