This structure contains the complete set of information about a user. A user is anyone who needs to log into Projector. This might be to enter time and expenses, to manage a project, or to administer Projector itself. There are different types of users in Projector like client users, proxy users, installation owners, and more. The structure is used both to retrieve detailed user information and to pass information about a user back to the server to get updated.
- PwsUserDetail
- UserDisplayName: String (30)
- UserID: Int32
- UserReferenceSystemId: String (20)
- UserUid: Int64
- EmailAddress: String (100)
- FirstName: String (20)
- LastName: String (20)
- MiddleName: String (20)
- ClientIdentity: PwsClientRef
- PrimaryUserTypeCostCenter: PwsUserTypeCostCenter
- AdditionalUserTypes: PwsUserTypeCostCenter[]
- AdvancedAnalyticsPermissionSetting: String
- AllowBookOwnTimeFlag: Boolean
- AllowRequestOwnTimeFlag: Boolean
- CultureIdentity: PwsCultureRef
- DefaultTabGroupIdentity: PwsPublicTabGroupRef
- EnableManagementPortalFlag: Boolean
- EndDate: DateTime
- LimitedAccessFlag: Boolean
- LoginName: String
- MobilePhone: String
- OfficePhone: String
- OtherContactInformation: String
- OverrideAdvancedAnalyticsPermissionSettingFlag: Boolean
- OverrideAllowBookOwnTimeFlag: Boolean
- OverrideAllowRequestOwnTimeFlag: Boolean
- OverrideDefaultPublicTabGroupFlag: Boolean
- OverrideEnableManagementPortalFlag: Boolean
- OverrideLimitedAccessFlag: Boolean
- OverrideProjectManagerFlag: Boolean
- OverrideRequestTimeOffPermissionSettingFlag: Boolean
- OverrideSkillPermissionSettingFlag: Boolean
- OverrideSsoSettingFlag: Boolean
- OverrideTimeZoneFlag: Boolean
- OverrideUseDelegatedAuthenticationFlag: Boolean
- ProjectManagerFlag: Boolean
- RequestTimeOffPermissionSetting: String
- SkillPermissionSetting: String
- SsoSetting: String
- StartDate: DateTime
- TimeZoneIdentity: PwsOpsTimeZoneRef
- UseDelegatedAuthenticationFlag: Boolean
Element | Data Type | Required? | Default | Description | Sample Data |
UserDisplayName | String (30) | On Insert: Yes On Update: One of UserDisplayName, UserReferenceSystemId or UserUID is Required | The user's display name is a unique identifier for a user. | Jane Jones | |
UserID | Int32 | No | The user id is a unique identifier for a user. For internal use only. | ||
UserReferenceSystemId | String (20) | See UserDisplayName | The user's reference system id is a unique identifier for a user. | NU001 | |
UserUid | Int64 | See UserDisplayName | A unique and immutable Id for a user. | ||
EmailAddress | String (100) | On Insert: Yes On Update: No | The user's email address. | janejones@revcorp.bb | |
FirstName | String (20) | On Insert: Yes On Update: No | The user's first name. | Jane | |
LastName | String (20) | On Insert: Yes On Update: No | The user's last name. | Jones | |
MiddleName | String (20) | No | The user's middle name. | ||
ClientIdentity | No | If the user is a client user, this is the client it is associated with. | |||
PrimaryUserTypeCostCenter | Yes | The user's primary user type. | |||
AdditionalUserTypes | No | This user's additional user types. | |||
AdvancedAnalyticsPermissionSetting | String | No | set by user types | The advanced analytics permission setting: N – None (no access to advanced analytics) V – View (can view advanced analytics dashboards, etc) A – Administration (can administer advanced analytics dashboards) | N |
AllowBookOwnTimeFlag | Boolean | ||||
AllowRequestOwnTimeFlag | Boolean | ||||
CultureIdentity | No | The user's culture. | |||
DefaultTabGroupIdentity | No | set by primary user type | The user's default tab group. | ||
EnableManagementPortalFlag | Boolean | No | set by user types | If set to 'true', the user has permission to access the Management Portal. | true |
EndDate | DateTime | No | The StartDate and EndDate have to do with the users active/inactive status. In order to support scheduled inactivation or activation of users, an EndDate can be set to a date in the future (the user will remain as of this moment, active, but as of the specified date the user will automatically become inactive), or StartDate can be set to a date in the future (the user will be inactive as of this moment, but will become active on the specified date). The activation/deactivation is sensitive to the installation’s time zone (i.e. the user will become active or inactive on midnight of the specified date in the installation time zone). A user cannot have both a start date and an end date, they can only have one or neither. | ||
LimitedAccessFlag | Boolean | No | set by user types | If set to 'true', the user will be a limited access user. Click here for more information. | false |
