This structure represents the fields associated with an expense type. This structure is intended to provide information about expense types in support of expense entry (creation and maintenance of cost cards).
- PwsExpenseType
- ExpenseTypeId: Int32
- ExpenseTypeName: String (50)
- ExpenseTypeUid: Int64
- DefaultUnitCost: Double
- DefaultUnitPrice: Double
- ExpenseEntryInstructions: String (1000)
- HardCostFlag: Boolean
- MileageFlag: Boolean
- ReceiptRequiredFlag: Boolean
- SoftCostFlag: Boolean
- TreatCostsAsPassthroughFlag: Boolean
- Udf1Treatment: String
- Udf2Treatment: String
- UnitDrivenFlag: Boolean
- UnitPluralName: String
- UnitSingularName: String
- VendorInvoiceCostFlag: Boolean
- DescriptionRequiredFlag: Boolean
- ExpenseTypeGroupIdentity: PwsExpenseTypeGroupRef
- SubcontractorInvoiceFlag: Boolean
- DefaultMarkupPercentage: Double
- InactiveFlag: Boolean
- UnitDrivenPricingFlag: Boolean
- LockUnitCostFlag: Boolean
Element | Data Type | Description | Sample Data |
ExpenseTypeId | Int32 | The expense type Id is a unique identifier for an expense type. For internal use only. | |
ExpenseTypeName | String (50) | The expense type name is a unique identifier for an expense type. | Hotel |
ExpenseTypeUid | Int64 | A unique and immutable identifier for an expense type. | 1152921504606878414 |
DefaultUnitCost | Double | The default cost per unit (for unit based expense types only). | |
DefaultUnitPrice | Double | The default price per unit (for unit based expense types only). | |
ExpenseEntryInstructions | String (1000) | The expense entry instructions for the expense type. | |
HardCostFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', the expense type is enabled for expense reports. | true |
MileageFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', the expense type is mileage based. | false |
ReceiptRequiredFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', receipts are required for expenses logged against this expense type. | false |
SoftCostFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', the expense type is enabled for soft costs. | true |
TreatCostsAsPassthroughFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', expenses logged against this expense type are treated as passthrough expenses. | false |
Udf1Treatment | String | User Defined Field Treatement for the first cost card UDF. See below for a discussion of UDF treatments. | N |
Udf2Treatment | String | User Defined Field Treatement for the second cost card UDF. See below for a discussion of UDF treatments. | N |
UnitDrivenFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', the expense type is unit based. | false |
UnitPluralName | String | The plural name for a unit based expense type (i.e. widgets). | |
UnitSingularName | String | The singular name for a unit based expense type (i.e. widget). | |
VendorInvoiceCostFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', the expense type is enabled for vendor invoices. | |
DescriptionRequiredFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', descriptions are required for expenses logged against this expense type. | |
ExpenseTypeGroupIdentity | The expense type group this expense type resides under. | ||
SubcontractorInvoiceFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', the expense type is enabled for subcontractor invoices. | false |
DefaultMarkupPercentage | Double | The default mark up percentage that will be applied to expenses entered against this expense type. | 0 |
InactiveFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', this expense type is marked as inactive. | false |
UnitDrivenPricingFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', the expense type's pricing is unit based. | false |
LockUnitCostFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', the expense type's pricing is unit based and the unit cost is locked during expense entry. | false |
UDF Treatment
The UDF treatment for a UDF determines whether the user defined field is required, optional or not available.
A value of 'R' indicates that the user defined field is required. It is possible that an existing cost card will have no value for a UDF even though the cost card's expense type indicates that the UDF value should be required. This can come about by modifying the UDF treatment setting for the expense type after the cost card has been created. In this case, if you attempt to update the cost card via web services, the absence of the UDF value will not cause the update to fail. However, if you attempt to insert a new cost card or clear the UDF value on an existing cost card that has a value for the UDF, it will result in failure. Yes/no UDFs never have a UDF treatment of 'R', as a missing value for a yes/no UDF is considered equivalent to a value of 'no'. Therefore, by their nature the value cannot be missing.
A value of 'A' indicates that the user defined field is available (but optional). This means that the UDF value is supported, but it is allowable for the value to be cleared.
A value of 'N' indicates that the user defined field is not available. In other words, the user defined field does not apply for the expense type. Again, it is possible that a cost card of this expense type will have a defined value for such a UDF. That value will continue to be returned by web services that retrieve cost cards, and web services that update cost cards will allow the caller to either leave the existing value unchanged or clear the existing value. However, attempts to change the value (to a different, non-null value) will fail.