This web service retrieves a list of expense document approvers (PwsProjectElement), based upon a list of unique cost centers (PwsCostCenterRef), or an expense document (PwsExpenseDocumentRef), or a list of unique cost centers (PwsProjectElement),or a resource identity (PwsResourceRef)
- PwsGetExpenseDocumentApprovers
- serviceRequest: PwsGetExpenseDocumentApproversRq
- RequestId: Int32
- SessionTicket: String
- DisbursingCostCenterIdentity: PwsCostCenterRef
- ExpenseDocumentIdentity: PwsExpenseDocumentRef
- ProjectIdentities: PwsProjectRef
- ResourceIdentity: PwsResourceRef
- DocumentType: String
- serviceRequest: PwsGetExpenseDocumentApproversRq
Element | Data Type | Required? | Default | Description | Sample Data |
RequestId | Int32 |
| Click here for more information. |
SessionTicket | String |
| Click here for more information. |
DisbursingCostCenterIdentity | One of DisbursingCostCenterIdentity, ExpenseDocumentIdentity or ProjectIdentities or ResourceIdentity is required |
| |
ExpenseDocumentIdentity | See DisbursingCostCenterIdentity |
| |
ProjectIdentities | See DisbursingCostCenterIdentity |
| |
ResourceIdentity | See DisbursingCostCenterIdentity |
| The resource associated with the expense document. This can only be specified if the document type is an expense report (i.e. "E") |
| |
DocumentType | String |