LoginName | String | Yes | The log in name is an alternative to an email address for authentication purposes. | ||
MobilePhone | String | No | The user's mobile phone number. | 555-555-2222 | |
OfficePhone | String | No | The user's office phone number. | 555-555-1111 | |
OtherContactInformation | String | No | Any other contact information associated with this user (i.e. email addresses, mailing addresses, etc...). | it_manager@myemailaddress.com | |
OverrideAdvancedAnalyticsPermissionSettingFlag | Boolean | false | If set to 'true', the override flag for the Advanced Analytics permission is set to 'true'. | ||
OverrideAllowBookOwnTimeFlag | Boolean | false | If set to 'true', the override flag for the "Allow resource to book their own time" setting is set to 'true'. | ||
OverrideAllowRequestOwnTimeFlag | Boolean | false | If set to 'true', the override flag for the "Allow resource to request their own time" setting is set to 'true'. | ||
OverrideDefaultPublicTabGroupFlag | Boolean | false | If set to 'true', the override flag for the "Use default tab group" setting is set to 'true'. | ||
OverrideEnableManagementPortalFlag | Boolean | false | If set to 'true', the override flag for the "Allow access to Management Portal" setting is set to 'true'. | ||
OverrideLimitedAccessFlag | Boolean | false | If set to 'true', the override flag for the "Limit access to projects in time entry, expense entry, and project workspaces" setting is set to 'true'. | ||
OverrideProjectManagerFlag | Boolean | false | If set to 'true', the override flag for the Include in Project Manager List setting is set to 'true'. | ||
OverrideRequestTimeOffPermissionSettingFlag | Boolean | false | If set to 'true', the override flag for the request time off permission is set to 'true'. | ||
OverrideSkillPermissionSettingFlag | Boolean | false | If set to 'true', the override flag for the skills permission is set to 'true'. | ||
OverrideSsoSettingFlag | Boolean | false | If set to 'true', the override flag for the single sign on permission is set to 'true'. | ||
OverrideTimeZoneFlag | Boolean | false | If set to 'true', the "Override Time Zone" setting is set to 'true'. | ||
OverrideUseDelegatedAuthenticationFlag | Boolean | false | If set to 'true', the override flag for the "Use delegated authentication" setting is set to 'true', | ||
ProjectManagerFlag | Boolean | No | set by user types | If set to 'true', this user is included in the list of potential project managers wherever Projector requires entry of the name of a project manager. Note: The user must be associated with a resource that is in the engagement's cost center or in a child of the engagement cost center in order to be a project manager candidate for a given engagement. | true |
RequestTimeOffPermissionSetting | String | No | set by user types | The request time off permission setting: N – Cannot Request (no ability to request time off) A – Request Pending Approval (can request time off but it needs to be approved) U – Update (can submit time off with no need for approval) | A |
SkillPermissionSetting | String | No | set by user types | The skill permission setting: N – None (no ability to view or maintain skills) V – View (can view skills but cannot maintain them) A – Update Pending Approval (can update skills, but changes need to be approved) U – Update (can update skills with no need for approval) | U |
SsoSetting | String | No | set by user types | The single sign on setting: N – SSO Not Enabled A – SSO Enabled (user has option to sign in via SSO) R – SSO Required (user must sign in via SSO) | N |
StartDate | DateTime | Yes | See EndDate. | ||
TimeZoneIdentity | No | set by account setting | The time zone associated with this user. | ||
UseDelegatedAuthenticationFlag | Boolean | No | set by user types | If set to 'true', this user authenticates to Projector via delegated authentication. Delegated authentication allows a user to login to Projector using their company's own authentication servers. The account must be configured for delegated authentication to enable the user to be set up for it. | false |
Note on attributes that come from user types: When inserting new users and not specifying the values for the various settings that are inherited from user types, default settings are determined by looking at the primary user type and all additional user types and generally adopting the cumulative value (for example, if any user type is marked as limited, the default for the user will be limited, etc.). The exception is the default tab group, which comes directly from the primary user type.